
Total Results: 3,071 records

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    January 17, 2024 - State of the Science and Future Directions To Improve Diagnostic Safety in Older Adults PATIENT SAFETY e Issue Brief 22 State of the Science and Future Directions To Improve Diagnostic Safety in Older Adults This page intentionally left blank. e Issue Brief 22 State of the Science and Future Directions…
    February 06, 2012 - Attachment A: CHIPRA Pediatric Quality Measures Proram (PQMP) Candidate Measure Submission Form (CPCF) Attachment A: CHIPRA Pediatric Quality Measures Progra…
    January 01, 2005 - Diagnosing Diagnosis Errors: Lessons from a Multi-institutional Collaborative Project 255 Diagnosing Diagnosis Errors: Lessons from a Multi-institutional Collaborative Project Gordon D. Schiff, Seijeoung Kim, Richard Abrams, Karen Cosby, Bruce Lambert, Arthur S. Elstein, Scott Hasler, Nela Krosnjar, Richard…
    January 01, 2005 - Diagnosing Diagnosis Errors: Lessons from a Multi-institutional Collaborative Project 255 Diagnosing Diagnosis Errors: Lessons from a Multi-institutional Collaborative Project Gordon D. Schiff, Seijeoung Kim, Richard Abrams, Karen Cosby, Bruce Lambert, Arthur S. Elstein, Scott Hasler, Nela Krosnjar, Richard…
    August 01, 2012 - NCINQ Measure Submission: Tobacco Use and Help with Quitting Among Adolescents Attachment A: CHIPRA Pediatric Quality Measures Program (PQMP) Candidate Measure Submission Form (CPCF) Italics indicate instructions for how to complete a specific field. << >> indicates the name of a text field in the online version o…
    December 01, 2012 - Improving Patient Safety Systems for Limited-English-Proficient (LEP) Patients: A Guide for Hospitals TeamSTEPPS® Enhancing Safety for Patients With Limited English Proficiency Module Contents Slide 1: Improving Patient Safety Systems for LEP Patients Slide 2: Improving Patient Safety Systems for LEP Patien…
    January 31, 2011 - Microsoft Word - LEWINVA-526037-v1MONAHRQDesignImp_FinalRpt_013111.DOC MONAHRQ Design Improvement Final Report (Public) Prepared for: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Prepared by: Diane Stollenwerk, NQF The Lewin Group, Inc. January 31, 2011 Final Report (Public) MON…
    October 01, 2011 - Building the Evidence Base for the Medical Home: What Sample and SampleSize Do Studies Need? Building the Evidence Base for the Medical Home: What Sample and Sample Size Do Studies Need? WHITE PAPER Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Advancing Excellence in Health Care Prevention/Care Managem…
    January 01, 2025 - Practice-Level Data Report - AHRQ EvidenceNOW Technical Assistance (TA) to and Evaluation of Grant Initiative to Develop State-Level Capacity for Dissemination and mplementation of Patient-Centered Outcomes Research into Primary Care i Practice-Level Data Report January 2025 This page left intentionally blank …
    November 01, 2014 - Improving Care Delivery Through Lean: Implementation Case Studies Case 1. Lakeview Healthcare Previous Page Next Page Table of Contents Improving Care Delivery Through Lean: Implementation Case Studies Introduction to the Case Studies Case 1. Lakeview Healthcare Case 2. Central Hospital Case…
    January 01, 2004 - Screening for Thyroid Disease: Systematic Evidence Review This report may be used, in whole or in part, as the basis for development of clinical practice guidelines and other quality enhancement tools, or a basis for reimbursement and coverage policies. AHRQ o…
    August 25, 2014 - Pediatric Patient Safety Consortium DSF Expert Work Group Roster Name Experience Co-Chair(s) Marian Earls, MD, FAAP QuIIN Steering Committee Member; helped to lead the PreSIP QuIIN QI project; actively involved on DSF projects including leadership for ABCD 1, 2, 3. John Duby, MD, FAAP Presid…
    August 13, 2014 - Pediatric Patient Safety Consortium DSF Expert Work Group Roster Name Experience Co-Chair(s) Marian Earls, MD, FAAP QuIIN Steering Committee Member; helped to lead the PreSIP QuIIN QI project; actively involved on DSF projects including leadership for ABCD 1, 2, 3. John Duby, MD, FAAP Presid…
    January 01, 2014 - Pediatric Patient Safety Consortium DSF Expert Work Group Roster Name Experience Co-Chair(s) Marian Earls, MD, FAAP QuIIN Steering Committee Member; helped to lead the PreSIP QuIIN QI project; actively involved on DSF projects including leadership for ABCD 1, 2, 3. John Duby, MD, FAAP Presid…
    November 02, 2017 - Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems Hospital Survey--Child Version 1 Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems Hospital Survey – Child Version Section 1. Basic Measure Information 1.A. Measure Name Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems Hospital Survey – Child…
    March 01, 2014 - Quick Reference Guide to TeamSTEPPS Action Planning Step 1: Create a Change Team Objective: To create a team of leaders and staff members with the authority, expertise, credibility, and motivation necessary to drive a successful TeamSTEPPS Initiative . Ensure key leadership representation: senior leadership…
    March 01, 2014 - TeamSTEPPS® Instructor Manual: Specialty Scenarios Combat Care Specialty scenario for this guide. Contents Scenario 117 Scenario 118 Scenario 119 Scenario 120 Scenario 121 Scenario 122 Scenario 123 Scenario 124 Scenario 125 Scenario 126 Scenario 127 Scenario 128 Scenario 129 Scenario 130 Scenario 131 …
    March 01, 2014 - TeamSTEPPS® Instructor Manual: Specialty Scenarios OR (Operating Room) Specialty scenario for this guide. Contents Scenario 67 Scenario 68 Scenario 69 Scenario 70 Scenario 71 Scenario 72 Scenario 73 Scenario 74 Scenario 75 Scenario 76 Scenario 77 Scenario 78 Scenario 79 Scenario 80 Scenario 81 Scenario …
    March 01, 2014 - TeamSTEPPS® Instructor Manual: Specialty Scenarios Med-Surg Contents Scenario 26 Scenario 27 Scenario 28 Scenario 29 Scenario 30 Scenario 31 Scenario 32 Scenario 33 Scenario 34 Scenario 35 Scenario 26 Appropriate for: All Specialties Setting: Clinic Ann Tayner is assigned to work in a bu…
    March 01, 2014 - TeamSTEPPS® Instructor Manual: Specialty Scenarios ICU Specialty scenario for this guide. Contents Scenario 48 Scenario 49 Scenario 50 Scenario 51 Scenario 52   Scenario 48 Appropriate for: ICU Setting: Hospital   A 44-year-old female is admitted to the Medical ICU in acute respiratory d…

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