January 01, 2011 - tests will result
in any significant improvement in intermediate outcomes,
safety, quality of life, morbidity … Among the
confounders: co-morbidities; parenteral iron
administration; dialysis for many; administration
December 01, 2022 - disparities for people living in rural areas.1
Rural populations experience higher mortality2-5 and morbidity
September 01, 2023 - Population Pregnant women Elderly (65 years and older) Children & adolescents (up to 18 years old) Co-morbidities
October 07, 2011 - could be reasonably
assessed in a short timeframe, while many
others (e.g. persistence, mortality, morbidity … “Cardiovascular Morbidity and Mortality in the Losartan
Intervention For Endpoint Reduction in Hypertension
January 01, 2016 - 105/144) NR NA 145 11 NA 105 39 NA
Gamberini, 2019 3 SGA Laryngeal Tube 33 ETI Orotracheal Tube 147 Morbidity … NA NA 0 vs. 1.4% (1/73) NR NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
Hansen, 2020 3 SGA I-Gel, King LT 6 ETI Direct 21 Morbidity … 2.8% to 6.4%), p<0.001 NR NA 69 959 NA 21 975 NA
Jabre, 2018
Malinverni, 2019 2 BVM NR 54 ETI NR 58 Morbidity … and 6-12 0% (0) vs. 1% (1) vs. 0% (0) NR NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
Prekker, 2016 4 ETI NR 219 NA NA NA Morbidity … ; difference 0.1% (-1.3 to 1.4), p=0.90 NR NA 5 455 NA 4 396 NA
Wang, 2018 3 SGA LT 460 ETI NR 400 Morbidity
September 01, 2011 - Treatment approaches to avoid early mortality and morbidity.* This thread includes topics related to … Most patients with a psychotic disorder and many patients with a mood disorder suffer
significant morbidity … Although there is strong evidence
of continuing morbidity for most patients with SMI, there is also … that can have major impacts on health outcomes.”1 Comparisons
of treatment approaches to avoid early morbidity … Treatment approaches to avoid early mortality and morbidity. (34)*
• PC 1.
December 31, 2019 - hospital, emergency room, and primary care services), and clinical outcomes (e.g., disease-
specific morbidity … Health system level changes (e.g. new population
health programs)
• Patient outcomes
o Chronic disease morbidity
May 01, 2020 - hospital, emergency room, and primary care services), and clinical outcomes (e.g., disease-specific morbidity … level changes (e.g. new population health programs)
Patient outcomes:
Chronic disease morbidity
January 01, 2011 - Study 2 (Betrán et al., 2005): systematic review of the prevalence of maternal mortality and morbidity … In the second study, evaluating the prevalence of maternal mortality and morbidity from 1997 to 2002, … in identifying studies for systematic reviews: experience from the WHO systematic review of maternal morbidity … in identifying studies for systematic reviews: experience from the WHO systematic review of maternal morbidity
February 01, 2024 - nonprescription, is extremely common for
numerous physical and mental health conditions and can have benefits on morbidity … multiple aspects of patient safety and
quality of care, including by reducing drug burden, ADEs, and morbidity … , is extremely common
for numerous physical and mental health conditions and can have benefits on
morbidity … multiple aspects of patient safety and quality of care, including
by reducing drug burden, ADEs, and morbidity
January 01, 2017 - is the predictive utility of the tGCS
compared with the mGCS for predicting in-hospital
mortality, morbidity … effectiveness of the
tGCS compared with the mGCS on clinical outcomes
(e.g., in-hospital mortality, morbidity … For Key Question 1, we included measures of predictive
utility for in-hospital mortality, morbidity,
January 01, 2015 - projected health status of people with respect to burden
of the disease and health outcomes: mortality, morbidity … Etiology and co-morbidities
a. … Document the distribution and prevalence of various co-morbidities and associated
conditions that co-occur … Etiology and co-morbidities
· Stakeholders suggested that understanding disease pathophysiology and … · Where possible, research should seek to sort out what is a co-morbidity and what is a
December 01, 2019 - Associated with Postpartum Hemorrhage
PPH is one of the leading causes of maternal mortality and morbidity … with PPH could be prevented with prompt recognition and more timely and adequate treatment. 16-18 Morbidity … The outcomes of ICU admission and extended hospitalization are used as indicators of maternal morbidity
February 13, 2012 - Minimally invasive needle biopsy has an exceedingly low
morbidity rate and almost no associated mortality … Perhaps wording using “morbidity and
mortality”, or “decreased survival” would fit in better? … with minimally
invasive image guided biopsy techniques, particularly
ultrasound guided cores, the morbidity
January 06, 2022 - • Hospital readmission
• Hospital length of stay
Health outcomes
• Mortality / Survival
• Morbidity … experience/satisfaction
Hospital readmission
Hospital length of stay
Health Outcomes
Mortality / Survival
Morbidity … extreme racial/ethnic disparities in outcomes, by examining
available sources such as CDC mortality and morbidity
February 10, 2010 - addition, the prevalence of asthma is greatest among
populations of low socioeconomic status.4 The morbidity … Trends in Asthma Morbidity and Mortality (February 2010).
October 01, 2007 - Operative
morbidity and mortality in community double that
achieved in trials.
Is it worth it? … Cohorts and administrative databases29,30 State outcomes variable but morbidity usually
exceeds that
August 01, 2007 - not
representative to a general elderly population since they on average have lower income and
higher morbidity … distinct prescription drugs excluding APMs listed above, Charlson
comorbidity score20), psychiatric morbidity
October 01, 2006 - treated with medical therapy alone, there is the risk of
deterioration of kidney function, with worsening
morbidity … function and blood pressure; however, as with all
invasive interventions, it may result in substantial
June 29, 2019 - current evidence base in order to understand which issues are driving the current rise in opioid-
related morbidity … social contacts, employment)
o patient setting (e.g., outpatient, inpatient, long-term care)
o patient morbidities