May 01, 2012 - (Appendix B of this report contains a mapping between the AHRQ
Common Formats health IT module, and … Systems involved
Module Vendor System Version
Repository (clinical database)
Inpatient Order … (For example, the
unintentional inactivation of alerts from a pediatric immunization scheduling module … Development of a new Common
Formats module for the health IT hazards or expansion of the current Common … Formats Device with Health IT module to include additional elements related to
health IT hazards would
December 01, 2017 - Each module includes a detailed flowchart. … Module 3-2.
[52] Inflexxion. (2017) PainAction.
January 01, 2018 - To support LDAP functionality, the
Drupal-powered CDS Connect Repository leverages a contributed module … In late June, an update to the LDAP module was deployed to the
production version of the Repository
January 01, 2008 - HIT Support for Safe Nursing Care
Grant Final Report
Grant ID: R01HS015054
HIT Support for Safe Nursing Care
Inclusive Dates: 09/01/04 – 08/31/08
Principal Investigator:
Gail M. Keenan, PhD, RN
Team Members:
Elizabeth Yakel, PhD
Laura Szalacha, PhD
Mary Mandeville, MBA
Dana Ts…
January 01, 2015 - Melissa
Improving Adolescent Primary Care through an Interactive Behavioral Health Module (Grant
# … investigators at the University of California,
San Francisco, developed Health e-Check, an iPad screening module … Genomic Data
Ozer, Elizabeth Improving Adolescent Primary Care Through an Interactive Behavioral Health Module
January 25, 2012 - Large Part
on CCM
CPAP Telemonitoring
AutoSet Spirit
wireless module
January 01, 2019 - For the
initial release of the CDS Connect API, the software was installable as a custom module in … After careful review of the options, the team
decided to implement the design as a module.33 This approach … The new Artifact Discovery
search builds upon the Drupal 8 Search API module, which provides the potential … While there are still opportunities for further enhancements, using the Search API module will
allow … updates to the Service Level Agreement document; CDS
Connect API; released as an open source Drupal module
January 01, 2023 - Preference concordance
Preferences for surgery: After each BREASTChoice module (whether to have reconstruction … BREASTChoice-specific knowledge
After each BREASTChoice module (whether to have reconstruction, what
January 01, 2023 - pilot testing of a behavioral economic-inspired electronic health record clinical
decision support module … Development of a
Behavioral Economics Inspired Electronic Health Record Clinical Decision Support Module
January 01, 2012 - Because the intervention practices that have eCW’s Patient Portal are not randomly assigned
this module … , but instead have purchased this module in addition to the eCW electronic health
record, it is conceivable
January 01, 2010 - Using Information Technology to Provide Measurement Based Care for Chronic Illness - Final Report
* Centerstone Community Mental Health Center, Inc.
† Co-Investigator
Grant Final Report
Grant …
June 01, 2009 - Patient Safety: The CDS
module will alert clinicians
to potential medication
interactions with other … Quality of Care: The
CDS module will
allow clinicians to
better comply with
practice guidelines … Cost Reduction: The
CDS module can help
reduce length of stay,
allow clinicians to
choose less costly … User Satisfaction:
The CDS module
will increase
clinicians, and
January 01, 2009 - Patient Safety: The CDS
module will alert clinicians
to potential medication
interactions with other … Quality of Care: The
CDS module will
allow clinicians to
better comply with
practice guidelines … Cost Reduction: The
CDS module can help
reduce length of stay,
allow clinicians to
choose less costly … User Satisfaction:
The CDS module
will increase
clinicians, and
February 06, 2012 - Barriers to Meeting Meaningful Use Among Medicaid and CHIP Providers: Findings from a Recent Study
AHRQ Medicaid and CHIP
Technical Assistance
Presented by:
Chuck Thompson, PhD
Alison Banger, MPH
Stephanie Kissam, MPH
RTI International
Before We Begin
■ Please note all participants were pla…
January 01, 2018 - We
envision that it can be incorporated in one of several ways including as a standalone interfaced module … We
extracted drug indications disease concepts from the MedKnowledge Indications module from First
January 01, 2019 - EzVac extracts information about vaccinations directly from the provider order
entry module of the electronic
January 01, 2008 - The
Quality Management module has replaced SVMC’s old home-grown event reporting
system. … However,
this initiative is back on track with the implementation of the Quality Management
March 01, 2011 - .
• Uncertainty about the schedule and order in which the
CareWeb notes module will be rolled out at
January 01, 2010 - The active alert displayed when
clinicians accessed the electronic ordering module of the patient chart
January 01, 2019 - Structure of Real Time Alert Module of the proposed intelligent sepsis alert system. … Components of ISA were then assessed individually first, followed by the entire module, within the test