September 15, 2013 - with clinic-based blood pressure measurement methods? … Does changing the measurement method from that used during the initial screening improve diagnostic accuracy … community health fairs) that are not associated with an attendant, trained personnel, or established procedures … measurement (with any device or protocol)
KQ 4a: Time interval for rescreening using the same method … value is derived from guidelines for various populations and that the threshold varies by measurement method
September 15, 2013 - with clinic-based blood pressure measurement methods? … Does changing the measurement method from that used during the initial screening improve diagnostic accuracy … community health fairs) that are not associated with an attendant, trained personnel, or established procedures … measurement (with any device or protocol)
KQ 4a: Time interval for rescreening using the same method … value is derived from guidelines for various populations and that the threshold varies by measurement method
September 15, 2013 - with clinic-based blood pressure measurement methods? … Does changing the measurement method from that used during the initial screening improve diagnostic accuracy … community health fairs) that are not associated with an attendant, trained personnel, or established procedures … measurement (with any device or protocol)
KQ 4a: Time interval for rescreening using the same method … value is derived from guidelines for various populations and that the threshold varies by measurement method
July 31, 2019 - The USPSTF does not recommend screening for pancreatic cancer in the general population using any method … Imaging-based
methods, such as the computed tomography scan, magnetic resonance imaging, and endoscopic … pancreatic cancer
Treatment or
Surgery (pancreaticoduodenectomy [known as the Whipple procedure
June 07, 2018 - Have practical methods for identifying masked hypertension been evaluated in primary care or community … pressure measurement with wrist and finger monitors, forearm cuffs, or ankle and toe measures; any method … not commonly used in routine blood pressure screening (e.g., invasive methods, noninvasive method of … blood pressure measurement, established blood pressure measurement protocols, and ongoing documentation procedures
January 04, 2016 - Screening Tests
Conventional digital mammography has essentially replaced film mammography as the primary method … http://www.uspreventiveservicestaskforce.org/
Screening for Breast Cancer With Methods Other … Than Conventional Mammography: Clinical Summary
Screening Method Primary screening with DBT Adjunctive … screening with breast ultrasonography, MRI, DBT, or other methods in women who have dense breasts
October 04, 2018 - Have practical methods for identifying masked hypertension been evaluated in primary care or community … Have practical methods for identifying white coat hypertension been evaluated in primary care or community … pressure measurement with wrist and finger monitors, forearm cuffs, or ankle and toe measures; any method … not commonly used in routine blood pressure screening (e.g., invasive methods, noninvasive method of … blood pressure measurement, established blood pressure measurement protocols, and ongoing documentation procedures
February 01, 2004 - AHRQ48D_TESTICULAREU.QXD
We searched MEDLINE® for articles focusing
on meta-analysis, systematic … articles were further limited to
RCTs by the exploded headings—randomized
controlled trial/single-blind method … /double-blind
method/random allocation, for which no articles
were identified.
April 16, 2019 - Procedure Manual. USPSTF website. … Evaluation and Improvement of Sample Collection Procedures for the Determination of Blood Lead. … 1: 95 (NR)
Method 2: 96 (NR)
Method 3: 88 (NR)
Method 4: 86 (NR)
Method 1: 94 (NR) … Method 2: 96 (NR)
Method 3: 100 (NR)
Method 4: 91 (NR)
Abbreviation: NR, not reported … . 8
b Study compared 4 methods of capillary screening (method 1: alcohol wipe; method 2: alcohol +
June 03, 2019 - )
Breast cancer
deaths diag-
nosed within
7 years of
method … Follow-up
method and
Initially, all four trials used the evaluation method of analysis … Many women with screening ab-
normalities (especially on CBE)
were “deemed not to require a
diagnostic procedure … and cost associated
with positive test results, many of which are false positive,
and the diagnostic procedures … Future research should be directed toward developing
new screening methods as well as methods of improving
January 01, 2016 - 5) There is not enough evidence to determine the
effectiveness of additional screening with other
methods … False-positive results can lead to follow-up tests and procedures that aren’t
needed. … for women in their 40s because they are more likely to have false-positive results and
follow-up procedures … Potential Benefits and Harms of Using Additional Screening Methods to Screen Women with Dense Breasts … primary screening method
The main method of screening used.
5 adjunctive screening
Another type of
September 03, 2002 - and cost associated with positive test results, many of which are false positive, and the diagnostic procedures … Future research should be directed toward developing new screening methods as well as methods of improving … Follow-up method and evaluation method
Initially, all four trials used the evaluation method of … Many women with screening abnormalities (especially on CBE) were “deemed not to require a diagnostic procedure … ( % )
Positive Predictive Value
Work-up Method ( % )
Biopsy Method ( % )
February 06, 2018 - Screening Tests
The USPSTF does not recommend routine screening for ovarian cancer using any method … Transvaginal ultrasound and serum
cancer antigen 125 testing are readily available procedures that are
June 06, 2019 - diagnosis of GDM:
In two-step screening, the screening test must be FPG, 50-g OGCT, risk factor–based method … later screening for those without)
KQ 4: Screening tests (i.e., FPG, 50-g OGCT, risk factor-based method … monitoring, insulin therapy (all preparations), or glucose-lowering medications
KQs 1–5: Alternative methods … additional management or minimally active intervention, such as printed materials)
KQs 1–5: Alternative methods … English
* Two-step screening involves a screening test (e.g., 50-g OGCT, risk factor–based method
February 15, 2004 - articles were further limited to RCTs by the exploded headings—randomized controlled trial/single-blind method … /double blind method/random allocation, for which no articles were identified.
February 04, 2004 - Direct inspection and palpation of the oral cavity is the most commonly recommended method … screening for oral cancer, although there are little data on the sensitivity and specificity of this method … Harris RP, Helfand M, Woolf SH, Lohr KN, Mulrow CD, Teutsch SM, Atkins D, for the Methods Word Group, … Current methods of the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force: a review of the process.
January 15, 2014 - Table of Contents
Methods … Ultrasonography was the only screening method we considered. … Preventive Services Task Force Procedure Manual. … Accessed at http://www.uspreventiveservicestaskforce.org/Home/GetFile/6/7/procedure-manual_2016/pdf … Clinical guideline development methods: the guidelines manual 2012.
April 04, 2019 - diabetes should be confirmed with repeated testing (the same test on a different day is the
preferred method
February 23, 2016 - Screening Tests A visual acuity test (such as the Snellen eye chart) is the usual method for screening
July 07, 2009 - Screening Tests
Visual acuity testing (for example, the Snellen eye chart) is the usual method