October 07, 2020 - The Economics of Patient Safety Part III: Long-term Care:
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August 19, 2020 - When COVID-19 hit, many elderly were left to die.
August 19, 2020
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Residential care facilities have been challenged by C…
July 08, 2020 - Applying the Medications at Transitions and Clinical
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July 8, 2020
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July 11, 2018 - More than a feeling: the role of empathetic care in
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July 11, 2018
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September 22, 2010 - Is it time to pull the plug on 12-hour shifts?: Part 3. Harm
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September 22, 2010
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June 14, 2023 - The guide emphasizes two care processes in particular when families can impact safety—nurse bedside shift … Families can then work collaboratively with nurses to ensure the plan of care is followed. … nurse who had cared for me as a child. … The nurse responded with such respect. … I was able to sort it out because of what that nurse had taught me.
I’m an insider in healthcare.
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January 12, 2012 - Home Healthc Nurse. 2012;30(1):28-37.
August 29, 2017 - Book/Report
Taking the Lead in Patient Safety: How Healthcare Leaders Influence Behavior and Create Culture.
Citation Text:
Taking the Lead in Patient Safety: How Healthcare Leaders Influence Behavior and Create Culture. Krause TR, Hidley J. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley; 2008. ISBN: 9780470225394.…
November 18, 2016 - Commentary
Medication errors and drug-dispensing systems in a hospital pharmacy.
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Anacleto TA, Perini E, Rosa MB, et al. Medication errors and drug-dispensing systems in a hospital pharmacy. Clinics. 2006;60(4). doi:10.1590/s1807-59322005000400011.
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December 12, 2018 - Newspaper/Magazine Article
Half of hospitals in Conn., Del. hit by Medicare's safety penalties.
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Half of hospitals in Conn., Del. hit by Medicare's safety penalties. Rau J. Kaiser Health News. January 5, 2018.
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June 27, 2018 - Newspaper/Magazine Article
More than 750 hospitals face Medicare crackdown on patient injuries.
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More than 750 hospitals face Medicare crackdown on patient injuries. Rau J. Kaiser Health News. June 22, 2014.
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January 25, 2023 - Newspaper/Magazine Article
During in-flight emergencies, sometimes airlines’ medical kits fall short.
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During in-flight emergencies, sometimes airlines’ medical kits fall short. Ramachandran V. Kaiser Health News. January 6, 2023.
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July 24, 2013 - Newspaper/Magazine Article
Federal speech rulings may embolden health care workers to call out safety issues.
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Federal speech rulings may embolden health care workers to call out safety issues. Meyer H. Kaiser Health News. July 9, 2021.
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February 20, 2019 - Newspaper/Magazine Article
Preventing lawsuits: Coalition pushes apologies and cash up-front. Dealing with medical errors when they happen--instead of in court--can benefit doctors and patients, supporters say.
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Preventing lawsuits: Coalition pushes apologies and cash up-fr…
November 04, 2020 - Newspaper/Magazine Article
Using telehealth to revolutionize the speed of making rare disease diagnoses.
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Using telehealth to revolutionize the speed of making rare disease diagnoses. Nothaft W, Moore G, Le Cam Y. STAT. August 27, 2020.
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August 05, 2008 - Newspaper/Magazine Article
ER doctors misdiagnose patients with unusual symptoms.
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ER doctors misdiagnose patients with unusual symptoms. Abelson R. New York Times. December 15, 2022.
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June 01, 2016 - Newspaper/Magazine Article
Medicare study finds teaching hospitals have higher risk of complications; findings disputed.
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Medicare study finds teaching hospitals have higher risk of complications; findings disputed. Rau J. Washington Post. February 12, 2012:A03.
March 09, 2022 - Book/Report
Implication of the COVID-19 Pandemic for Patient Safety: A Rapid Review.
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Implication of the COVID-19 Pandemic for Patient Safety: A Rapid Review. Integrated Health Services. Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization; 2022. ISBN: 9789240055094.
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June 03, 2020 - Newspaper/Magazine Article
Hospital workers complain of minimal disclosure after COVID exposures.
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Hospital workers complain of minimal disclosure after COVID exposures. Gold J, Hawryluk M. Kaiser Health News. May 13, 2020.
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