October 19, 2021 - The information should guide care under a hybrid
system, where patients choose a safe and personalized … as a new frontier in quality measurement
and highlighted that there are not many measures that can guide … It was also suggested that the AHRQ could establish a registry for PRO measures
that would guide the … These ideas should serve as a springboard to NAC in order to guide AHRQ
in prioritizing resources for … Yu is also a member of the teaching faculty for Train-The-Trainer and the national
TeamSTEPPS trainings
December 01, 2017 - and the next morning, it was – the health care system decided that, because this was an instructor/trainer … the TeamSTEPPS tools, is that if you actually take that information, there's a great implementation guide
August 01, 2022 - The project culminated in an SDM train-the-trainer toolkit that integrates the processes developed and … Massachusetts; develop strategies for overcoming these barriers; and create a roadmap or implementation guide … The data gathered in the stakeholder interviews laid the foundation for a guide on how to start a DA&