June 08, 2021 - Expenses for newborns who left the hospital on the same day as the mother are included in the mother’
June 08, 2021 - Expenses for newborns who left the hospital on the same day as the mother are included in the mother’
June 08, 2021 - Expenses for newborns who left the hospital on the same day as the mother are included in the mother’
June 08, 2021 - Expenses for newborns who left the hospital on the same day as the mother are included in the mother’
August 01, 2011 - Poverty Status3*Newborn
7. Region*Sex* Race/Ethnicity3$ 22. Poverty Status3*Race/Ethnicity
8. … (Newborn, Others)*Race/Ethnicity4
12. (Newborn, Others)*Sex
13. … insurance status
Source Degrees of
Chi-square Pr>Chi-square
Age category 4 1280.9 <.0001
Newborn … care expense
Source Degrees of
Chi-square Pr>Chi-square
Age category 4 387.3 <.0001
August 27, 2001 - Expenses for newborns who left the hospital on the
same day as the mother are included in the mother's
August 27, 2001 - Expenses for newborns who left the hospital on the
same day as the mother are included in the mother's
March 26, 2002 - Expenses for newborns who left the hospital on the
same day as the mother are included in the mother's
August 27, 2001 - Expenses for newborns who left the hospital on the
same day as the mother are included in the mother's
August 01, 2011 - Poverty Status3*Newborn
7. … (Newborn, Others)*Race/Ethnicity4
12. … (Newborn, Others)*Sex
13. … Source
Degrees of freedom
Age category
Newborn … of freedom
Age category
Expenses for newborns who left the hospital on the same day as
the mother are included
Expenses for newborns who left the hospital on the same day as
the mother are included
November 01, 2004 - Also included are newborns, decedents, and some others
who were not in the survey for 12 months, but … Eligibility for children who join the survey after the first part of the year (mostly newborns) is … determined using the pregnancy eligibility of the newborns’ mothers and the eligibility of siblings … Some College 22.9* 14.8* 18.5
College 44.0* 7.5* 19.2
Vital Stats: Decedents 0.18 0.63 0.36
November 01, 2004 - Also included are newborns, decedents, and some others
who were not in the survey for 12 months, but … Eligibility for children who join the survey after the first part of the year (mostly newborns) is … determined using the pregnancy eligibility of the newborns’ mothers and the eligibility of siblings … Some College 22.9* 14.8* 18.5
College 44.0* 7.5* 19.2
Vital Stats: Decedents 0.18 0.63 0.36
December 31, 2005 - Data used to construct the inpatient utilization
and expenditure variables for newborns were edited … to exclude stays
where the newborn left the hospital on the same day as the mother. … complications after birth were not consistently reported in the survey
and charges for newborns … However, if the newborn was
discharged at a later date than the mother was discharged, then the … discharge was considered a separate stay for the newborn when
constructing the utilization
December 31, 2007 - Data used to construct the inpatient utilization
and expenditure variables for newborns were edited … to exclude stays
where the newborn left the hospital on the same day as the mother. … complications after birth were not consistently reported in the survey
and charges for newborns … However, if the newborn was
discharged at a later date than the mother was discharged, then the … discharge was considered a separate stay for the newborn when
constructing the utilization
December 31, 2008 - Data used to construct the inpatient utilization
and expenditure variables for newborns were edited … to exclude stays
where the newborn left the hospital on the same day as the mother. … complications after birth were not consistently reported in the survey
and charges for newborns … However, if the newborn was
discharged at a later date than the mother was discharged, then the … discharge was considered a separate stay for the newborn when
constructing the utilization
December 31, 2006 - Data used to construct the inpatient utilization
and expenditure variables for newborns were edited … to exclude stays
where the newborn left the hospital on the same day as the mother. … complications after birth were not consistently reported in the survey
and charges for newborns … However, if the newborn was
discharged at a later date than the mother was discharged, then the … discharge was considered a separate stay for the newborn when
constructing the utilization
December 31, 2010 - are included with the inpatient expenditures (see
above) and payments associated with healthy newborns … Data used to construct the inpatient utilization
and expenditure variables for newborns were edited … to exclude stays
where the newborn left the hospital on the same day as the mother. … However, if the newborn was
discharged at a later date than the mother was discharged, then the … discharge was considered a separate stay for the newborn when
constructing the utilization
December 31, 2011 - are included with the inpatient expenditures (see
above) and payments associated with healthy newborns … Data used to construct the inpatient utilization
and expenditure variables for newborns were edited … to exclude stays
where the newborn left the hospital on the same day as the mother. … However, if the newborn was
discharged at a later date than the mother was discharged, then the … discharge was considered a separate stay for the newborn when
constructing the utilization