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Showing results for "method".

    December 01, 2019 - The method for establishing the reliability of a measure will depend on the type of measure, data source … Explain your rationale for selecting the methods you have chosen, show how you used the methods chosen … Provide appropriate citations to justify methods. … The method for establishing the validity of a measure will depend on the type of measure, data source … Explain your rationale for selecting the methods you have chosen, show how you used the methods chosen
    August 01, 2018 - Simplified enrollment procedures include express lane eligibility, SSA data match to verify citizenship … Simplified renewal procedures include using pre-populated forms and 12-month continuous eligibility. … Explain your rationale for selecting the methods you have chosen, show how you used the methods chosen … Explain your rationale for selecting the methods you have chosen, show how you used the methods chosen … Health Serv Outcomes Res Method 2000; 1(3-4):335-50. Weissman JS, Gatsonis C, Epstein AM.
    January 07, 2022 - the director of your facilitation program  Observe and wonder out loud about the importance of and methods … improving joy in work Primary Care Practice Facilitator Training Series 2 Using QI methods … for care using daily huddles o Teach conflict resolution skills o Teach efficient communication methods … Introduce practice leaders to tools and trainings that help them incorporate participatory leadership methods
    May 01, 2017 - TCD screening is a reasonable method to assess stroke risk among children with sickle cell anemia, as … This measure establishes a claims-based method for identifying receipt of TCD screening among larger … Explain your rationale for selecting the methods you have chosen, show how you used the methods chosen … The method for establishing the validity of a measure will depend on the type of measure, data source … Explain your rationale for selecting the methods you have chosen, show how you used the methods chosen
    June 01, 2014 - The methods used to compute this data are identical to those used to compute the 2010 baseline, as described … in the document “Methods To Estimate the Baseline 2010 PFP National Hospital-Acquired Condition Rate … Hospital-Acquired Pressure Ulcers 1,320,000 40.41 1,300,000 39.43 Surgical Site Infection NHSN SSIs for 17 procedures … Other Hospital- Acquired Conditions MPSMS Femoral Artery Puncture for Catheter Angiographic Procedures
    November 12, 2010 - The method was Parents of 7333 children in grades 1 through 5 in 17 public elementary schools were asked
    November 12, 2010 - The method was Parents of 7333 children in grades 1 through 5 in 17 public elementary schools were asked
    April 01, 2014 - The method of providing effective communication can vary.
    March 01, 2021 - Advancing Heart Health Advancing Heart Health Research and Results Research Design and Methods … Heart Health Research and Results Videos Tell the Story Results Research Design and Methods … Evaluation Design and Methods Methods and Measures Data Collection Instruments and … The national evaluation team has used qualitative methods to identify contextual factors in each region
    November 01, 2023 - an Administration Mode The CAHPS Child Hospital Survey is typically administered with a mixed-mode method
    August 01, 2012 - Published formal consensus procedure: Involving experts in relevant clinical, methodological, public … Methods This section describes the methods for the two field testing studies designed to evaluate the … Please explain your rationale for selecting the methods you have chosen, show how you used the methods … Please explain your rationale for selecting the methods you have chosen, show how you used the methods … Test-retest is a statistical method used to determine a test's reliability.
    July 25, 2016 - Explain your rationale for selecting the methods you have chosen, show how you used the methods chosen … Methods This section describes the methods for the two field testing studies designed to evaluate the … Please explain your rationale for selecting the methods you have chosen, show how you used the methods … Explain your rationale for selecting the methods you have chosen, show how you used the methods chosen … First, the measure will encourage health care providers to standardize their documentation procedures
    October 01, 2015 - Transforming Primary Care Grant Initiative: A Synthesis Report Executive Summary Introduction Methods … to primary care transformation, which aims to maximize quality and value while minimizing waste. 8 Methods … Used to Study Transformation Almost all of the studies used a mixed methods approach to study the … Scammon et al found that mixed methods were particularly useful for understanding the complex phenomena … change process and understanding of reasons that certain changes were more difficult than others…Mixed methods
    March 01, 2017 - Transforming Primary Care Grant Initiative: A Synthesis Report Executive Summary Introduction Methods … to primary care transformation, which aims to maximize quality and value while minimizing waste. 8 Methods … Used to Study Transformation Almost all of the studies used a mixed methods approach to study the … Scammon et al found that mixed methods were particularly useful for understanding the complex phenomena … change process and understanding of reasons that certain changes were more difficult than others…Mixed methods
    January 01, 2018 - delays in executing its HIE, Utah developed a portable pediatric medical record and found an alternative method
    March 03, 2014 - intradiscalelectrothermal therapy, percutaneous intradiscal radiofrequency thermocoagulation, and other procedures … Usually used as a diagnostic procedure to identify facet joint pain, but has also been used as a therapeutic … procedure. … Guidelines for the performance of fusion procedures for degenerative disease of the lumbar spine. … Guidelines for the performance of fusion procedures for degenerative disease of the lumbar spine.
    January 01, 2018 - • Developing a secure electronic method for primary care providers to access health information for
    June 16, 2015 - 5 Methods • C ros s -s ec tional bas eline analys is – 3 s tates : IL , NC , S C – 64 prac tic … well-c hild v is its – If no majority of well-c hild v is its , majority of other v is its 6 Methods … potentially av oidable emergenc y department v is it (NY U algorithm; B en-Is aac 2010) 7 Methods … Research Meeting Minneapolis, MN (June 16, 2015) Citation Background Background & Research Question MethodsMethods: Measures Methods: Analysis Child Characteristics Results: Medical Homeness & Well-Child
    August 01, 2018 - A further feature is that difficult elements of a procedure or protocol can be selectively practiced … Various methods for setting performance standards in medical education exist. 7,8   In some military … settings, a high performance standard might entail performing a complex procedure without a significant … to vary before learners meet the performance standard (e.g., one learner may be able to perform the procedure … Comparison of two standard-setting methods for advanced life support training.
    January 01, 2020 - And then when you add the email on top of that for the three stage procedure, you get about a 14 percentage … implications, so for young adults, again, a high response rate is possible and email added to a mixed mode procedure … Parast, Slide 36 With respect to contact method for a web invitation, for web survey invitations, like … to make sure that texting is done in accordance TCPA regulations and think about the administrative procedures … So although we think it indicates there are possibilities using this method I want to caution everyone

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