October 19, 2022 - June 16, 2019
Nurse-to-physician communications: connecting for safety. … July 2, 2014
SBAR improves nurse–physician communication and reduces unexpected death
March 08, 2023 - May 26, 2011
Discharge rounds in the 80-hour workweek: importance of the trauma nurse … July 28, 2010
Hospital nurse staffing and patient mortality, emotional exhaustion, and
December 16, 2015 - April 17, 2019
Physician and nurse well-being and preferred interventions to address … January 15, 2009
Infants at risk: when nurse fatigue jeopardizes quality care.
August 04, 2021 - January 12, 2022
Nurse burnout and patient safety outcomes: nurse safety perception versus
April 27, 2010 - July 3, 2014
Nurse staffing and inpatient hospital mortality. … Specialty Hospitals
Health Care Executives and Administrators
Policy Makers
April 14, 2010 - Home Healthc Nurse. 2010;28(3):198-200.
December 15, 2011 - author analyzes one Swedish medication error incident that resulted in criminal charges against the
April 28, 2021 - Study
Nurse work environment and its impact on reasons for missed care, safety climate … This cross-sectional study describes the relationship between nurse work environment and missed nursing … Nurses who perceived a positive work environment reported reduced reasons for missed nursing care, an … Nurse managers can increase perception of a positive work environment by providing additional support
March 02, 2011 - January 2, 2017
Effects of nurse staffing and nurse education on patient deaths in hospitals … with different nurse work environments. … Patient safety, satisfaction, and quality of hospital care: cross sectional surveys of nurses
July 22, 2020 - Commentary
Hastened death due to disease burden and distress that has not received timely, quality palliative care is a medical error.
Citation Text:
Gallagher R, Passmore MJ, Baldwin C. Hastened death due to disease burden and distress that has not received timely, quality palliative ca…
June 13, 2011 - Study
Microbiological evaluation of two hand hygiene procedures achieved by healthcare workers during routine patient care: a randomized study.
Citation Text:
Kac G, Podglajen I, Gueneret M, et al. Microbiological evaluation of two hand hygiene procedures achieved by healthcare workers…
June 29, 2009 - Commentary
COVID-19 has united patients and providers against institutional betrayal in health care: a battle to be heard, believed, and protected.
Citation Text:
Klest B, Smith CP, May C, et al. COVID-19 has united patients and providers against institutional betrayal in health care: a …
October 28, 2020 - Review
Medication errors and processes to reduce them in care homes in the United Kingdom: a scoping review.
Citation Text:
Irons MW, Auta A, Portlock JC, et al. Medication errors and processes to reduce them in care homes in the United Kingdom: a scoping review. Home Health Care Serv Q.…
December 23, 2020 - Review
Aging stigma and the health of US adults over 65: what do we know?
Citation Text:
Allen J, Sikora N. Aging stigma and the health of US adults over 65: what do we know? Clin Interv Aging. 2023;18:2093-2116. doi:10.2147/cia.s396833.
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March 17, 2021 - Study
Primary care providers' opening of time-sensitive alerts sent to commercial electronic health record InBaskets.
Citation Text:
Cutrona SL, Fouayzi H, Burns L, et al. Primary Care Providers' Opening of Time-Sensitive Alerts Sent to Commercial Electronic Health Record InBaskets. J Ge…
June 23, 2021 - Study
Potentially inappropriate prescribing in older patients discharged from acute care hospitals to residential aged care facilities.
Citation Text:
Poudel A, Peel NM, Nissen L, et al. Potentially inappropriate prescribing in older patients discharged from acute care hospitals to resid…
January 23, 2020 - Study
Association between hospital-reported Leapfrog Safe Practices scores and inpatient mortality.
Citation Text:
Werner RM, McNutt RA. A New Strategy to Improve Quality. JAMA. 2009;301(13). doi:10.1001/jama.2009.423.
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March 04, 2015 - Review
Medicines related problems (MRPs) originating in primary care settings in older adults - a systematic review.
Citation Text:
Ude-Okeleke RC, Aslanpour Z, Dhillon S, et al. Medicines related problems (MRPs) originating in primary care settings in older adults - a systematic review.…
March 08, 2023 - Study
Spinal surgery complications: an unsolved problem-Is the World Health Organization Safety Surgical Checklist an useful tool to reduce them?
Citation Text:
Barbanti-Brodano G, Griffoni C, Halme J, et al. Spinal surgery complications: an unsolved problem-Is the World Health Organizat…
June 04, 2021 - Organization
American Association for Critical-Care Nurses