January 01, 2007 - • An engaged clinician champion, typically a physician, but sometimes a nurse
practitioner, served
January 01, 2018 - total of 63 healthcare providers (11 attending physicians (17%), 17 physician assistants (27%), 33
February 01, 2012 - internet
programs, but the selection of the assigned clerical staff is the decision of each clinic’s Nurse
January 01, 2008 - Kern, MD (Investigator)
Jill Quaresimo (Research Nurse)
Performing Organization:
Taconic IPA
June 12, 2014 - AHRQ's Guide to Evaluating Health Information Exchange Projects - Appendix F
Appendix F: Resources
Resources on Assessing HIE Value
Throughout this guide, selected resources offer additional information on the topics discussed.
Many are freely available online, while others require purchase and are availabl…
August 06, 2013 - and facilitate changes, support staff should
be aware of the current workflows of front desk staff, nurses … around he use cases.
Subtask Description Checklist
EHR Use Continual education of physicians and nurses
January 01, 2023 - DDI alerts, pharmacist received the largest number of
alerts, followed by physicians/providers, then nurses … followed by physicians (42%), physician extender such as mid-level
practitioners (34%), other (28%), nurses
January 01, 2006 - Eligible
clinicians included physicians, nurse practitioners, and other prescribers, who were actively … Among prescribers, 12% were nurse practitioners, 5%
residents, 8% physician assistants and 75% physicians … Non-clinician survey participants
included a diverse mix of medical assistants, nurses, and office staff
January 01, 2007 - Computerized Provider Order Entry
Background | Areas of Current Investigation | Selected CPOE Resources | AHRQ-Funded Projects |
Computerized provider order entry (CPOE) is an application that allows health care providers to use a computer to directly enter medical orders electron…
July 31, 2023 - Providing Evidence and Developing a Toolkit to Accelerate the Adoption of Patient Photographs in Electronic Health Records
Project Final Report ( PDF , 1.49 MB) Disclaimer
The findings and conclusions in this document are those of the author(s), who are responsible for…
January 01, 2012 - Secure Messaging in a Pediatric Respiratory Medicine Setting Implementation Handbook
Secure Messaging in a
Pediatric Respiratory
Medicine Setting
Final ACTION Contract Report
This page intentio…
January 01, 2015 - completed prior to the patient accessing the tool, and done by a mid-level
provider in the clinic setting (Nurse … , nurse practitioner, physician's assistant).
January 01, 2020 - Clinic staff (e.g., office manager, clinician, nurses, etc.) were individually invited to
January 01, 2011 - These communication systems are readily managed by
specially trained nurses, pharmacists or physician
November 15, 2005 - Could you document everything that you do as a physician,
your nurses do, your administrative assistants … doctor at the right time, who else is involved in documenting information about the
patient, like the nurse … terms of role-based access,
should your administrative person have the same level of access as the nurse
November 04, 2009 - Clinical Decision Support
AHRQ-Funded Projects | Selected CDS Resources | Areas of Current Investigation | AHRQ Podcasts | Background |
AHRQ-Funded Projects
The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) has funded organizations across the country that are integrating clinical decision…
January 01, 2015 - Leveraging Health Information Technology to Avoid Unnecessary Asymptomatic Carotid Revascularization - Final Report
1. Title Page:
Title: Leveraging Health IT to Avoid Unnecessary Asymptomatic Carotid Revascularization
Principal Investigator: Philip P. Goodney, MD, MS
July 17, 2017 - A National Web Conference on the Use of Health IT to Improve Care Planning and Communication With Aging Adults - Slides
A National Web Conference on
the Use of Health IT to Improve
Care Planning and Communication
With Aging Adults
Presented by:
David H. Gustafson, Ph.D.
Charles Safran, M.D., M.S., FACMI
January 01, 2024 - Rheumatology Informatics System for Effectiveness Patient-Reported Outcome (RISE PRO) Dissemination Project
Project Final Report ( PDF , 1.05 MB) Disclaimer
The findings and conclusions in this document are those of the author(s), who are responsible for its content, a…
January 01, 2019 - Fine People’s Clinic (RFPC), a primary care clinic serving more than 6,500 patients; and (2) nurse-led