September 01, 2014 - Text says: Build infrastructure for CER, add laboratory data, extend MPI to newborns and all new records … LABS
Reason for Hospitalization
Discharges without Labs
Total Discharges
January 17, 2020 - codes:
• P96.1: Neonatal withdrawal symptoms from maternal use of drugs of addiction
• P04.14: Newborn … under ICD-9-CM, the birth record must include any diagnosis of:
• 779.5: Drug withdrawal syndrome in newborn … a different ICD-10-CM
diagnosis code (P96.2: Withdrawal symptoms from therapeutic use of drugs in newborn
March 01, 2010 - weekend and weekday admissions in the average length of stay (4.6 days), the
percentage of maternal and newborn … most common reason for
admission to the hospital during the weekend in 2007 was for the birth of a newborn … infant
(923,000 discharges), followed by pneumonia (286,000 discharges). … two most frequent procedures, circumcision and C-section, were associated with
childbirth and newborns—the … injury or unexpected onset of illness, were life-
threatening, or in one case (circumcision), related to newborns
January 01, 2010 - As shown in table 3, the three most common conditions in rural hospitals—newborn infant,
pneumonia, … Stays Rank
Number of
(in thousands)
of Urban
Stays Rank
Newborn … infant 492 9.7 1 4,045 11.7 1
Pneumonia 267 5.3 2 902 2.6 2
Congestive heart failure 166 3.3 3 857 … with
(percentage) Rank
All stays by rural
4,513 66.9 2,229 33.1
Newborn … infant 453 74.6 1 154 25.4 1
Hardening of the
heart arteries and
other heart disease
68 38.6
August 01, 2012 - South Dakota documentation indicate that the SDAHO source data include discharges from: Acute Care; Newborns
July 01, 2013 - five conditions—
septicemia; osteoarthritis;
complication of device, implant
or graft; liveborn (newborn … )
infants; and acute myocardial
infarction—accounted for
nearly one-fifth of the total
aggregate … cost hospitalizations were for osteoarthritis; complication of device, implant or graft; liveborn (newborn … )
infants; and acute myocardial infarction (heart attack).
October 01, 2010 - Identifier (MPI) to link patients across hospitals throughout the state, by extending our work to include newborns
January 01, 1996 - 1.1 56.0 0.0
15.7.1 Respiratory conditions of fetus and
newborn … 55.7 0.0
15.7.3 Endocrine and metabolic disturbances
of fetus and newborn
February 11, 2011 - Respiratory conditions of fetus and - 7700 7701 7702 7703 7704 7705
newborn … - 7750 7751 7752 7753 7754 7755
disturbances of fetus and newborn
January 01, 2011 - 12,200 15,400 7.9
Complication of device,
implant or graft 6.0 12.9 12,200 18,500 5.6
Liveborn (newborn … infant) 8.6 12.4 2,300 3,300 2.6
Acute myocardial infarction 9.9 11.5 13,500 18,900 1.1
Spondylosis … with eight principal diagnoses: back problems, both complication diagnoses, cardiac
dysrhythmias, newborns … devices (2.2%)
Diabetes mellitus with complications (4.3%)
Biliary tract disease (2.6%)
Liveborn (newborn … infant) (2.6%)
Cardiac dysrhythmias (5.0%)
Complications of surgical procedures or medical care
August 10, 2015 - diagnosis, procedure, or Medicare-Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) indicating the delivery of a newborn
September 10, 2008 - diagnosis, procedure, or Medicare-Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) indicating the delivery of a newborn
January 01, 2004 - Admission type of elective and newborn are
used in four PSIs. … This algorithm used the admission
source and DRG to identify emergency, trauma-related, transfer and newborn … information on scheduled admissions was used to identify elective admissions
and DRGs were used to identify newborn … PSI 6 Latrogenic pneumothorax per 1000 discharges (excluding neonates, obstetrical admissions, and patients … PSI 17 Birth trauma - injury to neonate per 1000 live births (excluding preterm and osteogenesis imperfecta
January 01, 2018 - About two thirds of all pediatric hospital stays are for newborns. … And, the vast majority of these newborn stays are uncomplicated, routine births. … The discharges are post-stratified in proportion to the number of AHA newborns and the total number of … non-newborn AHA admissions.
September 24, 2010 - Michael on screen:
Michael speaking:
There are special coding requirements for newborns and … Next slide on screen: Coding Diagnoses for Newborns and Accidents
Michael speaking:
… For newborns, admission occurs at the time of birth.
March 01, 2012 - Three conditions had well below
the average cost per stay in 2010:
liveborn (newborn infants), chronic … for 3 principal
diagnoses was substantially lower than the average cost per stay in 2010: liveborn (newborn … infants)
($3,200 per stay), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease ($7,400 per stay), and mood disorders
March 23, 2010 - WITH NO LABS
Reason for
without Labs
August 01, 2013 - top five conditions—septicemia; osteoarthritis; complication of device, implant or graft; liveborn (newborn … ) infants; and acute myocardial infarction—accounted for nearly one-fifth of the total aggregate cost … high-cost hospitalizations were for osteoarthritis; complication of device, implant or graft; liveborn (newborn … ) infants; and acute myocardial infarction (heart attack).
January 01, 2007 - Hospital stays related to pregnancy, childbirth, and newborns together accounted for the most stays (
September 01, 2024 - services, occupational therapy
(including occupational physical and occupational health), outpatient newborn