December 17, 2013 - People with clinically isolated syndrome
(CIS), a first neurological episode that lasts at least 24 … Mente T, Lehmann-Horn K, et
al., Current treatment strategies for multiple
sclerosis—Efficacy versus neurological
April 01, 2013 - 1
Comparative Effectiveness Review
Number 103
Migraine in Adults:
Preventive Pharmacologic Treatments
Executive Summary
According to the International
Classification of Headache Disorder,
migraine is a common disabling primary
headache disorder manifesting in attacks
lasting 4 to 72 hours.1,2 M…
January 16, 2020 - Current Page Topic Timeline May. 10, 2019 Topic Initiated Jan. 16, 2020 Research Protocol Mar. 22, 2021 Systematic Review Cervical Ripening in the Outpatient Setting
Research Protocol January 16, 2020 Download Main Document PDF 439.2 KB
I. Background
Induction of labor (IOL) is the process of init…
November 19, 2012 - Chronic-urinary-retention-protocol
Evidence-based Practice Center Systematic Review Protocol
Project Title: Chronic Urinary Retention (CUR) Treatment
I. Background and Objectives…
October 01, 2007 - EDITORIAL
The Comparative Effectiveness and Safety Emerging
Methods Symposium
A Tribute to Harry A. Guess: Father and Consummate Leader of
David J. Ballard, MD, PhD
This symposium and supplement dedicated to Harry Guess provides us with anopportunity to celebrate Harry’s life and his myriad con…
May 13, 2016 - Early Imaging for Back Pain and Clinical Outcomes in Older Adults: A Brief Summary of Findings and Key Points for Clinician-Patient Discussions
Clinician Summary May 13, 2016 Download Main Document PDF 176.7 KB
Description of This Summary
This is a summary of an original research article that was pu…
April 01, 2016 - Early Imaging for Back Pain and
Clinical Outcomes in Older Adults: A
Brief Summary of Findings and Key
Points for Clinician-Patient Discussions
What were the clinical outcomes and use of health care resources among older
adults who received early imaging when compared with those who did not re…
August 21, 2023 - persistence, blood clotting and endothelial
1 Background
dysfunction, and dysfunctional neurological
December 18, 2019 - Cervical Ripening in the Outpatient Setting
Evidence-based Practice Center Systematic Review Protocol
Project Title: Cervical Ripening in the Outpatient Setting
I. Background
Induction of labor (IOL) is the process of initiating labor by using medications,
mechanical (devices), or other methods…
January 01, 2019 - Headache and transient focal
neurological symptoms during pregnancy, a prospective cohort.
May 19, 2010 - Cancer Quality-ASSIST Supportive Oncology Quality Indicator Set: Feasibility, Reliability, and Validity Testing
Research Report Archived May 19, 2010 Download Main Document PDF 119.7 KB
Note : This report is greater than 5 years old. Findings may be used for research purposes but should not be consider…
January 01, 2016 - fentayl, midazolam, and succinylcholine; preceded by ≥3 minutes of preoxygenation 157 Function Good neurological … vs. 128 (75-203), 0.70 NR NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
Eich, 2009 4 ETI NR 63 NA NA NA Function Favorable neurological … Function Modified PCPC at discharge of normal, mild deficit, or no change from baseline function ("good neurological … Function Modified PCPC at discharge of normal, mild deficit, or no change from baseline function ("good neurological … NA NA NA NA NA
Hoffmann, 2017 4 ETI sedation-facilitated 12,448 ETI no medication NR Function Good neurological
September 30, 2014 - genetic-testing-developmental-disabilities-protocol-140930
Evidence-based Practice Center
Technical Brief Protocol
February 22, 2012 - These “phantom sounds” are attributed to a disruption in the neurological auditory pathway.
November 30, 2014 - .2
FI can result from a number of causes that fall into two broad categories: nonneurological or
neurological … Neurological causes of FI include damage to the nervous system or
advanced cognitive impairment. … Management of faecal incontinence and
constipation in adults with central neurological
August 01, 2020 - Evidence Summary: CER 231 Care Interventions for People Living With Dementia and Their Caregivers
Comparative Effectiveness Review
Number 231
Care Interventions for People Living
With Dementia and Their Caregivers
Evidence Summary
Main Points
Background and Purpose
The aging of the U.S. population and the co…
January 01, 2020 - 2020 EPC Year in Review
2020 EPC Program Year in Review
EPC Mission: Transform healthcare by increasing the quality, availability,
and use of evidence via scientifically rigorous and unbiased analysis of evidence
Public Interest
Listserv Members: 108,735
Topics Nominated: 33
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September 27, 2022 - Behavioral Interventions for Migraine Prevention
Evidence-based Practice Center Systematic Review Protocol
Project Title: Behavioral Interventions for Migraine Prevention
I. Background and Objectives for the Systematic Review
Migraine affects 1 in 6 Americans and globally ranks second amon…