January 01, 2007 - MMC-NI has 12,961 acute
discharges, 1,122 newborn discharges, 34,341 emergency room visits, and about … were able to generate additional
physician templates for documenting patient visits for obstetrics, newborns … cardiothoracic, cri tical
care, EENT (ears, eye, nose and throat), medicine, neurology/neurosurgery,
newborn … services 3 Critical care 1
Interdisciplinary Inpatient care 7 Maternal-child care 3 Social Worker 1
Newborn … extremities, back pain, abdominal pain, well-child pediatrics,
psychiatric health, obstetrics and well-baby newborn
April 13, 2012 - Public Health Scenario B—Newborn Screening
Stakeholder organizations and exchanges:
Health care … Public Health Scenario B—Newborn Screening
A newborn’s screening test comes up positive for a state-mandated
April 26, 2013 - Public Health Scenario B—Newborn Screening
Stakeholder organizations and exchanges:
Health care … Public Health Scenario B—Newborn Screening
A newborn’s screening test comes up positive for a state-mandated
January 01, 2009 - The intended
goal of this project was to provide neonates, a high risk population, who reside in the … It has the second highest number of newborn deliveries in the state of Mississippi. … Fifteen
parents who received a personal developmental health record for a neonate over the last two … Matching neonates’ information was a key problem discussed in great detail. … Similarly, caregivers spoke of the benefits to their neonate because his/her
information was provided
April 13, 2012 - Public Health Scenario B—Newborn Screening
Stakeholder organizations and exchanges:
Health care
April 26, 2013 - Public Health Scenario B—Newborn Screening
Stakeholder organizations and exchanges:
Health care
September 17, 2010 - dietary care for diabetes patients (Nov., 2006)
Taos staff demonstrated NMHIC use to report abnormal newborn
November 01, 2010 - Management of the Child With Simple Febrile Seizures
• Jul 2004 Management of Hyperbilirubinemia in the Newborn … Infant 35 or
More Weeks of Gestation
• May 2004 Otitis Media With Effusion (with AAO-HNS and AAFP)
January 01, 2014 - Among neonates, VLBW infants have the longest average length of hospital stay as well as
the highest … While many applications have been created since this project began and are available for general newborn … Committee on Fetus and Newborn. Hospital Discharge of the High-Risk Neonate.
January 12, 2007 - | Slide 29 Meeting Final November 2006
Page 29
© FCG 2007
Adult dose of antibiotic in a
January 12, 2007 - on age and weight or for which age and
weight must be considered in appropriate dosing
Adult dose
January 01, 2016 - Higher risks for newborns associated with repeat cesarean surgery include
admission to intensive care … Persistent pulmonary hypertension of the
newborn following elective cesarean delivery at term.
January 01, 2019 - depression
may have negative effects on the developing fetus (hyperactivity, irregular fetal heart rate), newborns … diphtheria, and accellular pertussis (Tdap)
vaccine (ideally given between 27-36 weeks to protect the newborn … Behnke M, Smith VC, Committee on Substance Abuse, Committee on Fetus and Newborn.
January 01, 2016 - Among all patients, there
were 6209 outpatient visits, 5511 inpatient stays (including newborn), and
June 30, 2007 - project team was specifically examining encryption as a technical solution and planned to
use their newborn
April 26, 2010 - Project aimed to improve the
lives of children and families by reducing morbidity and mortality of newborns
January 01, 2020 - Effect of an Alternative
Newborn Naming Strategy on Wrong-Patient Errors: A Quasi-Experimental Study
May 10, 2016 - I started out using health IT for medication safety when I was standing one day in the newborn
intensive … And
especially in infants, in the newborn intensive care unit, they were outdated because the weight
February 01, 2010 - Knowledge library. practice in a newborn intensive care unit. … Impact of computerized physician order entry on clinical
practice in a newborn intensive care unit.
January 01, 2022 - Use of Temporary Names for Newborns and Associated
Risks. Pediatrics. 2015;136(2):327-333.