January 01, 2019 - When testing our Choosing Wisely module with three pilot hospitals, we found that none
of their EHRs … We were able to pilot the Choosing Wisely module at
three pilot hospitals.
March 01, 2006 - Pilot study of a web-based antibiotic decision management guide
Authors: Bochicchio, G. V., Smit, P. A., Moore, R., Bochicchio, K., Auwaerter, P., Johnson, S. B., Scalea, T., Bartlett, J. G. Journal: J Am Coll Surg Publication Date: 2006 Mar Volume: 202 Issue: 3 Pages: 459-67 HIT Description: Decisio…
January 01, 2010 - learned from the PrU program will also serve to inform the development of an On-Time Fall
Prevention Module
January 01, 2010 - (Ongoing)
• Gather requirements for a software module to perform online fall-risk assessment in community
January 01, 2008 - Opener bases their Authentication and Access Control Service (AACS) module on Java
Authentication and … They made their AACS module far more involved
and complicated. … They advised us to use the JAAS module
for the time being. … We have employed this approach, using the JAAS module as a building block,
with a plan to fully implement … Over and above the JAAS module we have built in RIGHTS which grant or deny
a user the access/ability
January 01, 2010 - Using a Telemedicine System to Promote Patient Care Among Underserved Individuals - 2010
Project Name
Using a Telemedicine System to Promote Patient Care Among Underserved Individuals
Principal Investigator
Bove, Alfred
Temple University
Funding Mechanism…
February 01, 2011 - Each module has a set of specific functions, but the
modules are interrelated (van der Lei, 1993). … E-prescribing was considered an essential module of HIS, but it has traditionally
produced a printed … The
EHCR is not a module of the GP IT system but a virtual network by which information
can be stored … As an optional, stand-alone module, the development of EVS followed a different
financing stream than … HIS, although they are closely interlinked (we earlier said that
the EVS sits is a module of HIS).
January 01, 2010 - The prototype for the identifier module underwent trial-and-error testing.
January 01, 2008 - The core technical components developed included a master patient index (MPI), a patient referral module
January 01, 2023 - Horn, Susan
The limits of technology: far from a panacea, IT is merely a tool for solving problems.
Horn S. The limits of technology: far from a panacea. IT is merely a tool for solving problems. Mod Healthcar 2006 Aug 7;36(31):20.
Principal Investigator
January 01, 2010 - The prototype for the identifier module underwent trial-and-error testing.
June 03, 2010 - Interventions: possible actions a CDS module can take.
4. 4.
January 01, 2009 - The core technical components developed included a master patient index
(MPI), a patient referral module
January 01, 2011 - The Restraxx Data Center (RDC),
composed of the Restraxx wireless module, affixes to and transmits data
January 01, 2011 - Using a Telemedicine System to Promote Patient Care Among Underserved Individuals - 2011
Project Name
Using a Telemedicine System to Promote Patient Care Among Underserved Individuals
Principal Investigator
Bove, Alfred
Temple University
Funding Mechanism…
August 01, 2011 - Using a Telemedicine System to Promote Patient Care Among Underserved Individuals
1 | Using a Telemedicine sysTem To PromoTe PaTienT care among
Underserved individUals
2010 Grant Summary
Using a Telemedicine System to Promote Patient Care Among
Underserved Individuals
Principal Investigator: Bove, Alfred, M.D.…
January 01, 2010 - In addition, for each concern reported by the respondent, PhaSTWeb displays a
module of follow-up questions … There was one module for each of the screening questions. … For example, the
module tied to a “Yes” answer to the suicidality question determines whether the patient
January 01, 2008 - providers and practice types. ( Achieved )
Develop a framework for a cost-effective preventive care module
January 01, 2012 - (Achieved)
Gather requirements for a software module to perform online fall-risk assessment in communitybased
January 01, 2011 - (Achieved)
Gather requirements for a software module to perform online fall-risk assessment in community-based