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    November 01, 2021 - NPSD Data Spotlight - Patient Safety and COVID-19: A Qualitative Analysis of Concerns During the Public Health Emergency Patient Safety and COVID-19: A Qualitative Analysis of Concerns During the Public Health Emergency NPSD Data Spotlight This document is in the public domain and may b…
    January 01, 2020 - … … PSI_17_Birth%20Trauma%20RateInjury%20to%20Neonate.pdf
    April 01, 2024 - SHARE: More topics in this section Funding & Grants Notice of Funding Opportunities Research Policies Research Priorities & Compliance Guidance AHRQ Grants Policy Notices HHS Grants Policy Statement Federal Regulations & Authoriti…
    January 01, 2024 - Final Progress Report: Leveraging a Social Network of Elders and Families To Improve Medication Safety at Transitions of Care AHRQ Final Report for grant R18HS024869 Title Leveraging a Social Network of Elders and Families to Improve Medication Safety at Transitions of Care Principal Investigator (PI) Yuri Quintana…
    January 01, 2020 - Catheter Ablation for Atrial Fibrillation: Topic Refinement - Project ID: CRDT0913 Final Topic Refinement Document Catheter Ablation for Atrial Fibrillation - Project ID: CRDT0913 Date: 05/29/2014 Topic: Catheter Ablation for Atrial Fibrillation – Project ID: CRDT0913 EPC: Pacific Northwest EPC AHRQ Task O…
    January 18, 2017 - Making Informed Consent an Informed Choice: Making Informed Consent an Informed Choice: Training for Health Care Professionals Audio Script Slide 1/Welcome Welcome to: Making Informed Consent an Informed Choice: Training for Health Care Professionals. • This course is sponsored by the Agency for Healthcare Re…
    December 01, 2017 - Reduce CAUTI in LTC Facilities Reducing CAUTI in Hospitals How To Use the Toolkit Modules
    March 18, 2014 - TeamSTEPPS Speciality Scenarios, Labor & Delivery TeamSTEPPS 2.0 Specialty Scenarios - 103 Specialty Scenarios L&D Specialty Scenarios - 104 TeamSTEPPS 2.0 Specialty Scenarios L&D Scenario 85 Appropriate for: L&D Setting: Hospital Sue Jones a 28-year-old G1 P0 at term is undergoing an…
    January 01, 2023 - In addition, while most national surveys conduct data collections annually, not all modules are completed
    October 01, 2018 - • Available tools: Guides, checklists, webinars, learning modules, data interpretation guides •
    September 01, 2020 - SHARE: More topics in this section Health Literacy About Health Literacy Health Literacy Improvement Tools Professional Education and Training Health Literacy Publications Patient Engagement and Education Research Tools, Data, and…
    December 01, 2020 - In addition, while most national surveys conduct data collections annually, not all modules are completed
    September 17, 2020 - Platelet-Rich Plasma for Wound Care: Technology Assessment Platelet-Rich Plasma for Wound Care in the Medicare Population Technology Assessment Project ID: MYOE59 September 17, 2020 Technology Assessment Program ii … </div> </li> <li class="default "> <div class="result-title-line"> <div class="result-title-line-title"> <h3> <a href="" class="result-link">Appendix 3: Data Abstraction</a> <span class="docType xls"></span> <i class="fa fa-file-excel-o"></i> <span class="docType-label"> (xls file)</span> </h3> </div> <div class="result-title-line-recommended"> </div> </div> <div class="url-date search-result-url"><span></span></div> <div class="description search-result-break"><span class="result-date">June 24, 2022</span> - Duke-M Data This might be remedied in prospective studies through the addition of research specific <strong class="searched-term-highlight">modules</strong></div> </li> <li class="default "> <div class="result-title-line"> <div class="result-title-line-title"> <h3> <a href="" class="result-link">Planning Grants Final Evaluation Report: Longitudinal Evaluation of the PSML Reform Demonstration Program</a> <span class="docType pdf"></span> <i class="fa fa-file-pdf-o"></i> <span class="docType-label"> (pdf file)</span> </h3> </div> <div class="result-title-line-recommended"> </div> </div> <div class="url-date search-result-url"><span></span></div> <div class="description search-result-break"><span class="result-date">May 01, 2016</span> - that included regional conference presentations; Webcast disclosure symposia; self-paced Web-learning <strong class="searched-term-highlight">modules</strong></div> </li> <li class="default "> <div class="result-title-line"> <div class="result-title-line-title"> <h3> <a href="" class="result-link">Issue Brief 7. Improving Education: A Key to Better Diagnostic Outcomes</a> <span class="docType pdf"></span> <i class="fa fa-file-pdf-o"></i> <span class="docType-label"> (pdf file)</span> </h3> </div> <div class="result-title-line-recommended"> </div> </div> <div class="url-date search-result-url"><span></span></div> <div class="description search-result-break"><span class="result-date">March 11, 2022</span> - Issue Brief 7. Improving Education: A Key to Better Diagnostic Outcomes Issue Brief 7 Improving Education—A Key to Better Diagnostic Outcomes PATIENT SAFETY e This page intentionally left blank. e Issue Brief 7 Improving Education—A Key to Better Diagnostic Outcomes Prepared for: Agency for Healthcare… </div> </li> <li class="default "> <div class="result-title-line"> <div class="result-title-line-title"> <h3> <a href="" class="result-link">Coordinating Care for Adults With Complex Care Needs in the Patient-Centered Medical Home: Challenges and Solutions | PCMH Resource Center</a> </h3> </div> <div class="result-title-line-recommended"> </div> </div> <div class="url-date search-result-url"><span></span></div> <div class="description search-result-break"><span class="result-date">January 01, 2012</span> - electronic data acquisition and reminders, networked electronic health records (EHRs), patient education <strong class="searched-term-highlight">modules</strong></div> </li> <li class="default "> <div class="result-title-line"> <div class="result-title-line-title"> <h3> <a href="" class="result-link">Practice-Based Population Health: Information Technology to Support Transformation to Proactive Primary Care - Contract No. 290-04-0016</a> <span class="docType pdf"></span> <i class="fa fa-file-pdf-o"></i> <span class="docType-label"> (pdf file)</span> </h3> </div> <div class="result-title-line-recommended"> </div> </div> <div class="url-date search-result-url"><span></span></div> <div class="description search-result-break"><span class="result-date">July 01, 2010</span> - Practice-Based Population Health: Information Technology to Support Transformation to Proactive Primary Care - Contract No. 290-04-0016 Practice-Based Population Health: Information Technology to Support Transformation to Proactive Primary Care Prepared for: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality U.S. Depa… </div> </li> <li class="default "> <div class="result-title-line"> <div class="result-title-line-title"> <h3> <a href="" class="result-link">Coordinating Care for Adults With Complex Care Needs in the Patient-Centered Medical Home: Challenges and Solutions - (WHITE PAPER)</a> <span class="docType pdf"></span> <i class="fa fa-file-pdf-o"></i> <span class="docType-label"> (pdf file)</span> </h3> </div> <div class="result-title-line-recommended"> </div> </div> <div class="url-date search-result-url"><span></span></div> <div class="description search-result-break"><span class="result-date">January 01, 2012</span> - electronic data acquisition and reminders, networked electronic health records (EHRs), patient education <strong class="searched-term-highlight">modules</strong></div> </li> </ol> <!-- --> <!-- End Results --> <!-- Pagination --> <div class="pager clearfix"> <ul> <li class="first off"> <a href="/search?q=modules&start=0&">First</a> </li> <li class="previous off"> <a href="/search?q=modules&start=700&">Previous</a> </li> <li class="page-31 off"> <a 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