January 01, 2023 - Patient-Centered Diabetes Education as an Integral Part of an Electronic Clinic Note using the SEE-Diabetes Modules … The modules will allow patients and providers to jointly select individual self-care behaviors that matter … focus groups will iteratively evaluate content validity, readability, and usability of SEE-Diabetes modules … Patients will be given usual reminders for reviewing SEE-Diabetes modules and to complete self-reported
January 01, 2023 - CONCLUSIONS: Health-related quality of life modules within electronic health record systems offer the … However, the modules must provide benefits that are substantial and prominent in order for physicians … costs" as well as a foundation for operationalizing the concept of "usefulness" in the context of such modules … Finally, developers of these modules may need to make their products customizable for practices to account
January 01, 2010 - for common issues identified by the algorithms developed in Aim 1. ( Achieved )
Develop and pretest modules … The team identified a few areas for improvement for the physician training modules, and updated the Web … site and CD modules to include the changes. … They also used Articulate software to convert the training modules into a more effective format. … Preliminary Impact and Findings: To date, physicians are more likely to use the CDs than the Web-based modules
January 01, 2010 - (Achieved)
• Develop and pretest modules to teach clinicians how to improve geriatric patient-provider … The team identified a few areas for improvement for the physician training modules, and updated the Web … site and CD modules to include the changes. … They also used Articulate software to convert the training
modules into a more effective format. … Preliminary Impact and Findings: To date, physicians are more likely to use the CDs than the Web-
based modules
January 01, 2023 - The rest of the CDTs are in the process of implementing auxiliary service modules (for example, Laboratory … and Pharmacy modules). … information systems, which include electronic medical records' functions, as well as auxiliary service modules
December 01, 2006 - Evaluation Method: pre- and post-test questionnaires Description: CD-ROM modules completed on a personal … computer with prescribed time periods for completion of modules Quality of Care and Patient Safety Outcome
January 01, 2023 - The project team developed continuing medical education (CME) modules to educate clinicians about the … Finally, they evaluated the impact of the algorithms and the CME modules on medication management. … Develop and pretest modules to teach clinicians how to improve geriatric patient-provider communication … randomized to two interventions: 14 to the algorithms alone, and 19 to the algorithms combined with the CME modules
January 01, 2007 - Specific to our patient population the study modules and all materials were written in both … We proposed to study education modules on two separate
patient populations. … Therefore, we proposed to test our educational modules on
patients with established kidney transplants … Value of the medication quiz and educational modules in this
setting would relate to all patients with … The educational modules did not result in a significantly lower serum creatinine.
January 01, 2017 - ABSTRACT
Purpose: SMARxT contains 6 educational video modules … assessment, covering six domains, was augmented
with additional items assessing acceptability of modules … Descriptions of individual SMARxT modules are presented in Table 1.
Table 1. … Descriptions of SMARxT modules. … Because it is web based, it can be completed independently, as self-
paced educational modules.
January 01, 2011 - team also developed and pre-tested four Web- or DVD-based continuing medical education (CME) training modules … half received the software with triggers and were given the opportunity to complete the CME training modules … (Achieved)
Develop and pretest modules to teach clinicians how to improve geriatric patient-provider … algorithms in software, and 19 to algorithms in software and opportunity to complete the CME training modules
January 01, 2011 - team also developed and pre-tested four Web- or DVD-based continuing medical education (CME)
training modules … half received the software with triggers and were given the opportunity to
complete the CME training modules … (Achieved)
• Develop and pretest modules to teach clinicians how to improve geriatric patient-provider … algorithms in software, and 19 to algorithms in software and opportunity to complete the
CME training modules
January 01, 2021 - – Nearly 9,000 screens formed the modules’ visual display for gathering
self-report and physical … Specific criteria for recommending each module are described below (see Health
Intervention Modules) … – During this single-session module participants were reminded of the
health intervention modules … In rare instances when assessment findings suggested no
need to do a module, or any of the modules ( … Modules Considered vs.
January 01, 2023 - Patient-Centered Diabetes Education as an Integral Part of an Electronic Clinic Note using the SEE-Diabetes Modules
January 01, 2017 - The discharge modules and EHR conform to federal interoperability standards and are certified
by the … The two
modules, although implemented separately, were both web-based and integrated with existing … Unadjusted analysis was performed using chisquare test to assess the impact
of the discharge modules … Implementation of this health IT
intervention of web-based discharge modules in both inpatient and ED … The impact of discharge modules in renal mass follow-up was less notable.
January 01, 2023 - Delivery
Implemented a health IT system with added best-practices decision support modules
January 01, 2011 - Activities: During the first quarter, the project staff focused on: 1) reviewing existing interactive modules
January 01, 2011 - Activities: During the first quarter, the project staff focused on: 1) reviewing existing interactive
January 01, 2017 - Methods: An RA system was designed and developed to deliver 6 modules of cognitive behavioral therapy … The following six modules were developed: 1.) … The participants were
interviewed after completing 2 modules to gather feedback on their experience … When asked if they would like to speak with Sophie again
based on the modules they answered, we see … and 2; others reported modules 2 and 3 did not work; still others reported technical errors in
January 01, 2023 - Prescribing Among Medical Residents
This project evaluated SMARxT, web-based education modules
January 01, 2005 - This particular workflow required frequent access to other modules of the [EMR], most notably Patient … navigation bar..., which launches a new 'child' window on top of the active browser window to view other...modules … kept multiple browser windows open and switched back and forth between different patient records and...modules