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    March 01, 2009 - Characteristics of stays for brain cancer are compared to all hospital stays, excluding newborns and … Compared with all other hospitalizations (excluding newborns and maternal stays for childbirth), the … years and older 30.2% 26.7% 44.7% Percentage of male patients 55.7% 54.2% 46.4% *Hospital stays for newborns
    August 01, 2006 - are reported from the maternal perspective (i.e., reflecting the experience of the mother, not the newborn … Vaginal birth after C-section (VBAC) is the delivery of a newborn vaginally for a woman who has previously
    April 01, 2020 - HCUP Fast Stats – Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome Among Newborn Hospitalizations • Provides trends in … neonatal abstinence syndrome-related newborn hospitalizations overall and by sex, expected payer, community-level … Trends are presented graphically as rates per 1,000 newborn hospitalizations, median costs, and median … HCUP Fast Stats – �Opioid-Related Hospital Use HCUP Fast Stats – �Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome Among Newborn
    October 01, 2021 - M5459 Other low back pain MUS038 Low back pain MUS038 Low back pain MUS038 Low back pain P0082 Newborn … affected by (positive) maternal group B streptococcus (GBS) colonization PNL010 Newborn affected by … maternal conditions or complications of labor/delivery PNL010 Newborn affected by maternal conditions … or complications of labor/delivery INF003 Bacterial infections PNL010 Newborn affected by maternal conditions
    November 01, 2015 - ■ The five most expensive conditions—septicemia; osteoarthritis; liveborn (newborn) infants; complication … Other high-cost hospitalizations were for osteoarthritis ($16.5 billion, or 4.3 percent), liveborn (newborn … ) infants ($13.3 billion, or 3.5 percent), complication of device, implant or graft ($12.4 billion,
    January 01, 2012 - The rate of hospitalization was highest among infants, which included hospital births (newborns), at … Analyses excluding maternal and neonatal (newborn) stays showed the same relative differences between … pregnancy, childbirth, and the puerperium) and neonatal hospital stays were identified using MDC 15 (newborns … and other neonates with conditions originating during the perinatal period).
    October 01, 2011 - 26,900 213,600 Septicemia Not Elsewhere Classified 17,200 16,000 Septicemia of Newborn … There were 96,100 newborn stays with a secondary diagnosis of septicemia. Table 6. … Otherwise Specified 054.5 Herpetic Septicemia 449 Septic Arterial Embolism 771.81 Newborn
    January 01, 2008 - all discharges with a procedure 61% 63%           Discharges with maternal and newborn
    November 01, 2009 - Policy Analysis Pediatric Blood Cultures in First 24 Hours Principle Diagnosis = 771.81 – Septicemia of Newborn
    January 01, 2008 - When procedures related to childbirth and newborns are excluded, males and females received similar procedures
    January 01, 2007 - There was large growth in Medicaid stays for skin conditions (92 percent), perinatal/newborns (55 percent
    June 11, 2008 - are reported from the maternal perspective (i.e., reflecting the experience of the mother, not the newborn … Vaginal birth after C-section (VBAC) is the delivery of a newborn vaginally for a woman who has previously
    January 01, 2005 - Admission type of elective and newborn are used in four PSIs. … An admission type of “elective” was assigned if the DRG did not indicate trauma, delivery, or newborn … information on scheduled admissions was used to identify elective admissions and DRGs were used to identify newborn … *) PSI 6 Iatrogenic pneumothorax per 1000 discharges (excluding neonates, obstetrical admissions, and … *) PSI 17 Birth trauma - injury to neonate per 1000 live births (excluding preterm and osteogenesis
    May 19, 2014 - discharges, (2) by summing the AHA counts for admissions and births there may be some double counting of newborns
  15. Kid 1997 Comparison (pdf file)
    January 01, 1997 - in neonatal care units can be expected to use more services and have longer stays than the average newborn … For example, the NHDS average length-of-stay estimate for neonates with other significant problems (390 … ) was less than one day (0.38 days) – less than the average length-of-stay estimate for normal newborns … prematurity w/ major problems 39,798 894 422: viral illness & fever of unknown origin 33,547 680 385: neonates … diagnoses 12 14 15 430: psychoses 167: appendectomy w/o complicated principal diag w/o cc 13 385: neonates
  16. Summary (pdf file)
    March 16, 2001 - For example, the NHDS average length-of-stay estimate for neonates with other significant problems ( … 390) was less than one day (0.38 days) – less than the average length-of-stay estimate for normal newborns … Strata KID NHDS DRG 391: normal newborn 257,111 23,791 390: neonate w/ other significant problems … prematurity w/ major problems 39,798 894 422: viral illness & fever of unknown origin 33,547 680 385: neonates … diagnoses 12 14 15 430: psychoses 167: appendectomy w/o complicated principal diag w/o cc 13 385: neonates
    April 01, 2009 - are reported from the maternal perspective (i.e.,  reflecting the experience of the mother, not the newborn … Vaginal birth after C­section (VBAC) is the delivery of a newborn vaginally by a woman who has  previously
    March 01, 2012 - Six of the most common procedures performed were associated with maternal and newborn hospitalizations—prophylactic … types of procedures performed during hospitalizations in 2010 were associated with maternal and newborn
  19. Ff 2009 Section5 (pdf file)
    January 01, 2009 - stays tended to increase by age group, with the exception of 0 to 14 year olds, a group that includes newborns … Hospital Stays for Males and Females by Major Reason,* 2009 Pregnancy and Childbirth Perinatal (Newborns …  Among male non-newborn stays, circulatory conditions had the highest rate of stays (202 per 10,000 … infant) 2,123 2,029 9,744 9,739 Acute bronchitis 51 34 235 165 ∞ Hemolytic jaundice and perinatal … For infants:  The most common condition was liveborn (newborn infant), which was similar for males
    May 01, 2016 - The five most expensive conditions—septicemia; osteoarthritis; liveborn (newborn) infants; complication … Other high-cost hospitalizations were for osteoarthritis ($16.5 billion, or 4.3 percent), liveborn (newborn … ) infants ($13.3 billion, or 3.5 percent), complication of device, implant or graft ($12.4 billion, or

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