December 01, 2019 - Outcomes were MRSA acquisition; MRSA infection; morbidity (including complications of MRSA infection) … However, there is insufficient evidence on other outcomes of universal MRSA screening, including morbidity … of specific bundles of screening and infection control interventions and address outcomes, including morbidity
October 01, 2012 - Although critically ill patients in the
intensive care units (ICUs) have higher
morbidity and mortality … • Health outcomes, such as morbidity, mortality,
function, quality of life, and adverse events
of … Direct evidence
of the results of testing on health outcomes is shown
by link A (morbidity, function … Antimicrobial resistance contributes to
morbidity, mortality, and health care costs. … Weakness 2: Measurement of Morbidity
There were various measures of morbidity across these
March 11, 2010 - Does screening for subclinical thyroid dysfunction reduce morbidity or mortality?
1b. … Does screening for subclinical thyroid dysfunction reduce morbidity or mortality?
1b. … Do screening high-risk groups for subclinical thyroid dysfunction reduce morbidity or
mortality? … Does screening for subclinical thyroid dysfunction reduce morbidity or mortality?
1b. … Do screening high-risk groups for subclinical thyroid dysfunction reduce morbidity or mortality?
December 01, 2019 - life-threatening complications, 6 and thus identification of those in the early stages can prevent morbidity … Does screening for subclinical thyroid dysfunction reduce morbidity or mortality?
1b. … Do screening high-risk groups for subclinical thyroid dysfunction reduce morbidity or mortality? … Does screening for subclinical thyroid dysfunction reduce morbidity or mortality?
1b. … Do screening high-risk groups for subclinical thyroid dysfunction reduce morbidity or mortality?
June 24, 2014 - Outcome(s): Health outcomes (e.g. mortality, morbidity, adverse events), functional
status, patient
November 01, 2017 - was identified by a group of stakeholders in cardiovascular disease as an area in which significant morbidity … to inform practice and guideline development, and ultimately improve the quality of care by reducing morbidity … was identified by a group of stakeholders in cardiovascular disease as an area in which significant morbidity … to inform practice and guideline development, and ultimately improve the quality of care by reducing morbidity
November 01, 2017 - was identified by a group of stakeholders in cardiovascular disease as an area in which significant morbidity … to inform practice and guideline development, and ultimately improve the quality of care by reducing morbidity … was identified by a group of stakeholders in cardiovascular disease as an area in which significant morbidity … to inform practice and guideline development, and ultimately improve the quality of care by reducing morbidity
January 01, 2010 - • Health outcomes such as the incidence of MRSA
infection, morbidity (including complications of
MRSA … • Health outcomes such as the incidence of MRSA
infection, morbidity (including complications of
MRSA … • Health outcomes such as the incidence of MRSA
infection, morbidity (including complications of
MRSA … • Health outcomes such as the incidence of MRSA
infection, morbidity (including complications of
MRSA … Health outcomes, including MRSA infection, morbidity,
and mortality, are also depicted.
May 01, 2024 - work hours have had mixed effects on the incidence of medical errors, patient mortality, and patient morbidity … 2024
Systematic Review
Dec 21, 2023
Social and Structural Determinants of Maternal Morbidity
March 13, 2013 - of MIBC
Comparator(s): Various new and existing therapies and diagnostic approaches
Outcome(s): Morbidity … patients and
providers is the potential malignant spread to distant sites which would lead increased morbidity
November 01, 2017 - no testing or alternative testing strategies improve outcomes (such as surgical complications, other morbidity … no testing or alternative testing strategies improve outcomes (such as surgical complications, other morbidity … no testing or alternative testing strategies improve outcomes (such as surgical complications, other morbidity … does-routine-preoperative-testing-compared-to-no-testing-or-alternative-testing-strategies-improve-outcomes-such-as-surgical-complications-other-morbidity-and-mortality-among-patients-undergoing-elective-surg
July 19, 2014 - surgery
Comparator(s): Those listed above (i.e., compared to each other), usual care
Outcome(s): Morbidity … review on this topic is
§ Given the prevalence of diabetic neuropathy, its associated morbidity
January 01, 2011 - phosphodiesterase inhibitors); monotherapy; no use of testing
Outcome(s): Decreased mortality; decreased morbidity … What are the long-term (> 90-day) mortality, morbidity, and functional outcomes
associated with various
January 01, 2011 - Comparator(s): No routine preoperative testing or alternative testing
Outcome(s): Surgical complications, morbidity … testing or alternative testing
strategies improve outcomes (such as surgical complications, other morbidity
January 01, 2019 - what is the association between dietary potassium intake and CVD, CHD, stroke and kidney disease morbidity … /mortality and combined CVD morbidity/mortality (using the following prioritization: if a study reports … /mortality
Combined CVD morbidity/mortality
Mean difference between groups in eGFR
Number of patients … /mortality
Combined CVD morbidity/mortality
Mean difference between groups in eGFR
Number of patients … /mortality
Combined CVD morbidity/mortality
Mean difference between groups in eGFR
Number of patients
April 01, 2022 - child
participation was associated with other child health outcomes including child
mortality and morbidity … Outcomes of interest: Maternal health outcomes in pregnancy and postpartum
(mortality, morbidity, anemia … Outcomes of interest: Infant and child health outcomes (mortality, morbidity, anemia,
healthcare utilization … care visits (1 maternal study)
• Increased immunizations (1 maternal study and 2
child studies)
• Morbidity
November 01, 2013 - Key Question 5: Is BNP or NT-proBNP measured in the
community setting an independent predictor of morbidity … KQ5 examines the ability
of BNP/NT-proBNP to predict mortality and morbidity
outcomes in this … KQs 3–6: Mortality, including all cause and HF; morbidity, including hospitalization (HF, all cause, … Composite outcomes of mortality or morbidity that
were not cardiac or HF specific were excluded. … Brain natriuretic
peptide-guided treatment does not improve morbidity and
mortality in extensively
November 01, 2017 - average or poor care, effectiveness of guideline versus non-guideline care on patient outcomes such as morbidity … There seems to be more research with the pediatric asthma population than with adults although morbidity … guideline-based managment of patients, patient barriers to adherence, any intervention that does not decrease morbidity … Patients are having actual morbidity and mortality already and in some ways there is no where to go than
June 01, 2018 - • Reduced sodium intake may decrease
the risk for combined CVD morbidity
and mortality. … what is the association between
dietary potassium intake and CVD, CHD, stroke, and
kidney disease morbidity … • Sodium reduction may significantly decrease the risk
for combined CVD morbidity and mortality ( … The review by Adler
found similar effects on CVD mortality and morbidity;
they largely attributed the … For example, studies of patients with CVD were
excluded from analysis of risk for CVD morbidity, but
January 01, 2010 - Outcome(s): Recurrent ischemic events, stent thromboses, cardiovascular disease-
related morbidity and … )
While clopidogrel may decrease morbidity and mortality associated with several cardiovascular