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  1. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    March 31, 2022 - psychosocial needs of patients, there is a need to strengthen psychosocial training in medical school, nurse … care for a patient.10 This team may include doctors, nurses … It can be provided together with curative treatment by a team of doctors, nurses and other specialists
  2. Spotlight (pdf file)
    January 01, 2022 - psychosocial needs of patients, there is a need to strengthen psychosocial training in medical school, nurse … together towards a common goal of providing optimal care for a patient. – This team may include doctors, nurses … – It can be provided together with curative treatment by a team of doctors, nurses and other specialists
    February 26, 2025 - At the start of a shift, instead of doing handoffs about individual patients, nurses do an overall briefing … on interviews with hospital executives, program leaders, staff, and physicians, the study found that nurses … Finally, a study on pursuing highly reliable performance among nurses in three Midwestern acute-care
    February 26, 2025 - on interviews with hospital executives, program leaders, staff, and physicians, the study found that nurses … Finally, a study on pursuing highly reliable performance among nurses in three Midwestern acute-care … At the start of a shift, instead of doing handoffs about individual patients, nurses do an overall briefing
    June 01, 2011 - May 10, 2023 Nurse Staffing Standards for Hospital Patient Safety and Quality Care Act
    November 04, 2020 - orders, order modifications, medication administration records (MARs), and free-text physician-to-nurse
    January 01, 2020 - The discharging nurse reviewed the full medication list (13 medications) with the patient and his
    May 01, 2014 - It worked for every health care category—for physicians, nurses, auxiliary staff, and students. … In one study, intensive care unit (ICU) nurses surreptitiously recorded opportunities for hand hygiene … visits to patient rooms was measured by a nurse call system, which was installed in two step-down units … .( 9 ) This allowed for calculation of the ratio of alcohol rub aliquots dispensed and nurse visits to … Positive deviance: using a nurse call system to evaluate hand hygiene practices.
    May 01, 2014 - In one study, intensive care unit (ICU) nurses surreptitiously recorded opportunities for hand hygiene … visits to patient rooms was measured by a nurse call system, which was installed in two step-down units … .( 9 ) This allowed for calculation of the ratio of alcohol rub aliquots dispensed and nurse visits to … Positive deviance: using a nurse call system to evaluate hand hygiene practices. … It worked for every health care category—for physicians, nurses, auxiliary staff, and students.
    August 28, 2024 - In this case, had the physician indicated that the baby was being treated for opiate toxicity, the nurse
  11. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    June 01, 2010 - just thinking errors, they're also affective errors—errors that arise when physicians' feelings or nurses … For example, if a nurse or a colleague comes to you and says, "Oh, so and so is here. … aberrant presentations, or if you're aware of patients labeling themselves, or of colleagues, triage nurses … When nurses ask me the discharge diagnosis on the patient and I say it's "chest pain not yet diagnosed
    June 06, 2018 - April 11, 2007 Hospitals cutting nurses' long shifts. … September 2, 2009 Patients, beware: 731 nurses reveal what to watch out for in the hospital … August 20, 2021 The impact of critical incidents on nurses and midwives: a systematic
    May 16, 2022 - This study, conducted before the pandemic, compared IPC attitudes and practices of nurses and physicians … unflattering and stereotypical behaviors of the other (i.e., doctors are unaware or disdainful of IPC; “bossy” nurses
    December 23, 2020 - such as a social work referral for transportation or caregiver resources, additional visits with a registerednurse or an advanced practice provider to improve understanding of care, and more aggressive symptom … A referral to home based palliative care was also completed and the physician-nurse-social worker-chaplain … Patient Safety and Quality: An Evidence-Based Handbook for Nurses. … More About The Topic Hospitals Home Care Ambulatory Clinic or Office Physicians Nurses
  15. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    September 07, 2019 - Similar findings were reported in a review 2  of nurses' experiences with EHR use, which highlighted … ICU study, the CPOE system required physicians to select the medication schedule, a function that nurses … A systematic review of nurses' experiences with unintended consequences when using the electronic health
    November 25, 2020 - After 180 minutes in the PACU, the patient’s nurse discovered her unresponsive and the bedsheets were … the recommended interventions in a flow diagram that is readily available to obstetric providers and nurses … Saved by ECMO February 1, 2023 Systems-level factors affecting registerednurses during care of women in labor experiencing clinical deterioration.
    September 07, 2019 - other health professions, some reports have raised the concern that similar problems may exist among nurses … October 18, 2023 Clinical nurse competence and its effect on patient safety culture: a systematic … June 7, 2023 Minnesota lets nurses practice while disciplinary investigations drag on.
    July 01, 2011 - The nurse notified the orthopedic surgery resident of the change in clinical status. … Both surgeons and nurses greatly preferred comanagement to traditional medical consultation at tertiary … The surgeon and medicine physician should determine whom nurses would call when they have specific questions
    January 01, 2003 - orthopedist operating on the wrong leg) or figuratively be administering any kind of therapy (e.g., a nurse … penicillin allergy receives penicillin, but has no reaction) or a fortuitous, timely intervention (e.g., a nurseNurses, junior medical staff, or others involved in the care of patients can call for the assistance … penicillin allergy receives penicillin, but has no reaction) or a fortuitous, timely intervention (e.g., a nurse … orthopedist who operates on the wrong leg) or figuratively be administering any kind of therapy (e.g., a nurse
    January 01, 2003 - orthopedist operating on the wrong leg) or figuratively be administering any kind of therapy (e.g., a nurse … penicillin allergy receives penicillin, but has no reaction) or a fortuitous, timely intervention (e.g., a nurseNurses, junior medical staff, or others involved in the care of patients can call for the assistance … penicillin allergy receives penicillin, but has no reaction) or a fortuitous, timely intervention (e.g., a nurse … orthopedist who operates on the wrong leg) or figuratively be administering any kind of therapy (e.g., a nurse

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