December 01, 2019 - Abstract
Pressure ulcers affect up to 3 million Americans and are a major source of morbidity
April 28, 2010 - Given that alcohol-related problems can cause significant morbidity and mortality, early
identification … (e.g., alcohol-
related morbidity, alcohol-related accidents and injuries), reduced mortality, or changes … interventions, with or without referral, compare with one
another and with usual care for reducing morbidity … (e.g., alcohol-related morbidity, alcohol-
related accidents and injuries), reducing mortality, or … Alcohol-related morbidity and mortality
7. All-cause mortality
April 01, 2013 - decisionmaking about biopsy), and long-term health outcomes (clinical utility), including
mortality/morbidity … decisionmaking about biopsy), and long-term health outcomes (clinical utility), including
mortality/morbidity … Long-
term outcomes, including morbidity,
mortality and quality of life followed over
10 to 20 years … In addition, no studies were identified
that addressed long-term outcomes (e.g., mortality, morbidity … Uncertainty of impact
of PCA3 on long-term
health outcomes
Needed but how practical;
October 01, 2023 - (moderate SoE) There is insufficient evidence regarding the risk of maternal mortality, and infant morbidities … Like
Systematic Review
Dec 21, 2023
Social and Structural Determinants of Maternal Morbidity
May 01, 2010 - therapy for
cancer is to attain the highest probability of
tumor control or cure with the least amount
of morbidity … management of
xerostomia and to disseminate that knowledge to clinical
practice could potentially improve morbidity
June 01, 2011 - primary
attributable risk factor for death throughout
the world, hypertension results in
substantial morbidity … Despite the high rates of morbidity and
mortality attributable to hypertension,
control of the condition … .
• Mortality (all-cause, cardiovascular disease-specific, and cerebrovascular disease-specific).
• Morbidity
April 01, 2013 - some
patients have aggressive tumors that
spread beyond the prostate, resulting
in significant morbidity … decision making about biopsy), and long-
term health outcomes (clinical utility), including mortality/
morbidity … decisionmaking about biopsy), and long-
term health outcomes (clinical utility), including mortality/
morbidity … and/or aggressive treatment), and
long-term health outcomes (clinical utility), including
mortality/morbidity … ), and all other intermediate
(impact on decisionmaking, harms of biopsy) and long-
term outcomes (morbidity
December 01, 2020 - The KQs are:
Question 1
Is noninvasive positive-pressure ventilation (NPPV) associated with less morbidity … pressure (BiPAP™), compared to NPPV with continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP), associated with less morbidity … Question 3
Is early extubation to NPPV, compared to usual care, associated with less morbidity, lower … The attributable morbidity and mortality of ventilator-associated pneumonia in the critically ill patient
April 21, 2011 - are:
Question 1
Is noninvasive positive-pressure ventilation (NPPV) associated with less morbidity … (BiPAP™), compared to NPPV with continuous
positive airway pressure (CPAP), associated with less morbidity … Question 3
Is early extubation to NPPV, compared to usual care, associated with less morbidity, … The
attributable morbidity and mortality of ventilator-associated pneumonia in the critically ill
February 19, 2014 - other), usual care, which
often involves a combination of imaging modalities and biopsies
Outcome(s): Morbidity
January 01, 2010 - Additionally, PTSD is complicated by its high rate of co-
morbidity with other psychiatric disorders,
January 01, 2010 - Further, the associated hemodynamic and
thromboembolic adverse events are a source of increasing cost, morbidity
January 01, 2009 - Self-measured blood pressure monitoring
Comparator(s): Usual Care
Outcome(s): Changes in blood pressure, morbidity
September 20, 2021 - medically
complicated patients as sepsis has been identified as a primary source
for complications, morbidity … Presumably the patient level factors that drive
prolonged length of hospital stay in patients with multi morbidity … These include, as noted, the use of post-acute settings and morbidity
associated with "unsafe" discharges
February 01, 2008 - The absolute risk of
impotence and treatment-related morbidity appeared to
be similar to other treatments … While
differences exist in the incidence and morbidity of
prostate cancer based on patient age and there … Differences remained
significant for late Grade 2 GI morbidity. … • While there may be differences in the incidence and
morbidity of prostate cancer across racial … • While there are differences in the incidence and morbidity of
prostate cancer based on patient age
June 01, 2020 - and adverse events
o Mortality (long-term, not related to cancer)
o Late effects and morbidity … which outcomes of interest that may have caused the disparity
(e.g., survivorship care utilization, morbidity … Biomedical Domain:
o Intermediate health outcomes and adverse events (short-term)
o Late effects and morbidity … life &
costs, &
care plans, or
models of care
and adverse
September 21, 2011 - expenditures, not including lost productivity or costs
attributed to them as secondary causes of morbidity … compared to similar interventions or usual care) on general health outcomes (e.g.,
diabetes-related morbidity … Other mental health outcomes include the following:
○ Disease-related mortality
○ Disease-related morbidity … outcomes include the following:
○ All-cause mortality
○ Disease-related mortality
○ Disease-related morbidity … Morbidity & mortality: 2009 chart book on
cardiovascular, lung, and blood diseases.
June 01, 2015 - abdominal area that is out of proportion to total body fat is known to be an independent predictor of
morbidity … Because of even greater morbidity risk, therapeutic intervention is considered to
be urgently needed
November 06, 2013 - psychotic or mood disorders), demographics (e.g., elderly,
homelessness, race/ethnicity, gender), and co-morbidities
January 01, 2011 - inadequate hepatic reserve to
tolerate resection, tumors in unresectable locations, or medical co-morbidities