January 01, 2018 - Nurses' observations and experiences of problems and adverse effects of
medication management in home
January 01, 2022 - American College of Emergency Physicians APS, Emergency Nurses Association, and
American Society for
January 01, 2009 - Connecting for Health Common Framework Resources for Implementing Secure Health Information Exchange
E-Prescribing and Medication Management:
The New Paradigm for Provider and
Pharmacist Interaction
June 23, 2009
Michael T. Rupp
College of Pharmacy –
Glendale Midwestern University
Steven T. Sim…
January 25, 2012 - A National Web Conference on Evaluation of Personal Health Record (PHR) Systems and their Impact on Chronic Disease
January 25, 2012
Angela Lavanderos
Agency for Healthcare Research and
Peggy Wagner
Carl Stepnowsky
Lygeia Ricciardi
Moderator and Presenters
January 01, 2013 - Workshop on Interactive Systems in Healthcare (WISH) 2012 - Final Report
Small Grant Program for Conference Support (R13)
AHRQ Grant Final Progress Report
Title of Project: Workshop on Interactive Systems in Healthcare (WISH) 2012
Principal Investigator: Wanda Pratt, PhD …
January 01, 2010 - product, EPIC Hyperspace, is a mature ambulatory EHR with integrated modules designed for
physicians, nurses
May 01, 2012 - After seeing the normal CT result
later that morning, a nurse realized that the problem was with the … For example, nurses on inpatient units
often work 12 hour shifts, those in outpatient units work eight … Assessing
nurse interaction with medication administration
technologies: The development of observation
March 20, 1997 - In other cases, such as a busy nurses’ station in
an open area, other types of controls may be required … Examples of roles that could be defined are emergency room nurse,
radiologist, or claims processor. … radiologists would be the same, but
those access rights might differ from the access rights for all ER nurses
March 20, 1997 - In other cases, such as a busy nurses’ station in
an open area, other types of controls may be required … Examples of roles that could be defined are emergency room nurse,
radiologist, or claims processor. … radiologists would be the same, but
those access rights might differ from the access rights for all ER nurses
May 01, 2010 - Electronic Health Record Usability - Vendor Practices and Perspectives
Electronic Health Record Usability
Vendor Practices and Perspectives
Prepared for:
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
540 Gaither Road
Rockville, Maryland 20…
January 01, 2012 - communicating key health
information and alerts to outpatient primary care
physicians and visiting nurses
August 06, 2013 - Results
▪ 194 clinicians (168 pediatricians and 26 nurse
practitioners) participated.
January 01, 2013 - with
a primary care physician (ie, family practice, geriatrics, general practice, internal medicine, nurse
January 01, 2015 - Second, the team-based approach to
care, in which we deploy medical assistants, nurses, and physicians … J Am
Acad Nurse Pract. 2002 Oct;14(10):432-7.
3. National Cancer Institute.
January 01, 2018 - other, more intensive
hospital interventions were concurrently in place at this time; for instance, a nurse
January 01, 2015 - nurses, asthma counselors, or asthma coaches) for completion.
January 01, 2008 - • On November 1, 2006, Taos doctors and nurses used the NMHIC exchange for the first
time to coordinate
January 01, 2018 - Most of the interviewees described supportive school environments, with
teachers, school nurses, and … One mother said that the school nurse follows her
daughter on Dexcom Share so she can help monitor her
June 30, 2016 - A National Web Conference on the Use of Health IT to Improve Health Care Delivery for Children
A National Web Conference
on the Use of Health IT To Improve
Health Care Delivery for Children
Presented by:
Jonathan Wald, M.D., M.P.H.
Elizabeth Alpern, M.D., M.S.C.E.
Moderated By:
Edwin Lomotan, M.D.
Agency for H…
January 01, 2012 - Workshop on Interactive Systems in Health Care 2011 - Final Report
Grant Final Report
Grant ID: 1R13HS021058
Workshop on Interactive Systems in Health Care 2011
Inclusive project dates: 10/01/11 - 09/29/12
Principal Investigator:
Madhu Reddy, PhD
Team members:
Olena Mamyakina, PhD (…