
Total Results: 152 records

Showing results for "musculoskeletal".

    June 04, 2024 - Half of the exercise trials reported harms, with generally minor musculoskeletal adverse effects being … Adverse events directly re- lated to the exercise intervention were largely musculoskeletal dis- comfort … multifactorial interventions, such as falls without injuries, back pain, and musculoskeletal pain.4,11
    June 04, 2024 - Half of the exercise trials reported harms, with generally minor musculoskeletal adverse effects being … Adverse events directly related to the exercise intervention were largely musculoskeletal discomfort … harms associated with multifactorial interventions, such as falls without injuries, back pain, and musculoskeletal
    June 04, 2024 - with multifactorial and exercise interventions were not well reported and were generally rare, minor musculoskeletal … for 2 or more days or resulted in medical attention in 2 intervention participants, 12 1 reported musculoskeletal … . 18 Exercise Interventions One-half of the trials (19/37) reported harms, with generally minor musculoskeletal … intervention sessions, ranging from 0% 18 , 51 , 53 , 63 , 64 to 58%. 56 These adverse events were largely musculoskeletal … populations at both average and increased risk for Exercise 37 (16,117) Harms: generally minor musculoskeletal
    April 11, 2024 - nonadherence); risk-reducing medications (thromboembolic and cardiovascular events, metabolic disorders, musculoskeletal
    May 14, 2015 - including any harms requiring unexpected or unwanted medical attention (e.g., nutritional deficiencies, musculoskeletal
    May 14, 2015 - including any harms requiring unexpected or unwanted medical attention (e.g., nutritional deficiencies, musculoskeletal
    August 26, 2014 - Few trials reported details about the adverse events, but most were minor, including musculoskeletal … physical activity interventions, a few participants reported fatigue, muscle soreness, or other minor musculoskeletal … Quantity and quality of exercise for developing and maintaining cardiorespiratory, musculoskeletal, and
    February 03, 2014 - 4: Adverse outcomes include any harms requiring medical attention (e.g., nutritional deficiencies, musculoskeletal
    June 04, 2024 - with multifactorial and exercise interventions were not well reported and were generally rare, minor musculoskeletal … living for 2 or more days or resulted in medical attention in 2 intervention participants,12 1 reported musculoskeletal … group.18 Exercise Interventions One-half of the trials (19/37) reported harms, with generally minor musculoskeletal … intervention ses- sions, ranging from 0%18,51,53,63,64 to 58%.56 These adverse events were largely musculoskeletal … populations at both average and increased risk for falls Exercise 37 (16 117) Harms: generally minor musculoskeletal
    September 13, 2018 - behavior KQ 4: Adverse outcomes Harms requiring medical attention (e.g., nutritional deficiency, musculoskeletal
    May 15, 2013 - 4: Adverse outcomes include any harms requiring medical attention (e.g., nutritional deficiencies, musculoskeletal
    August 24, 2017 - nonadherence); risk-reducing medications (thromboembolic and cardiovascular events, metabolic disorders, musculoskeletal
    October 01, 2014 - Few trials reported details about the adverse events, but most were minor, including musculoskeletal … physical activity interventions, a few participants reported fatigue, muscle soreness, or other mi- nor musculoskeletal … Quantity and quality of exercise for developing and maintaining cardiorespiratory, musculoskeletal, and
    September 22, 2020 - studies; however, the incidence of total adverse events, such as gastrointestinal symptoms, fatigue, musculoskeletal … Vitamin D effects on musculoskeletal health, immunity, autoimmunity, cardiovascular disease, cancer,
    January 24, 2023 - Abnormal liver and musculoskeletal laboratory values were reported with statin use; however, most trials … of this trial, elevated liver enzyme levels at this threshold were similarly rare. 1 Elevations in musculoskeletal
    August 24, 2021 - persons with significant renal impairment. 47 In studies of lifestyle interventions that reported on musculoskeletal … for rates of joint sprains/strains or muscle or joint aches over 1 year, 1 study found few cases of musculoskeletal … problems (<1% per group), and 1 study (the DPP) found higher rates of musculoskeletal symptoms per 100
    July 01, 2010 - Case reports of severe musculoskeletal pain that may be reversible after discontinuing the medication … Zoledronic acid was as­ sociated with increased musculoskeletal events in a system­ atic review of trials … The FDA has recently highlighted case reports of esophageal cancer and severe musculoskeletal pain. … Musculoskeletal symptoms Zoledronic acid was associated with increased muscular and joint pain, arthritis … Severe reversible musculoskeletal pain has been reported for all bisphosphonates.
    July 06, 2010 - Case reports of severe musculoskeletal pain that may be reversible after discontinuing the medication … Zoledronic acid was associated with increased musculoskeletal events in a systematic review of trials … The FDA has recently highlighted case reports of esophageal cancer and severe musculoskeletal pain. … Musculoskeletal symptoms Zoledronic acid was associated with increased muscular and joint pain, arthritis … Severe reversible musculoskeletal pain has been reported for all bisphosphonates.
    August 24, 2021 - sons with significant renal impairment.47 In studies of lifestyle in- terventions that reported on musculoskeletal … rates of joint sprains/ strains or muscle or joint aches over 1 year, 1 study found few cases of musculoskeletal … problems (<1% per group), and 1 study (the DPP) found higher rates of musculoskeletal symptoms per
    August 24, 2021 - sons with significant renal impairment.47 In studies of lifestyle in- terventions that reported on musculoskeletal … rates of joint sprains/ strains or muscle or joint aches over 1 year, 1 study found few cases of musculoskeletal … problems (<1% per group), and 1 study (the DPP) found higher rates of musculoskeletal symptoms per

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