January 01, 2010 - This project is conducting an evaluation of the mixed-methods data and lessons learned from a decade … Specific Aims:
Complete a mixed-methods secondary analysis to synthesize findings related to improving … Mixed-methods data from three of the projects were reviewed during this period, including Colorectal
January 01, 2012 - Specific Aims:
Measure parent and adolescent preferences for methods of communication with the adolescent … health IT and teach these skills to other health care providers; 3) implement qualitative research methods … and develop advanced skills in the application of quantitative statistical methods; 4) improve career
January 01, 2018 - Methods To design the app and practice model, we applied user-centered design principles through
individual … We identified the core intervention components using user-centered design methods. … Methods
To develop the app and practice model, we applied principles of user-centered design and … We conducted a sequential-explanatory mixed methods analysis of the data. … Methods
January 01, 2009 - telephone and on-site interviews, qualitative and quantitative data were collected to evaluate current methods … informed a set of recommendations on the structure and functions of HIE that smaller practices desire and methods … For each source, the methods of ordering tests, tracking and receiving results, presenting them to clinicians … The same methods were used to map processes for obtaining clinical notes (e.g., from hospitals and consulting
January 01, 2016 - Recruitment methods
Final Progress Report
R21 HS21769-02
PI: H. … Anderson
Three recruitment methods were used in this study. … this method. … These data collection procedures are described in more detail below. … insurance coverage details; medications ordered (type, date, dose, refills allowed); dates and
types of procedures
May 23, 2011 - and
improve outcomes for HIV/AIDS patients
METHODS … • Identifies patients who are due or overdue for various tests,
immunizations and other procedures … cynthia.gebremariam@ihs.gov�
Document title: HIV Management System Software Application
January 01, 2007 - Methods: Roll-out was staggered. … Aim 1b: Evaluation Methods. We used time-motion methods to evaluate prescriber and
staff tasks. … We excluded admissions for which the
admission or procedure was unrelated to the prescribed medication … Not all studies employed time-motion methods; some used work-sampling
methods. … A method for
estimating the probability of adverse drug reactions.
January 01, 2006 - Methods Inf Med 2006;45(1):79-84. … METHODS: The service was evaluated for one year in order to prove the advantages of these kinds of systems
January 01, 2012 - Methods
page 5
Aim-1 Methods (CAMPII Patient Interface Development and … AIM-1 Methods: Crossover Study. … Aim-2 Methods: Provider Interface Development. … ACCURACY OF CORE MEDICATION REPORTING BY METHOD
Relative to the gold-standard pharmacist … It proved better for detecting hypoglycemia than any other method,
including the documented medical
January 01, 2001 - With only six multi-methods studies, plus three more using qualitative methods, methodological diversity
January 01, 2010 - Achieved )
Identify resources for workflow assessment in health care as well as proven workflow analysis methods … analyzing workflow when implementing and using health IT applications and summarizes commonly used methods … explaining the purpose, advantages, disadvantages, how to use it, and where to get more information for each method … From the comprehensive list of workflow analysis methods included in the toolkit, the project team selected
January 01, 2010 - This project is conducting an evaluation of the mixed-methods data and lessons learned from a decade … Specific Aims:
• Complete a mixed-methods secondary analysis to synthesize findings related to improving … Mixed-methods data from three of the projects were reviewed during this period,
including Colorectal
January 01, 2009 - Study
methods included: 1) pre-implementation survey of patients regarding Internet use, 2) tracking … patients, targeting new patients, as more established patients
were prone to resort to “tried and true” methods … every indication was given that this new technology was desired, patients preferred more
traditional methods
January 01, 2012 - A pilot study of the patient interface was designed to
inform methods and additional data elements for … of process findings, the research team found that CAMPII was more accurate than traditional
paper methods … CAMPII was more sensitive for hypoglycemia than all other methods, including the
medical chart, with
January 01, 2011 - Specific Aims:
• Measure parent and adolescent preferences for methods of communication with the adolescent … health IT and teach these skills to other health care providers; 3)
implement qualitative research methods … and develop advanced skills in the application of quantitative
statistical methods; 4) improve career
June 11, 2012 - Beta-Test Sites and Procedures
4. Analytic Methods, Results, and Redesign
5. … Management
Medical Records
Facilities and Engineering
Other (specify)
All-project meeting: 6 test sites, 4 vendors, AHRQ,
Beta-Test Analytic Methods … Ontology: Hazard Control
Hazard Control Plan Approval
Ontology: Hazard Control Plan Approval
Beta-Test Methods … and Results; Ontology Revisions
Hazard Manager Beta-Test
Beta-Test Analytic Methods
Caveat Emptor
January 01, 2012 - Specific Aims:
• Measure parent and adolescent preferences for methods of communication with the adolescent … health IT and teach these skills to other health care providers; 3) implement qualitative research methods … and develop advanced skills in the application of quantitative statistical methods; 4) improve career
January 01, 2009 - telephone and on-site interviews, qualitative
and quantitative data were collected to evaluate current methods … informed a set of recommendations on the structure and functions
of HIE that smaller practices desire and methods … For each source, the methods of ordering tests, tracking and
receiving results, presenting them to clinicians … The same methods were used to map processes for obtaining clinical notes (e.g., from
hospitals and consulting
January 01, 2010 - • Identify resources for workflow assessment in health care as well as proven workflow analysis
methods … analyzing workflow when implementing and using health IT applications
and summarizes commonly used methods … the purpose, advantages,
disadvantages, how to use it, and where to get more information for each method … From the comprehensive list of workflow analysis methods included in the
toolkit, the project team selected
January 01, 2018 - For major surgical procedures covered by the American College of Surgeons’
National Surgical Quality … Most surgical procedures carry some risk of adverse outcome(s) ranging
from an easily-treated … interviews to identify facilitators and barriers to use of SURPAS:
The focus group (FG) is the best method … Exclusion criteria were patients <18 years of age, patients undergoing emergency
procedures, pregnant … Methods in applied anthropology. In: HR B, editor. Handbook of Methods in
Cultural Anthropology.