December 16, 2004 - RN accesses EMR, selects med, modifies order adding dose replace reason (for each med needed)�
Nurse … to complete and fax form to pharmacy
- Nurse can request multiple meds on same form
- No additional … order modifications or verifications on EMR
- No potential confusion for nurse from �New Order� flags … to complete and fax form to pharmacy
- Nurse can request multiple meds on same form
- No additional … order modifications or verifications on EMR
- No potential confusion for nurse from “New Order” flags
December 16, 2004 - RN accesses EMR, selects med, modifies order adding dose replace reason (for each med needed)�
Nurse … to complete and fax form to pharmacy
- Nurse can request multiple meds on same form
- No additional … order modifications or verifications on EMR
- No potential confusion for nurse from �New Order� flags … to complete and fax form to pharmacy
- Nurse can request multiple meds on same form
- No additional … order modifications or verifications on EMR
- No potential confusion for nurse from “New Order” flags
September 30, 2009 - Nurse practitioner
3. Physician’s assistant
4. Nurse in office
5. Pharmacist in office
6. … School nurse
9. Babysitter/daycare provider
10. Patient
11. Other__________________
12. … Nurse practitioner
3. Physician’s assistant
4. Nurse in office
5. Pharmacist in office
6. … School nurse
9. Babysitter/daycare provider
10. Patient
11. Other _________________
12. … Nurse Practicioner
3. Physician Assistant
4. EMR
5. Pharmacist in office
Medication Selection/Reconciliation (prescriber, nurse, pharmacist)
Select, for a clinical condition … Administration (patient or caretaker, nurse, and/or other clinician)
Make positive medication and … Education (patient or caretaker, pharmacist, nurse, prescriber, other clinicians)
Engage patient in … Monitoring (patient or caregiver, nurse, other clinicians, pharmacist, prescriber, health system) … narrow view of this interdependent process and respond with, "That’s not my job", or, "The pharmacist or nurse
November 18, 2008 - Health and Science University, Portland OR
This is an interview guide designed to be conducted with nurses … require more time; for experts, less)
Question Novice Expert
Describe your general role in the clinic Nurse … follow-up,
interviewing, education
For Physician: How do you DECIDE to involve the nurse … For Nurse: What KIND of patient generally gets
REFERRED to you? … for counseling; a new diabetic who needs education; a quality protocol where I
refer a patient to a nurse
December 01, 2005 - staff more efficiently
• Order pneumovax/flu shots, tests (EKGs), meds from the
exam room so the nurse … – EX: nurse who worked with a group of docs knew which kind of echo test each one
wanted and could … and by triage operators (essentially nursing personnel
assigned to triage duty for the day)
– The … of computer based TO-DO lists to capture the patient
call-in information
– An email is sent to the nurse … Process:
– Nurses put faxed echo results (and other tests) in a basket
for docs to see as they came
January 01, 2009 - are cared for by multiple physicians, and more
often, care is provided by a mixture of physicians, nurses … Nurse Case Manager – Two projects used nurse case managers to triage CDS alerts for
patients with chronic … The alerts
prompted the nurses to followup, sometimes calling patients to ask clarifying questions or … When the alerts were serious, the nurse alerted the
patient’s physician. … The same project partnered with school nurses to support asthma
treatment in children; the project also
January 01, 2009 - are cared for by multiple physicians, and more
often, care is provided by a mixture of physicians, nurses … Nurse Case Manager – Two projects used nurse case managers to triage CDS alerts for
patients with chronic … The alerts
prompted the nurses to followup, sometimes calling patients to ask clarifying questions or … When the alerts were serious, the nurse alerted the
patient’s physician. … The same project partnered with school nurses to support asthma
treatment in children; the project also
January 01, 2009 - are cared for by multiple physicians, and more
often, care is provided by a mixture of physicians, nurses … Nurse Case Manager – Two projects used nurse case managers to triage CDS alerts for
patients with chronic … The alerts
prompted the nurses to followup, sometimes calling patients to ask clarifying questions or … When the alerts were serious, the nurse alerted the
patient’s physician. … The same project partnered with school nurses to support asthma
treatment in children; the project also
January 01, 1991 - of Study: Compare warfarin dosage-adjustments using a computer program to dosage-adjustments by a nurse-specialist … predictions using a computer program was compared to the accuracy of an experienced anticoagulation nurse-specialist … Outcome: There was no significant difference between the computer program and the anticoagulation nurse-specialist
January 01, 2014 - We found that existing school health personnel (nurses and school health aides) could
usually be relied … Stakeholders included
parents, telephone management nurses (“phone triage nurses”) from pediatric offices … Participant categories included family caregivers, telemedicine assistants, phone triage nurses, providers … Triage
… Triage
December 01, 2005 - coordinate care delivery
Using telemedicine if in remote/rural sites
Communicate with home health nurses … front-office staff more efficiently
Order pneumovax/flu shots, tests (EKGs), meds from the exam room so the nurse … EX: nurse who worked with a group of docs knew which kind of echo test each one wanted and could correctly … and by triage operators (essentially nursing personnel assigned to triage duty for the day)
The information … Use of computer based TO-DO lists to capture the patient call-in information
An email is sent to the nurse
December 01, 2005 - staff more efficiently
• Order pneumovax/flu shots, tests (EKGs), meds from the
exam room so the nurse … – EX: nurse who worked with a group of docs knew which kind of echo test each one
wanted and could … and by triage operators (essentially nursing personnel
assigned to triage duty for the day)
– The … of computer based TO-DO lists to capture the patient
call-in information
– An email is sent to the nurse … Process:
– Nurses put faxed echo results (and other tests) in a basket
for docs to see as they came
January 01, 2003 - Nurses and nurse practitioners used the [DSS] for 0-13% of patient visits."
March 01, 1989 - The Center has six practices, each with a staff physician, a nurse, and between three and five family-medicine … The nurse reminder needed 15 hours clerical time and 55 hours nurse time to call 1,188 families. … the salary, the cost per blood pressure reading gained ranged from $22.47 (salary $10 per hour for a nurse
January 01, 2010 - medical record
tallied the score and generated an automatic consult
to the wound ostomy continence (WOC) nurse … was at a high or very high risk for developing
a pressure ulcer.19 Following this assessment, the
WOC nurse … Wound Ostomy and Continence Nurses Society. … nosocomial catheter-associated urinary tract
infections through computerized feedback to
physicians and a nurse-directed
January 01, 2009 - The hospital created a new position, a
nurse educator, to coordinate care and provide self-management … – Two projects used nurse case managers to triage CDS alerts for
patients with chronic conditions … The alerts
prompted the nurses to followup, sometimes calling patients to ask clarifying questions … When the alerts were serious, the nurse alerted the
patient’s physician. … The same project partnered with school nurses to support asthma
treatment in children; the project
April 17, 2009 - Based on your answers, a SFHP Nurse may call you
back to provide support and advice for your diabetes … If you want a nurse to call you back no matter what you answer,
the automated phone system will help … Q: Does your nurse speak my language?
A: Yes, our nurse speaks _________(Spanish/ Chinese).
July 29, 2013 - University
Ilaina Edison, RN, MBA
Vice President for Operations
Visiting Nurse
January 01, 2008 - In this survey, the term provider refers to physicians, physician assistants, and nurse practitioners … Physician Assistant, Nurse Practitioner, Clinical Nurse Specialist, Nurse Midwife, Advanced Practice … Nurse, etc. … Management
Practice Manager
Business Manager
Office Manager
Nurse Manager
Office Administrator … Nurse (RN), Licensed Vocational Nurse (LVN), Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN)