
Total Results: 133 records

Showing results for "neurological".

    May 01, 2023 - vulnerable populations presenting to the emergency department with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular or neurological
    September 01, 2018 - Access to Outpatient Specialty Care for Children Access to Outpatient Specialty Care for Children Section 1. Basic Measure Information 1.A. Measure Name Access to Outpatient Specialty Care for Children 1.B. Measure Number 0235 1.C. Measure Description Please provide a non-technical description of the mea…
    February 12, 2018 - Section 1, Tables 1 and 2 Table 1: Definition of Sepsis Syndrome Term Definition Sepsis syndrome Sepsis, severe sepsis or septic shock Sepsis Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS) in the presence of, or as a result of, suspected or proven infection SIRS The presence of at least two of the following f…
    February 09, 2018 - Section 1, Tables 1 and 2 Table 1: Definition of Sepsis Syndrome Term Definition Sepsis syndrome Sepsis, severe sepsis or septic shock Sepsis Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS) in the presence of, or as a result of, suspected or proven infection SIRS The presence of at least two of the followi…
    April 26, 2018 - Section 1, Tables 1 and 2 Table 1: Definition of Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock Term Definition Severe sepsis Sepsis plus one of the following: cardiovascular organ dysfunction OR acute respiratory distress syndrome OR two or more other organ dysfunctions. Sepsis Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS) i…
    May 01, 2016 - meningoencephalitis 054.3 Herpes simplex meningitis 054.72 Postmeasles encephalitis 055.0 Rubella with neurological … catheterization of vessel to be occluded, positioning and inflation of occlusion balloon, concomitant neurological
    April 25, 2018 - Section 1, Tables 1 to 3 Table 1: Definition of Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock Term Definition Severe sepsis Sepsis plus one of the following: cardiovascular organ dysfunction OR acute respiratory distress syndrome OR two or more other organ dysfunctions. Sepsis Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS) …
    November 01, 2019 - For example, there are no ICD-9-CM codes to indicate that a neurological exam was not performed, or … that the results of a neurological exam were abnormal.
    October 22, 2013 - monitoring physical examination maneuvers (height, weight, BMI, waist circumference, blood pressure, and neurological
    February 01, 2024 - Skip to main content An official website of the Department of Health and Human Services Careers Contact Us Español FAQs Search all AHRQ sites Search small Search Menu …
    January 01, 2015 - Measure: Behavioral Health Risk Assessment for Pregnant Women Measure: Behavioral Health Risk Assessment for Pregnant Women Measure Developer: Pediatric Measurement Center of Excellence (PMCoE) Numerator Denominator Exclusions Data Source(s) Patients who received all behavioral health screening risk assessment…
    August 01, 2014 - Sepsis in the ED Detailed Measure, Technical Specifications Q-METRIC Sepsis Measure 1, ED Protocol for Children with Sepsis Syndrome U18HS020516 Page 41 Submitted August 2014 Sepsis Measure 1: Protocol for Identifying and Treating Children with Sepsis Syndrome in the Emergency Department Desc…
    October 01, 2017 - Final Topic Refinement Document: Home Mechanical Ventilators Final Topic Refinement Document Home Mechanical Ventilators ID: PULT0717 Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Technology Assessment Program Mayo Clinic Evidence-based Practice Center 16 October 2017 Preliminary Key Questions (KQs) …
    January 01, 2010 - Attachment 6A.1 Description of the Chicago Pediatric Quality and Safety Consortium Hospitals CPQSC: Institution Characteristics Advocate – Oak Lawn Advocate – Park Ridge Lurie Children’s Prentice Mount Sinai Stroger Type of Institution Children’s Hospital with pediatric residency program and fell…
    January 01, 2010 - Attachment 6A.1 Description of the Chicago Pediatric Quality and Safety Consortium Hospitals CPQSC: Institution Characteristics Advocate – Oak Lawn Advocate – Park Ridge Lurie Children’s Prentice Mount Sinai Stroger Type of Institution Children’s Hospital with pediatric residency program and fell…
    October 01, 2014 - Skip to main content An official website of the Department of Health and Human Services Careers Contact Us Español FAQs Search all AHRQ sites Search small Search Menu …
    January 01, 2014 - Pediatrics 2014 anyneuro Indicates whether patient had any comorbidities that involved the neurological
    June 15, 2018 - Section 1, Tables 1-4 1 Table 1: Definition of Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock Term Definition Severe sepsis Sepsis plus one of the following: cardiovascular organ dysfunction OR acute respiratory distress syndrome OR two or more other organ dysfunctions. Sepsis Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS) …
    February 09, 2018 - Section 2, Technical Specifications Sepsis Measure 3: Timely Blood Culture for Children with Sepsis Syndrome Description The proportion of hospitalized children with sepsis syndrome who had blood culture drawn within 4 hours of meeting diagnostic criteria for sepsis syndrome. A higher proportion indic…
    March 16, 2023 - 3P_RD_AHRQ_PUF_Data_Dictionary README Physician Practice Research Database (3P-RD) Data Dictionary Purpose of the 3P-RD Database The purpose of the Physician and Physician Practice Research Databases (3P-RD) is to create a prototype database to address gaps in current physician and physician practice data at the s…

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