October 01, 2008 - Nonphysician providers include chiropractors, midwives, nurses, nurse practitioners, optometrists,
October 01, 2008 - Nonphysician providers include chiropractors, midwives, nurses, nurse practitioners, optometrists, podiatrists
December 01, 2000 - Research Findings #14: Health Insurance Status of the Civilian Noninstitutional Population: 1999
May 01, 2004 - visits (OBOTHV03) include visits
to the following types of providers: chiropractors, midwives, nurses … and nurse practitioners, optometrists, podiatrists, physician’s
assistants, physical therapists … types of more commonly
seen non-physician providers including chiropractors (OBCHIR03),
nurses … /nurse practitioners (OBNURS03), optometrists (OBOPTO03),
physician assistants (OBASST03), and
October 01, 2002 - visits (OBOTHV00) include visits
to the following types of providers: chiropractors, midwives, nurses … and nurse practitioners, optometrists, podiatrists, physician’s
assistants, physical therapists … types of more commonly
seen non-physician providers including chiropractors (OBCHIR00),
nurses … /nurse practitioners (OBNURS00), optometrists (OBOPTO00),
physician assistants (OBASST00), and
May 01, 2004 - visits (OBOTHV01) include visits
to the following types of providers: chiropractors, midwives, nurses … and nurse practitioners, optometrists, podiatrists, physician’s
assistants, physical therapists … types of more commonly
seen non-physician providers including chiropractors (OBCHIR01),
nurses … /nurse practitioners (OBNURS01), optometrists (OBOPTO01),
physician assistants (OBASST01), and
January 01, 2002 - visits (OBOTHV98) include visits
to the following types of providers: chiropractors, midwives, nurses … and nurse practitioners, optometrists, podiatrists, physician’s
assistants, physical … types of more commonly
seen non-physician providers including chiropractors (OBCHIR98),
nurses … /nurse practitioners (OBNURS98), optometrists (OBOPTO98),
physician assistants (OBASST98), and
October 01, 2002 - visits (OBOTHV99) include visits
to the following types of providers: chiropractors, midwives, nurses … and nurse practitioners, optometrists, podiatrists, physician’s
assistants, physical therapists … types of more commonly
seen non-physician providers including chiropractors (OBCHIR99),
nurses … /nurse practitioners (OBNURS99), optometrists (OBOPTO99),
physician assistants (OBASST99), and
December 01, 2001 - Non-physician visits (OBOTHV97) include visits to the following types of providers: chiropractors, midwives, nurses … and nurse practitioners, optometrists, podiatrists, physicians assistants, physical therapists, occupational … for selected types of more commonly seen non-physician providers including chiropractors (OBCHIR97), nurses … /nurse practitioners (OBNURS97), optometrists (OBOPTO97), physician assistants (OBASST97), and physical
May 01, 2004 - visits (OBOTHV02) include visits
to the following types of providers: chiropractors, midwives, nurses … and nurse practitioners, optometrists, podiatrists, physician’s
assistants, physical therapists … types of more commonly
seen non-physician providers including chiropractors (OBCHIR02),
nurses … /nurse practitioners (OBNURS02), optometrists (OBOPTO02),
physician assistants (OBASST02), and
December 01, 2018 - questions and response categories used in this Brief:
• During 2016, how many times did a doctor, nurse
July 01, 1999 - Research Findings #8: Health Insurance Status of the Civilian Noninstitutionalized Population: 1997
April 01, 2000 - Research Findings #11: Health Insurance Status of the Civilian Noninstitutionalized Population: 1998
December 31, 2005 - visits (OBOTHV05) include visits
to the following types of providers: chiropractors, midwives, nurses … and nurse practitioners, optometrists, podiatrists, physician’s
assistants, physical therapists … types of more commonly
seen non-physician providers including chiropractors (OBCHIR05),
nurses … /nurse practitioners (OBNURS05), optometrists (OBOPTO05),
physician assistants (OBASST05), and
December 31, 2007 - visits (OBOTHV07) include visits
to the following types of providers: chiropractors, midwives, nurses … and nurse practitioners, optometrists, podiatrists, physician’s
assistants, physical therapists … types of more commonly
seen non-physician providers including chiropractors (OBCHIR07),
nurses … /nurse practitioners (OBNURS07), optometrists (OBOPTO07),
physician assistants (OBASST07), and
December 31, 2008 - visits (OBOTHV08) include visits
to the following types of providers: chiropractors, midwives, nurses … and nurse practitioners, optometrists, podiatrists, physician’s
assistants, physical therapists … types of more commonly
seen non-physician providers including chiropractors (OBCHIR08),
nurses … /nurse practitioners (OBNURS08), optometrists (OBOPTO08),
physician assistants (OBASST08), and
December 31, 2006 - visits (OBOTHV06) include visits
to the following types of providers: chiropractors, midwives, nurses … and nurse practitioners, optometrists, podiatrists, physician’s
assistants, physical therapists … types of more commonly
seen non-physician providers including chiropractors (OBCHIR06),
nurses … /nurse practitioners (OBNURS06), optometrists (OBOPTO06),
physician assistants (OBASST06), and
December 31, 2010 - visits (OBOTHV10) include visits
to the following types of providers: chiropractors, midwives, nurses … and nurse practitioners, optometrists, podiatrists, physician’s
assistants, physical therapists … types of more commonly
seen non-physician providers including chiropractors (OBCHIR10),
nurses … /nurse practitioners (OBNURS10), optometrists (OBOPTO10),
physician assistants (OBASST10), and
December 31, 2011 - visits (OBOTHV11) include visits
to the following types of providers: chiropractors, midwives, nurses … and nurse practitioners, optometrists, podiatrists, physician’s
assistants, physical therapists … types of more commonly
seen non-physician providers including chiropractors (OBCHIR11),
nurses … /nurse practitioners (OBNURS11), optometrists (OBOPTO11),
physician assistants (OBASST11), and
December 31, 2009 - visits (OBOTHV09) include visits
to the following types of providers: chiropractors, midwives, nurses … and nurse practitioners, optometrists, podiatrists, physician’s
assistants, physical therapists … types of more commonly
seen non-physician providers including chiropractors (OBCHIR09),
nurses … /nurse practitioners (OBNURS09), optometrists (OBOPTO09),
physician assistants (OBASST09), and