December 01, 2017 - use with readily available administrative data
Based on ICD-9-CM (and now ICD-10-CM) diagnosis and procedure … )
Rates of potentially avoidable complications and adverse events following adult surgeries and procedures … MS-DRGs, MDCs)
Pediatric Quality Indicators (PDIs)
Rates of mortality for pediatric surgical procedures … Implementation Methods
Slide 42
Improvement Methods Overview (Tool D.1.) … held or missing chemical doses
Utilization of mechanical prophylaxis
Useful Tools
Improvement Methods
January 01, 2012 - Confusion Assessment Method: Adapted from Inouye SK, van Dyck CH, Alessi CA, et al. … To rate the patient with the Confusion Assessment Method, use the worksheet on the next page. … Confusion Assessment Method Shortened Version Worksheet
I. … A new method for detection of delirium. … The Confusion Assessment Method within this tool is adapted from a tool by Sharon K.
November 02, 2017 - The method for establishing the reliability of a measure will
depend on the type of measure, data source … Explain your rationale for selecting the methods you have chosen, show how you used the
methods chosen … The method for establishing the validity of a measure will depend
on the type of measure, data source … , and scoring methods
(Goldstein, et al., 2005). … might be interested in including in patient surveys but that cannot be
appropriately measured via this method
December 17, 2019 - Explain your rationale for selecting the methods you have chosen, show how you used the
methods chosen … Provide
appropriate citations to justify methods. … Low IRR may be a sign of poorly executed abstraction procedures, such as
ambiguous wording in the data … Explain your rationale for selecting the methods you have chosen, show how you used the
methods chosen … of surgical procedures.
December 01, 2019 - The method for establishing the reliability of a measure will
depend on the type of measure, data source … Explain your rationale for selecting the methods you have chosen, show how you used the
methods chosen … Provide
appropriate citations to justify methods. … The method for establishing the validity of a measure will depend
on the type of measure, data source … Explain your rationale for selecting the methods you have chosen, show how you used the
methods chosen
November 01, 2017 - Compare the effect of practice facilitation with usual methods of patient care
on implementation of … Use qualitative methods to assess factors that help and hinder practices in
implementing change and
December 09, 2015 - Staff correct each other’s mistakes to ensure that procedures
are followed properly. … Staff follow a standardized method of sharing information
when handing off patients.
July 01, 2016 - Do we have a method to review PI progress on a regular basis? … IQI 19 Hip Fracture Mortality
IQI 20 Pneumonia Mortality
AHRQ Inpatient Mortality for Selected Procedures … Quality Indicator Composite Procedures Composite
IQI 08 Esophageal Resection Mortality
IQI 09
February 21, 2016 - Using a variety of methods, we analyzed these data to address a series of research questions.2
(See … measure reports to take one or more additional steps, such as the following:
- Establish regular procedures … - Implement policy and programmatic changes in clinical documentation procedures or
billing processes … an EHR was updated or modified,
programmers and analysts had to reconsider data coding and modify procedures … South
Carolina, Utah, Vermont, and West Virginia.
13 Information on the medical home assessment method
October 01, 2015 - quality measure reports to take one or more additional steps, such as the following:
Establish regular procedures … Implement policy and programmatic changes in clinical documentation procedures or billing processes, … time an EHR was updated or modified, programmers and analysts had to reconsider data coding and modify procedures … Projects involving the development of electronic screening methods were able to achieve their objectives … States experimented with methods to engage families and adolescent patients in QI activities, including
July 01, 2023 - the wrong procedure or rule. … Organizational failures occur when decisional elements, such as culture,procedures, and leadership decisions … There is no absolutely correct method of building a causal tree. … Do staff members know about the policy or procedure?
Question 3. … Are staff members using the procedure as intended?
Question 4.
May 01, 2016 - supported the development of the
Comprehensive Unit-based Safety Program
(CUSP), a highly effective method … ICUs that used
CUSP methods and tools were able to reduce these
bloodstream infections by 41 percent
February 01, 2014 - training
Prefers that caregivers have 6 years of relevant
experience (Utah only)
April 01, 2015 - These methods of returning surveys, however, may
raise staff concerns about confidentiality. … Field
Methods 2008;20(3):249-71. http://fmx.sagepub.com/cgi/content/abstract/20/3/249. … Room
► Are you typically in the surgery/procedure room during surgeries, procedures, or treatments … Communication in the Surgery/Procedure Room
(Yes, No)
G0. … Are you typically in the surgery/procedure room during surgeries, procedures, or treatments?
July 22, 2015 - .................................................................................................1
Methods … Consequently, it would not have been feasible to
identify which methods of implementation were most … Used to Study Transformation
Almost all of the studies used a mixed methods approach to study the … Scammon et al
found that mixed methods were particularly useful for understanding the complex … Multi-Method Evaluation of Physician Group Incentive
Programs for Patient-Centered Medical Home Transition
November 01, 2017 - improved patient outcomes, more efficient staffing, more effective use of resources, and more
efficient procedures … The method for establishing the reliability of a measure will
depend on the type of measure, data source … Explain your rationale for selecting the methods you have chosen, show how you used the
methods chosen … The method for establishing the validity of a measure will depend
on the type of measure, data source … Explain your rationale for selecting the methods you have chosen, show how you used the
methods chosen
June 01, 2019 - Srivastava, Keren, 2013),
leading to higher rates of readmissions at safety-net hospitals for surgical procedures … Coller and colleagues, in a systematic review of pediatric
hospitals, found that the primary method … Explain your rationale for selecting the methods you have chosen, show how you used the
methods chosen … Provide
appropriate citations to justify methods. … Explain your rationale for selecting the methods you have chosen, show how you used the
methods chosen
December 12, 2015 - preventable ED use compared categories
1 and 2 (any chronic disease) to 3 (no chronic disease)
Analytic Methods … Sample
Outcome Measure: Preventable ED Visits
Modifier Variable: Chronic Condition Status
Analytic Methods
December 01, 2019 - The method for establishing the reliability of a measure will
depend on the type of measure, data source … Explain your rationale for selecting the methods you have chosen, show how you used the
methods chosen … Provide
appropriate citations to justify methods. … The method for establishing the validity of a measure will depend
on the type of measure, data source … Explain your rationale for selecting the methods you have chosen, show how you used the
methods chosen
August 01, 2019 - Notes
• For more information on getting started, selecting a sample, determining data collection
methods … , establishing data collection procedures, conducting a Web-based survey, and
preparing and analyzing