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    May 16, 2022 - This study, conducted before the pandemic, compared IPC attitudes and practices of nurses and physicians … unflattering and stereotypical behaviors of the other (i.e., doctors are unaware or disdainful of IPC; “bossy” nurses
    October 31, 2023 - In this study with hospital nurses, physicians, and other direct and indirect healthcare staff, 20% reported … While these alerts from the monitors allow nurses and other staff to quickly intervene, alarm fatigue
    September 25, 2024 - Pharmacists gave more unfavorable scores to EHR usability compared to nurses. … Pharmacists gave more unfavorable scores to EHR usability compared to nurses.
    August 28, 2024 - This study aimed to increase nurses' use of BCMA in five hospital wards through a feedback intervention … emergency department discharge notes for more than 21,000 patients which showed that physicians and nurses
  5. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    June 01, 2003 - care more generally.(10) In the emergency department, conclusions and assessments of paramedics, nurses … The safest ED systems include highly trained caregivers, both doctors and nurses, working as a team,
    March 21, 2009 -  sufficient staff training and clear role designations for prescribing physicians, pharmacists, and nurses … January 27, 2021 Nurses' influence on consumers' experience of safety in acute mental
  7. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    November 01, 2006 - I know that nurses have a horrible time keeping track of that. … We need to have that in a hospital, where nurses can critique physicians and even surgeons—and where
    December 23, 2020 - such as a social work referral for transportation or caregiver resources, additional visits with a registerednurse or an advanced practice provider to improve understanding of care, and more aggressive symptom … A referral to home based palliative care was also completed and the physician-nurse-social worker-chaplain … Patient Safety and Quality: An Evidence-Based Handbook for Nurses. … More About The Topic Hospitals Home Care Ambulatory Clinic or Office Physicians Nurses
    April 24, 2018 - In the pre-operative unit, the patient was assigned a nurse who recorded her demographic information, … In the OR, the surgical team (circulating nurse, surgical technician, anesthesiologist, attending and … should be able to be utilized by anyone but ultimately checklists should be confirmed as complete by the nurse … procedure in nuclear medicine before coming to the surgical area could have been verified by the OR nurse
    November 25, 2020 - After 180 minutes in the PACU, the patient’s nurse discovered her unresponsive and the bedsheets were … the recommended interventions in a flow diagram that is readily available to obstetric providers and nurses … Saved by ECMO February 1, 2023 Systems-level factors affecting registerednurses during care of women in labor experiencing clinical deterioration.
    January 01, 2003 - orthopedist operating on the wrong leg) or figuratively be administering any kind of therapy (e.g., a nurse … penicillin allergy receives penicillin, but has no reaction) or a fortuitous, timely intervention (e.g., a nurseNurses, junior medical staff, or others involved in the care of patients can call for the assistance … penicillin allergy receives penicillin, but has no reaction) or a fortuitous, timely intervention (e.g., a nurse … orthopedist who operates on the wrong leg) or figuratively be administering any kind of therapy (e.g., a nurse
    January 01, 2003 - orthopedist operating on the wrong leg) or figuratively be administering any kind of therapy (e.g., a nurse … penicillin allergy receives penicillin, but has no reaction) or a fortuitous, timely intervention (e.g., a nurseNurses, junior medical staff, or others involved in the care of patients can call for the assistance … penicillin allergy receives penicillin, but has no reaction) or a fortuitous, timely intervention (e.g., a nurse … orthopedist who operates on the wrong leg) or figuratively be administering any kind of therapy (e.g., a nurse
    June 12, 2019 - It had a lot of credibility with nurses and administrators, but there was resistance early on. … The bodies that mandated the use of checklists didn't do it because they felt it integrated nurses and … Suddenly all of the nurses, anesthesia assistants, respiratory therapists, everyone's in the room; everyone
    November 18, 2016 - August 9, 2017 A national study links nurses' physical and mental health to medical errors … August 27, 2014 Challenges to nurses' efforts of retrieving, documenting, and communicating … November 30, 2016 Nurses' perceived skills and attitudes about updated safety concepts
    February 26, 2025 - We also saw energy from frontline physicians, nurses, and pharmacists who came together to work in multi-professional … When I interviewed Gilbert in front of several hundred leaders, nurses, doctors, pharmacists, Gilbert … One of the nurses jumped up from the audience and said, "I got a flat tire last night.
  16. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    September 12, 2006 - On the second day of antibiotics, when the nurse compared the drug with the medication administration … clinical decision support (eg, drug interaction screening), and format of the MAR generated for the nurses … case illustrates the value of including double checks by everyone using the medication system–the nurse
    July 01, 2011 - She was forced to call the PACU, find a nurse, and then have the nurse access the online physician scheduling … care) required walking to the patient's ward, identifying the patient's name on a whiteboard near the nurses
  18. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    December 22, 2021 - The nurse informed him that the patient had developed a junctional rhythm with a heart rate less than … discussion of this case at the clinic's monthly safety and quality improvement meeting, a physician and nurse … In the meantime, clinic nurses added a medication review to vital signs and weight prior to each patient's
  19. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    March 01, 2017 - detail to understand, for example, residents' experience as distinct from practicing physicians and nurse … practitioners, with which residents were currently grouped (residents, physicians, and nurse practitioners … detailed information about differences in safety climate perceptions between attending physicians, nurse
    July 14, 2010 - Special or Theme Issue NQF Safe Practices: 2010 Updates. Citation Text: NQF Safe Practices: 2010 Updates. J Patient Saf. 2010;6(1):1-47, 52-56.   Copy Citation Save Save to your library Print Download PDF Share Facebook Twitt…

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