
Total Results: 1,405 records

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    May 24, 2013 - • Tell doctors and nurses about your health. Tell us about yourself and how you are feeling. … • Make sure you understand what doctors and nurses tell you.
    May 01, 2021 - completed responses: Certified Nursing Assistant (26.18%); Other type of health-care worker (23.18%); Registerednurse (17.6%); None of the above —write in option—included laundry and other areas in elder care (16.74% … completed responses: Certified Nursing Assistant (26.18%); Other type of health-care worker (23.18%); Registerednurse (17.6%); None of the above—write in option—included laundry and other areas in elder care (16.74% … Reasons why nurses decline influenza vaccination: A qualitative study.
    September 01, 2011 - CAHPS Nursing Home Survey: Long-Term Resident Survey Spanish CAHPS® Nursing Home Survey: Long-Stay Resident Instrument CAHPS Nursing Home Survey – Long-Stay Resident Instrument Information for Vendors ....................................................... 1 Conventions Used in This Document ....................…
    October 01, 2014 - examining whether decision support interventions could improve quality of life found that patients whose nurses … Randomized trial of a nurse-administered, telephone-based disease management program for patients with … Just-in-time evidence-based e-mail "reminders" in home health care: impact on nurse practices. … Effect of a standardized nurse case-management telephone intervention on resource use in patients with
    February 01, 2017 - begin with using a multidisciplinary and coordinated approach that includes the joint participation of nurses … And then the final intervention: employing a nurse-driven protocol to achieve the highest level of mobility … As we know, traditionally nurses mobilize patients once they have recovered from their acute illness. … However, shifting the focus of nurse-driven mobilization to the phase of acute illness when they’re very
    January 01, 2023 - Summary 4 2023 National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Report ■ Although a potential shortage of nurses … and doctors has received much attention, the total number of physicians and nurses employed and at … critical shortage of clinical staff, such as physicians, physician assistants, and advanced practice nurses
    April 01, 2018 - 655  -- Duty Hour Limitation 4 652  -- Laboratory Result Tracking Improvement 2 653  -- Nurse
    January 01, 2004 - Example: As part of a pediatric ICU’s efforts to improve teamwork within the unit, all nurses are … Shortly after implementing the SBAR strategy, a nurse calls the on-call physician about a concerning … • What do you think the nurse should do? • Will the nurse use SBAR in the future? … Our scenario follows: Three nurses and the infection control officer from a 16-bed postsurgical … As part of their implementation, they train all the nurses and the employed physician staff on these
    February 10, 2011 - 0TTell doctors and nurses about your health.0T Tell us about yourself and how you are feeling. … Don’t assume we know everything about you. 0TMake sure you understand what doctors and nurses tell you
    September 01, 2015 - organized around a primary care provider (e.g., physician, common purpose, performance advanced practice nurseNurses, goals, and approach for which they are mutually accountable.” pharmacists, nutritionists, social … For example: • Nurses can conduct complex care management. … For example, if a staff member thinks a task is currently performed by two physicians, a nurse practitioner … For example, if a staff member thinks a task is currently performed by two physicians, a nurse practitioner
    March 01, 2014 - Example : As part of a pediatric ICU's efforts to improve teamwork within the unit, all nurses are … Shortly after implementing the SBAR strategy, a nurse calls the on-call physician about a concerning … What do you think the nurse should do? Will the nurse use SBAR in the future? … Our scenario follows: Three nurses and the infection control officer from a 16-bed postsurgical intensive … As part of their implementation, they train all the nurses and the employed physician staff on these
    July 01, 2018 - Defects Through Sensemaking Implement Teamwork and Communication Apply CUSP Role of the Nurse
    July 01, 2018 - Defects Through Sensemaking Implement Teamwork and Communication Apply CUSP Role of the Nurse
    March 20, 2014 - Evaluating TeamSTEPPS Worksheet – D-10-25 Measurement Evaluating TeamSTEPPS Worksheet SCENARIO Three nurses … As part of their implementation, they train all the nurses and the employed physician staff on these
    January 01, 2013 - time line, each State was asked to develop a State consortium that included providers (neonatologists, nurses … , nurse practitioners, infection control professionals [ICPs]), State leaders such as Departments of
    April 01, 2015 - The practice change modules were: virtual medicine (including after-hours nurse consultations and increased … • Nurses (registered and licensed practical nurses) were confused and dissatisfied by changes in their
    September 01, 2015 - Progress toward goal: Ask nurse to come in and assess patient and administer oxygen. … Find a nurse to help her with other duties.
    April 01, 2016 - Identify champions and change agents from both physician and nurse areas within the unit. … Try to identify champions from both the physician and nurse areas.
    September 01, 2017 - signs, including temp (suggest frequency and duration) ; and/or Notify physician/nurse … Notify physician/nurse practitioner/physician assistant if symptoms worsen or if unresolved
    October 01, 2014 - clinicians, and middle managers At the unit level, it will be important not only to involve frontline nurses … and support staff but also to involve nurse managers and physicians. … For example, nurse managers and service chiefs should be involved in early discussions about how the … Clinical bedside rounds, patient case review, or "spend a day with the WOC [wound, ostomy, and continence] nurse … integrate the use of a nutrition report into clinical practice and to facilitate communication among CNAs, nurses

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