
Total Results: 431 records

Showing results for "modules".

    April 28, 2021 - Commentary Safety-relevant mode confusions—modelling and reducing them. Citation Text: Bredereke J, Lankenau A. Safety-relevant mode confusions—modelling and reducing them. Reliab Eng Syst Saf. 2004;88(3). doi:10.1016/j.ress.2004.07.020. Copy Citation Format: DOI Google S…
    September 11, 2019 - Study Parents' perceptions of pediatric day surgery risks: unforeseeable complications, or avoidable mistakes? Citation Text: Sobo EJ. Parents' perceptions of pediatric day surgery risks: unforeseeable complications, or avoidable mistakes? Soc Sci Med. 2005;60(10):2341-50. Copy Citat…
    August 04, 2021 - Study The use of computers for clinical care: a case series of advanced US sites. Citation Text: Doolan DF, Bates DW, James BC. The use of computers for clinical care: a case series of advanced U.S. sites. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2003;10(1):94-107. Copy Citation Format: Go…
    September 23, 2020 - Study Organizational learning and patient safety: hospital pharmacy settings. Citation Text: Abdallah W, Johnson C, Nitzl C, et al. Organizational learning and patient safety: hospital pharmacy settings. J Health Organ Manag. 2019;33(6):695-713. doi:10.1108/JHOM-11-2018-0319. Copy Cit…
  5. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    January 01, 2019 - How Does Health Care Simulation Affect Patient Care? August 1, 2018 Lopreiato JO. How Does Health Care Simulation Affect Patient Care? PSNet [internet]. 2018. Perspective Introduction Health care simulation programs have spread…
    June 07, 2006 - Audiovisual Safety Information on Alaris SE Infusion Pumps. Citation Text: Food and Drug Administration. 2006. Copy Citation Save Save to your library Print Share Facebook Twitter Linkedin Copy URL November 15, 2…
    January 07, 2015 - Dropping the Ball Despite an Integrated EMR Citation Text: Karsh B-T. Dropping the Ball Despite an Integrated EMR. PSNet [internet]. Rockville (MD): Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, US Department of Health and Human Services. 2011. Copy Citation Format: Google Scholar BibTeX EndNote…
  8. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    May 01, 2017 - Communication Error in a Closed ICU May 1, 2017 Haas B, Conn LG. Communication Error in a Closed ICU. PSNet [internet]. 2017. The Case A 70-year-old man with a complex medical history including end-stage renal disease (status post kidney transplant), co…
  9. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    December 01, 2015 - Hyperglycemia and Switching to Subcutaneous Insulin December 1, 2015 Wetterneck TB. Hyperglycemia and Switching to Subcutaneous Insulin. PSNet [internet]. 2015. The Case A 47-year-old man with type 2 diabetes was admitted to the hospita…
    May 01, 2021 - Spotlight Cases include interactive learning modules available for CME.
    May 01, 2021 - Spotlight Cases include interactive learning modules available for CME.
  12. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    March 01, 2021 - Training is supplemented by use of a Web-based modules.
    April 27, 2022 - April 13, 2022 Weekly Issue PSNet highlights the latest patient safety literature, news, and expert commentary, including Weekly Updates, WebM&M, and Perspectives on Safety. The current issue highlights what's new this week in patient safety literature, news, conferences, reports,…
  14. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    September 01, 2022 - Algorithm-Based Decision Support System Guides Trauma Staff During Initial Treatment, Leading to Fewer Medical Errors Originally published on March 3, 2021 Last updated on March 16, 2021 initial-treatment Summar…
    May 19, 2021 - Hyperglycemia and Switching to Subcutaneous Insulin Citation Text: Wetterneck TB. Hyperglycemia and Switching to Subcutaneous Insulin. PSNet [internet]. Rockville (MD): Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, US Department of Health and Human Services. 2015. Copy Citation Format: Google Sc…
  16. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    June 01, 2019 - Delayed Sepsis Management Due to Ambiguous Allergy June 1, 2019 Blumenthal K. Delayed Sepsis Management Due to Ambiguous Allergy. PSNet [internet]. 2019. The Case A 75-year-old man with a past medical history of hemorrhagic stroke, coron…
  17. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    December 14, 2022 - Open wider: Failure to use an interpreter results in fractured teeth and hypoxia during a simple elective operation. December 14, 2022 Bohringer C, Godoy L. Open wider: Failure to use an interpreter results in fractured teeth and hypoxia during a simple elective operation. PSNet [internet]. 2022. https://psnet.ah…
  18. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    December 07, 2020 - In Conversation With... Katie J. Suda, PharmD, MS December 7, 2020 In Conversation With.. Katie J. Suda, PharmD, MS . PSNet [internet]. 2020. Editor’s Note: Katie J. Suda, PharmD, MS is a professor at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medic…
    November 26, 2014 - Study Use of cellular telephones in the hospital environment. Citation Text: Tri JL, Severson RP, Hyberger LK, et al. Use of cellular telephones in the hospital environment. Mayo Clin Proc. 2007;82(3):282-5. Copy Citation Format: Google Scholar PubMed BibTeX EndNote X3 XML …
    July 10, 2024 - Annual Perspective Communication During Transitions of Care Ayse P. Gurses; Sarah Mossburg; Zoe Sousane | March 27, 2024  View more articles from the same authors. Citation Text: Gurses AP, Sousane Z, Mossburg S. Communication During Transitions of Care. PS…

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