January 01, 2011 - Treated for Hypertension by a
Team of Physicians, Mid-Level Practitioners, Nurse Clinicians, and
Support … To Monitor the Shift in Provider and Support Staff Awareness
and Incorporation of PFCC Concepts as a … Contemporary emphasis on
patient-centered care provides support for the notion that empowering patients … Meaningful use criteria will support the provision of and access to web portals and PHRs. … To Monitor the Shift in Provider and Support Staff Awareness and Incorporation of PFCC Concepts as a
January 01, 2012 - including an electronic medical record (EMR),
computer-based provider order entry (CPOE), decision support
July 01, 2015 - The goals of the projects
were to identify and support data sharing and interoperability activities … AHRQ’s contract provided funding
to support patient health data sharing and interoperability activities … Support continued collection, analysis, and publication/dissemination of all current
Delaware health … A one-time interface connectivity fee may be charged to each
practice to support the DHIN. … Today, DHIN and the MSD continue to support each other’s
organizational mission.
January 01, 2008 - limitations in the amount and
quality of data; 3) absence of response systems i.e. tools and methods to support … events and near misses can facilitate the management of data across reporting systems and
should support … Responses were compared, discrepancies were discussed, and
mutual agreement was established. … Comments that focused on improving the culture of patient safety recognized the need for
greater support … All participants agree that regardless of how much technical support is present, training for
this type
January 01, 2014 - assessments, adherence to evidence-based treatment guidelines,
behaviorally-minded self-management support … There
should be a good and mutual understanding about patients’ enrollment status.”
January 01, 2008 - Furthermore, tele-ICUs may have
decision support software to help identify subtle trends (rising creatinine … reviewed for
duplicate entries, coding errors, out-of-range values, scoring algorithm errors, and mutual
January 01, 2011 - determine the degree of agreement on the
diagnoses we used implicit criteria and a process of training and mutual … implementation is complete the new system should provide a more nearly
seamless environment and would better support
January 01, 2011 - The interactions included educational and self-management support from the
VPA, which promoted patient
May 23, 2007 - Entity business management and administration including HIPAA-related
activities; customer service support … are highly variable.
3.2 Medical Records Standards
The key functions of medical records are to support
May 23, 2007 - Entity business management and administration including HIPAA-related
activities; customer service support … are highly variable.
3.2 Medical Records Standards
The key functions of medical records are to support