July 01, 2020 - It includes the
condition(s), populations or sub-populations, disease severity or stage, co-morbidities … long-term outcomes, and includes specific areas such as quality of
life, complications, mortality, morbidity
October 23, 2014 - .
§ Evidence has shown some reduction in morbidities associated with tonsillectomy through the use
December 01, 2019 - care expenditures, not including lost productivity or costs attributed to them as secondary causes of morbidity … compared to similar interventions or usual care) on general health outcomes (e.g., diabetes-related morbidity … Other mental health outcomes include the following:
Disease-related mortality
Disease-related morbidity … outcomes include the following:
All-cause mortality
Disease-related mortality
Disease-related morbidity … Morbidity & mortality: 2009 chart book on cardiovascular, lung, and blood diseases.
December 01, 2019 - They lead to mortality, morbidity, and considerable financial and social costs. 1-3 At the same time … factors for chronic diseases such as smoking, physical inactivity, and poor diet are leading causes of morbidity … 2a: Health and safety outcomes : Mortality; incidence of injuries, cardiovascular disease or cancer; morbidity … Estimates of costs, morbidity, and mortality. Arch Intern Med. 1997 Jul 28;157(14):1557-68.
November 01, 2020 - Late effects and morbidity (including psychosocial). … which outcomes of interest that may have caused the disparity (e.g., survivorship care utilization, morbidity … Late effects and morbidity.
Mortality (long-term, not related to cancer). … services, care plans, or models of care
Inter-mediate health outcomes & adverse events
Late effects & morbidity
April 25, 2022 - the Systematic Review
In recent decades, the U.S. has witnessed a considerable rise in maternal morbidity … birth).2, 3 Additionally, up to 70,000 individuals per year in the U.S. experience
severe postpartum morbidities … of preeclampsia or hypertension
▪ Infections (e.g., mastitis, wound infections)
▪ Severe maternal morbidity … Severe Maternal Morbidity and Risk of Mortality Beyond the
Postpartum Period. … Reducing Disparities in Severe Maternal Morbidity and Mortality.
June 01, 2022 - health care utilization (prenatal, postpartum), mode of delivery, intra- and post-partum complications, morbidity … anemia, iron deficiency anemia, iron deficiency, primary health care utilization, immunization status, morbidity … prenatal care, postpartum care and other health maintenance recommendations Inter-pregnancy interval Morbidity … change in size/status or z-score over time) Healthcare Utilization Well child visits Immunization status Morbidity … Research Protocol | Dec 9, 2021
Maternal Morbidity and Mortality
Research Protocol | Aug
December 01, 2019 - This report focused on four questions:
Does screening for subclinical thyroid dysfunction reduce morbidity
December 01, 2019 - found largely no differences across outcomes including function, cognition, depressive symptoms, pain, morbidity
December 01, 2019 - Given that alcohol-related problems can cause significant morbidity and mortality, early identification … misuse followed by a behavioral counseling intervention, with or without referral, leads to reduced morbidity … (e.g., alcohol-related morbidity, alcohol-related accidents and injuries), reduced mortality, or changes … interventions, with or without referral, compare with one another and with usual care for reducing morbidity … (e.g., alcohol-related morbidity, alcohol-related accidents and injuries), reducing mortality, or changing
February 01, 2024 - which use report card data to implement quality improvement initiatives, often reported decreases in morbidity
April 28, 2015 - the many
research limitations related to the management of a
common cause of maternal mortality and morbidity … Introduction Page 35 Line 44 Placenta accreta/increta/percreta,
given its increasing incidence and high morbidity … may be
worth discussing the evidence for the importance of the
setting for delivery on the risk of morbidity … We agree that this is an important
point and have noted the potential
effects of setting on morbidity … what are the implications if systems level
interventions could reduce avoided mortality and severe
November 01, 2017 - interventions that address the problems of older people, who often have functional impairments and multiple morbidities
December 01, 2011 - strategies that forgo immediate
therapy in patients with prostate cancer, with the goal of
minimizing the morbidities … Morbidity of primary treatment decision
c. Incidence of metastatic disease
d. Quality of life
e. … Outcomes of interest
included: prostate-cancer mortality, all-cause mortality,
morbidity of primary treatment … Morbidity of primary
treatment was reported by two studies that suggested an
increased risk for urethral … One study did not find a significant difference in
morbidity between observational management and BT
May 26, 2015 - They lead to mortality, morbidity, and
considerable financial and social costs.1-3 At the same time, … factors for
chronic diseases such as smoking, physical inactivity, and poor diet are leading causes of
morbidity … 2a: Health and safety outcomes: Mortality; incidence of injuries,
cardiovascular disease or cancer; morbidity … Estimates of costs, morbidity, and mortality. Arch Intern Med.
1997 Jul 28;157(14):1557-68.
March 01, 2020 - total Glasgow Coma Scale (tGCS) compared with the motor GCS (mGCS) score for predicting mortality, morbidity … comparative effectiveness of the tGCS compared with the mGCS on clinical outcomes (e.g., mortality, morbidity … addresses the utility of the tGCS compared with the mGCS for predicting clinical outcomes (mortality, morbidity … instruments alone
Outcomes (specified for each Key Question)
KQ1: Predictive utility for mortality, morbidity … Mortality (prior to hospital arrival, in the emergency department, or after hospital admission)
October 15, 2012 - Disability is different
from morbidity, as the ICF and Nagi frameworks have consistently
distinguished … be separated from other experiences or disease processes by
the patient in the same way as other co-morbidities … Moreover,
definitions of co-morbidity include words like illness, disease and
pathologic processes, … However, the word co-
morbidity is not appropriate to describe these effects. … Or, is
this depression as a co-morbidity to other disabilities?
December 01, 2019 - These changes were associated with reductions in the morbidity and mortality attributed to hypertension
October 01, 2019 - as disease incidence, prevalence, and burden of illness and outcomes such as hospital readmission, morbidity
May 31, 2023 - employed in the
absence of definitive studies for this population to address the known postpartum
morbidity … blood pressure is typically
seen after discharge from the hospital and is associated with maternal
morbidity … Recognizing the underutilization of postpartum care and the increasing
morbidity in this period, the