July 01, 2002 - in which some components of the intervention were performed by the patient's primary care clinician (nurse … practitioner, nurse, physician, or physician assistant). … tools administered by telephone, in the office waiting area, or in the home. 19 , 21 , 23 Often, a nurse … Effectiveness of health checks conducted by nurses in primary care: results of the OXCHECK study after … Change of Heart, Steptoe, 1999 23
RCT of 20 general practices (20 nurse practitioners), minimization
February 03, 2014 - a patient or in need of intervention
Usually involves primary care physicians, other physicians, nurses … , nurse practitioners, physician assistants, or other clinical staff (e.g., nutritionists, dieticians
October 22, 2024 - Historically, Black women were often forced to act as wet nurses for their slave owner’s children, which … Interventions are often provided by professionals such as nurses, midwives, clinicians, or lactation … of when they were provided (prenatally, peripartum, or postpartum), who delivered the intervention (nurse
August 14, 2014 - Primary care settings for obstetric care (e.g., obstetrician gynecologists, family physicians, certified nurse
ways the Prevention TaskForce is being used include:
By primary care physicians and nurse
August 14, 2014 - Primary care settings for obstetric care (e.g., obstetrician gynecologists, family physicians, certified nurse
August 01, 2013 - Health care professionals,
including doctors, nurse
practitioners, physician
assistants, and nurses
December 18, 2014 - interventions
Interventions may be conducted by, but are not limited to: lactation care providers, nurses … /nurse practitioners, peer counselors, midwives, doulas, or physicians
Health care system interventions
February 01, 2013 - About
health and
Advice from your
doctor or nurse
January 17, 2025 - USPSTF members are primary care providers (such as internists, pediatricians, family physicians, nurses
February 16, 2016 - They include family physicians, internal medicine physicians, nurses, obstetricians/gynecologists, and … They are practicing doctors and nurses, medical directors, deans, professors, and researchers.
May 08, 2012 - Additional services included visits to physicians, nurses, psychologists, or social workers; use of crisis … and control groups, including a 2-group RCT comparing the use of a wallet-sized referral card with a nurse … A randomized, 2-group trial of women receiving either a wallet-sized referral card or a 20-minute nurse … Nurse case management for pregnant women experiencing or at risk for abuse. … The 20-minute nurse case management protocol (March of Dimes) included providing a brochure with a 15
June 01, 2019 - Evidence-Based Practice Recommendations 6/1/2009 USPSTF: An Evidence-Based Prevention Resource for Nurse
March 04, 2021 - intervention adjuncts to brief clinician advice may involve a broader set of health care team members (e.g., nurses … Nurse Pract 1994;19(5):57-63. Partnership for Prevention. Why Invest in Disease Prevention? … Screening for problem drinking and counseling by the primary care physician-nurse team. … J Am Acad Nurse Pract 2000;12(4),113-116. … Nurse-assisted counseling for smokers in primary care. Ann Intern Med 1993;118(7):521-525.
February 27, 2024 - USPSTF members are primary care providers (such as internists, pediatricians, family physicians, nurses
May 23, 2016 - USPSTF Issues Draft Recommendation on Primary Care Interventions to Support Breastfeeding
USPSTF Bulletin
An independent, volunteer panel of national experts in prevention
and evidence-based medicine
U.S. Preventive Services Task Force Issues
Draft Recommendation on Primary Care Interventions
to Support Breas…
May 15, 2013 - patient or in need of intervention
Usually involves primary care physicians, other physicians, nurses … , nurse practitioners, physician assistants, or other clinical staff (e.g., nutritionists, dieticians
November 01, 2014 - you are concerned about your risk for being low or deficient in
vitamin D, talk with your doctor or nurse
January 18, 2022 - USPSTF members are primary care providers (such as internists, pediatricians, family physicians, nurses
April 28, 2020 - USPSTF members are primary care providers (such as internists, pediatricians, family physicians, nurses