January 01, 2021 - Preventive Health
Community Preventive Services Task Force
National Association of Pediatric Nurse … She is a nurse scientist, active researcher, and
past standing member of the National Institutes of … Kubik is an advanced practice nurse and a fellow of the
American Academy of Nursing. … American Academy of Pediatrics
American Academy of Physician Assistants
American Association of Nurse … Preventive Health Care
Community Preventive Services Task Force
National Association of Pediatric Nurse
October 12, 2015 - The diagnostic accuracy of blood pressure measurements taken by a visiting nurse or another health care … Discarding the first of three nurse-auscultatory or oscillometric blood pressure measurements does not … Is nurse-measured blood pressure a valid substitute for ambulatory blood pressure monitoring?
January 26, 2016 - In the available evidence, the lowest effective level of support consisted of a designated nurse who … lectures; academic detailing; materials for clinicians, staff, and patients; an initial visit with a nurse … for assessment, education, and discussion of patient preferences and goals; a visit with a trained nurse
October 12, 2015 - The diagnostic accuracy of blood pressure measurements taken by a visiting nurse or another health care … Discarding the first of three nurse-auscultatory or oscillometric blood pressure measurements does not … Is nurse-measured blood pressure a valid substitute for ambulatory blood pressure monitoring?
Access free clinical practice tools, training materials, and more resources for physicians, nurses
April 26, 2018 - messages) and can be delivered by numerous potential providers, including but not limited to physicians, nurses
August 22, 2017 - first study
randomized 3001 patients (mean age, 75 years) to prompted pulse
palpation (clinicians and nurses … screening” in this study
and in the SAFE study, below) or systematic screening (invitation to
attend nurse-led … patients in the
intervention practices were randomized to prompted pulse palpa
tion (clinicians and nurses … follow up an irregular pulse with 12-lead ECG) or system
atic screening with ECG (invitation to attend nurse-led
September 05, 2017 - for visual problems: (1) examination at ages 8 and 18 months by a health visitor (community pediatric nurse … Screening was administered by a variety of personnel across studies (eg, pediatricians, ophthalmologists, nurses … -year-olds and compared the accuracy of 11 screening tests. 78 Phase 2 compared the performance of nurse … Preschool vision screening tests administered by nurse screeners compared with lay screeners in the vision … Low
Healthy preschool children who receive vision screening at ages 4 to 5 y by a school nurse as part
June 15, 2004 - Share to Facebook
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Final Recommendation Statement
Idiopathic Scoliosis in Adolescents: Screening
June 15, 2004
Recommendations made by the USPSTF are independent of the U.S. gov…
November 01, 2004 - Screening for Idiopathic Scoliosis in Adolescents - Recommendation Statement
Summary of
The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force
(USPSTF) recommends against the routine
screening of asymptomatic adolescents for
idiopathic scoliosis. D recommendation.
The USPSTF did not find good evidence that
February 01, 2004 - Screening for Hepatitis B Virus Infection - Recommendation Statement
Summary of
The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force
(USPSTF) strongly recommends screening for
hepatitis B virus infection in pregnant women at
their first prenatal visit. A recommendation.
The USPSTF found good evidence that univer…
November 05, 2015 - Share to Facebook
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Final Research Plan
Osteoporosis to Prevent Fractures: Screening
November 05, 2015
Recommendations made by the USPSTF are independent of the U.S. government. They sho…
November 01, 2004 - Screening for Rh (D) Incompatibility - Recommendation Statement
Summary of
The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force
(USPSTF) strongly recommends Rh (D) blood
typing and antibody testing for all pregnant women
during their first visit for pregnancy-related care.
A recommendation.
The USPSTF found good…
February 15, 2004 - Share to Facebook
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Final Recommendation Statement
Rh(D) Incompatibility: Screening
February 15, 2004
Recommendations made by the USPSTF are independent of the U.S. government. They should not …
September 21, 2015 - Effective interventions can be delivered by various types of primary care providers, including physicians, nurses … smoking-cessation outcomes. 8 Evidence on increasing smoking abstinence was strongest for physician and nurse … Based on pooled analyses of 35 studies from a 2013 systematic review that evaluated advice delivered by nurses … , 13.3% of participants who received interventions from nurses achieved smoking abstinence at 6 months … Interventions
The USPSTF found convincing evidence that behavioral interventions (such as physician and nurse
August 29, 2023 - participants during the prenatal period or soon after birth, included clinical professionals (e.g., nurses … Effectiveness of a nurse-led intensive home-visitation programme for first-time teenage mothers (Building … Randomized controlled trial and economic evaluation of nurse-led group support for young mothers during
July 01, 2003 - The largest established
cohorts (Nurses’ Health Study, Health Professionals’
Follow-up Study, Iowa Women … Female nurses aged
34–59 at baseline were eligible for enrollment. … Nurses’ Health Study and Health
Professionals’ Follow-Up Study.4 This analysis
was designed to measure … Female nurses aged 34–59 from the
Nurses’ Health Study started in 1976. … Multivitamin use, folate, and colon cancer in
women in the Nurses’ Health Study.
November 25, 2014 - U.S. Preventive Services Task Force Finds Insufficient Evidence on Screening for Vitamin D Deficiency in Adults
U.S. Preventive Services Task Force Finds Insufficient Evidence
on Screening for Vitamin D Deficiency in Adults
More research needed to assess harms and benefits
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Novembe…
November 01, 2012 - encourage people to have informed discussions about
clinical preventive services with their doctor or nurse … A certified adult nurse practitioner, Dr. … She serves on the board of directors for the National Association of Hispanic
Nurses. Dr. … representing Primary care Professionals
American Academy of Family Physicians
American Academy of Nurse … College of Preventive Medicine
American Osteopathic Association
National Association of Pediatric Nurse
January 15, 2013 - Depending on the type of intervention, these services may be provided by clinicians, nurses, social workers … Depending on the type of intervention, these services may be provided by clinicians, nurses, social workers … One study used a 20-minute nurse case management protocol focusing on a safety plan, supportive care, … assigned to receive a referral card with a safety plan and resources for IPV services or a 20-minute nurse … Physicians, American College of Emergency Physicians, American Academy of Pediatrics, and Emergency Nurses