
Total Results: 330 records

Showing results for "neurological".

    November 30, 2013 - condition within 7 days (CHF or chest pain or MI, pneumonia or bronchitis, mental status change or neurological … on the risk report: • CHF or chest pain or MI • Pneumonia or Bronchitis • Mental Status Change or Neurological … and discharge diagnosis) • Reason for Transfer (cardiac/circulatory, respiratory, mental/psychiatric/neurological … Reasons for transfer follows • Mental/psychiatric/neurological symptoms • Cardiac/circulatory symptoms
    April 01, 2018 - Medical Office Survey on Patient Safety Culture: 2018 User Database Report Part I Executive Summary Surveys on Patient Safety Culture Executive Summary 2018 Medical Offices Survey Database Report This overview of survey findings summarized how medical office employees perceive 10 areas of patient safety cultu…
    November 30, 2013 - of breathing COPD Cough or wheezing Hypoxia Shortness of breath Rule out pneumonia Mental Disorders/Neurological … Medications*** Medication Total ≥15 CHF or Chest Pain or MI Pneumonia or Bronchitis Mental Status Change or Neurological … Discharge ED Visit Date ED Discharge Diagnosis Cardiac/Circulatory/Blood Respiratory Mental/Psych/Neurological
    June 01, 2005 - : Final Effects of Omega-3 Fatty Acids on Cognitive Function with Aging, Dementia, and Neurological
    October 01, 2015 - could include: 4 Respiratory tract infection Gastrointestinal infection Bloodstream infection Neurological
    January 01, 2016 - Strategies for Preparing for TeamSTEPPS Implementation in the Clinical and Educational Settings Strategies for Preparing for TeamSTEPPS Implementation in the Clinical and Educational Settings July 13, 2016 TEAMSTEPPS 05.2 Mod 1 05.2 Page ‹#› TeamSTEPPS® UF Clinical and Educational Implementation Slide ‹#› 1 …
    August 01, 2017 - • Mental Status Change or Neurological Symptoms. • Urinary Tract Infection. … CHF or Status Documentation Element Chest Pain or MI Pneumonia or Bronchitis Change or Neurological … CHF or Status Documentation Element Chest Pain or MI Pneumonia or Bronchitis Change or Neurological … X in • Rule out pneumonia 6 Mental/Psych/ Neurological Transfer Note • • Change in mental … surgical complication  Rule out pneumonia  Poor intake or nutritional decline Mental Disorders/Neurological
    June 01, 2020 - Skip to main content An official website of the Department of Health and Human Services Careers Contact Us Español FAQs Search all AHRQ sites Search small Search Menu …
    January 17, 2017 - Measure 1, Section 6, Attachment 2 SNAC Submission Form Measure 1: Accurate ADHD Diagnosis Section 6: Scientific Soundness Attachment 2: Summary of Public Comments Attention Deficit Hyperact…
    February 02, 2017 - ADHD Summary of Public Comments SNAC Submission Form ADHD Measure 2: Behavior Therapy Section 6: Scientific Soundness Attachment 2: Summary of Public Comments Attention Deficit Hyperactivi…
    May 01, 2023 - vulnerable populations presenting to the emergency department with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular or neurological
    February 01, 2023 - Pneumonia after hip surgery in children with neurological complex chronic conditions.
    September 01, 2018 - Access to Outpatient Specialty Care for Children Access to Outpatient Specialty Care for Children Section 1. Basic Measure Information 1.A. Measure Name Access to Outpatient Specialty Care for Children 1.B. Measure Number 0235 1.C. Measure Description Please provide a non-technical description of the mea…
    February 09, 2018 - Section 1, Tables 1 and 2 Table 1: Definition of Sepsis Syndrome Term Definition Sepsis syndrome Sepsis, severe sepsis or septic shock Sepsis Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS) in the presence of, or as a result of, suspected or proven infection SIRS The presence of at least two of the followi…
    April 26, 2018 - Section 1, Tables 1 and 2 Table 1: Definition of Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock Term Definition Severe sepsis Sepsis plus one of the following: cardiovascular organ dysfunction OR acute respiratory distress syndrome OR two or more other organ dysfunctions. Sepsis Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS) i…
    February 12, 2018 - Section 1, Tables 1 and 2 Table 1: Definition of Sepsis Syndrome Term Definition Sepsis syndrome Sepsis, severe sepsis or septic shock Sepsis Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS) in the presence of, or as a result of, suspected or proven infection SIRS The presence of at least two of the following f…
    May 01, 2016 - meningoencephalitis 054.3 Herpes simplex meningitis 054.72 Postmeasles encephalitis 055.0 Rubella with neurological … catheterization of vessel to be occluded, positioning and inflation of occlusion balloon, concomitant neurological
    September 01, 2022 - Neurological Complications of Acute and Chronic Sinusitis. Curr Neurol Neurosci Rep 18, 5 (2018).
    March 03, 2008 - A Model of Care Delivery to Reduce Falls in a Major Cancer Center A Model of Care Delivery to Reduce Falls in a Major Cancer Center Nancy E. Kline, PhD, RN, CPNP, FAAN; Bridgette Thom, MS; Wayne Quashie, MPH, RN; Patricia Brosnan, MPH, RN; Mary Dowling, MSN, RN Abstract Falls are a leading cause of injuries…
    April 25, 2018 - Section 1, Tables 1 to 3 Table 1: Definition of Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock Term Definition Severe sepsis Sepsis plus one of the following: cardiovascular organ dysfunction OR acute respiratory distress syndrome OR two or more other organ dysfunctions. Sepsis Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS) …

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