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Showing results for "module trainer guide".

    May 01, 2016 - The project culminated in the development of a train-the-trainer toolkit that integrates the processes … The project culminated in the development of an SDM train-the-trainer toolkit that integrates the processes … stakeholder interviews conducted through this planning grant laid the foundation for developing a guide … The project culminated in an SDM train-the-trainer toolkit that integrates the processes developed and … The data gathered in the stakeholder interviews laid the foundation for a guide on how to start a DA
    July 01, 2010 - for Current State Future State Process Redesign Activity Guide for Using VISIO To Document … The guide addresses four key areas of operational redesign: patient flow, point-of-care documentation … Direct training and train-the­ trainer my1HIE® provides either direct training to physicians and office … staff or training through a train-the-trainer model. … ., number of days of training per end user), and the methods used to train users (e.g., ‘train-the-trainer
    March 01, 2015 - Developing and Running a Primary Care Practice Facilitation Program: A How-To Guide. … Developing and Running a Primary Care Practice Facilitation Program: A How-to Guide. … … Developing and Running a Primary Care Practice Facilitation Program: A How-To Guide. … 26
    January 01, 2024 - Review methods: We used methods consistent with AHRQ’s EPC Methods Guide. … targeted all youth living in two juvenile detention facilities; it included Think Trauma "train the trainer … Assessing Trauma History in Pregnant Patients: A Didactic Module and Role-Play for Obstetrics and … Pediatric Medical Traumatic Stress: A Comprehensive Guide. 55. … /content/trauma-informed-investigations-field-guide
    October 01, 2009 - Gorman noted the value of having a trainer “help at the elbow” during the implementation phase. …  A module to guided dosing of psychotropic medications has been implemented and is being evaluated … This data and resulting reports guide resident assessment, care planning, care delivery, communication
    October 01, 2009 - Gorman noted the value of having a trainer “help at the elbow ” during the implementation phase. …  A module to guided dosing of psychotropic medications has been implemented and is being evaluated … This data and resulting reports guide resident assessment, care planning, care delivery, communication
    December 01, 2012 - (, and … specific circumstances of the grant project and starting- point environment, and included train-the-trainer … Another project focusing on HIE reported that a train-the-trainer approach was a realistic choice given … this grantee also noted that control over the quality of the training is sacrificed with train-the-trainer … recognize the need for training to include workflow redesign at the individual level, and hired a new trainer
    March 01, 2020 - process.12 Horvath and colleagues (2011) found that a low-tech, easy-to-use pocket card and assessment guide … that the performance of the CAM was improved when the NHCDs received the “enhanced” training module … ), Phase 3: ICDSC and multifaceted education (i.e., pharmacist-led didactic lecture, Web- based module … Primary care (Veterans Health Adminstration) A low-tech, easy-to-use pocket card and assessment guideTrainer sessions significantly improved clinician delirium assessment rates, from 53% for pretraining
    March 01, 2020 - process.12 Horvath and colleagues (2011) found that a low-tech, easy-to-use pocket card and assessment guide … that the performance of the CAM was improved when the NHCDs received the “enhanced” training module … ), Phase 3: ICDSC and multifaceted education (i.e., pharmacist-led didactic lecture, Web- based module … Primary care (Veterans Health Adminstration) A low-tech, easy-to-use pocket card and assessment guideTrainer sessions significantly improved clinician delirium assessment rates, from 53% for pretraining
    March 01, 2020 - process.12 Horvath and colleagues (2011) found that a low-tech, easy-to-use pocket card and assessment guide … that the performance of the CAM was improved when the NHCDs received the “enhanced” training module … ), Phase 3: ICDSC and multifaceted education (i.e., pharmacist-led didactic lecture, Web- based module … Primary care (Veterans Health Adminstration) A low-tech, easy-to-use pocket card and assessment guideTrainer sessions significantly improved clinician delirium assessment rates, from 53% for pretraining
    February 01, 2014 - a growing knowledge of the nature and type of interruptions, there is limited evidence available to guide … To promote greater engagement, AHRQ has developed a guide to help patients, families, and health professionals … The Guide to Patient and Family Engagement in Hospital Quality and Safety focuses on four primary strategies … This guide is a very good example of how our programs identify opportunities to help others understand
    March 11, 2022 - TeamSTEPPS program presents a well-tested approach to improve team functioning in practice, and a new module … comprehensive approaches to team-based diagnosis education have not yet been implemented, but key aspects will guide … Thus, schools and programs will need to engage in “train the trainer” efforts to equip faculty to develop … Teaching diagnostic reasoning to faculty using an assessment for learning tool: training the trainer.
    March 11, 2022 - TeamSTEPPS program presents a well-tested approach to improve team functioning in practice, and a new module … comprehensive approaches to team-based diagnosis education have not yet been implemented, but key aspects will guide … Thus, schools and programs will need to engage in “train the trainer” efforts to equip faculty to develop … Teaching diagnostic reasoning to faculty using an assessment for learning tool: training the trainer.
    March 11, 2022 - TeamSTEPPS program presents a well-tested approach to improve team functioning in practice, and a new module … comprehensive approaches to team-based diagnosis education have not yet been implemented, but key aspects will guide … Thus, schools and programs will need to engage in “train the trainer” efforts to equip faculty to develop … Teaching diagnostic reasoning to faculty using an assessment for learning tool: training the trainer.
    March 11, 2022 - TeamSTEPPS program presents a well-tested approach to improve team functioning in practice, and a new module … comprehensive approaches to team-based diagnosis education have not yet been implemented, but key aspects will guide … Thus, schools and programs will need to engage in “train the trainer” efforts to equip faculty to develop … Teaching diagnostic reasoning to faculty using an assessment for learning tool: training the trainer.
    March 11, 2022 - TeamSTEPPS program presents a well-tested approach to improve team functioning in practice, and a new module … comprehensive approaches to team-based diagnosis education have not yet been implemented, but key aspects will guide … Thus, schools and programs will need to engage in “train the trainer” efforts to equip faculty to develop … Teaching diagnostic reasoning to faculty using an assessment for learning tool: training the trainer.
    March 11, 2022 - TeamSTEPPS program presents a well-tested approach to improve team functioning in practice, and a new module … comprehensive approaches to team-based diagnosis education have not yet been implemented, but key aspects will guide … Thus, schools and programs will need to engage in “train the trainer” efforts to equip faculty to develop … Teaching diagnostic reasoning to faculty using an assessment for learning tool: training the trainer.
    March 11, 2022 - TeamSTEPPS program presents a well-tested approach to improve team functioning in practice, and a new module … comprehensive approaches to team-based diagnosis education have not yet been implemented, but key aspects will guide … Thus, schools and programs will need to engage in “train the trainer” efforts to equip faculty to develop … Teaching diagnostic reasoning to faculty using an assessment for learning tool: training the trainer.
    January 01, 2008 - patient lab results to the CCIS repository, as identified through the Blueprint project companion guide … Twenty-four portal users were identified as potential power users or “train the trainer” staff. … At the end of the first year of the project, in October 2007, a billing module provided by the existing
    October 19, 2021 - The information should guide care under a hybrid system, where patients choose a safe and personalized … as a new frontier in quality measurement and highlighted that there are not many measures that can guide … It was also suggested that the AHRQ could establish a registry for PRO measures that would guide the … These ideas should serve as a springboard to NAC in order to guide AHRQ in prioritizing resources for … Yu is also a member of the teaching faculty for Train-The-Trainer and the national TeamSTEPPS trainings