February 08, 2021 - 29
extensive track record conducting field research using a range of qualitative and quantitative
methods … Our team also has expertise in mixed-methods research.
June 01, 2010 - For example, MBHOs typically require separate coding and
billing procedures, prohibit mental health … provide care consistent with PCMH goals, the transition
for PCPs would introduce new processes and procedures … PCMH staff also should
be trained in appropriate treatment and intervention tasks, including methods … EQUIP:
implementing chronic care principles and applying
formative evaluation methods to improve care
January 01, 2021 - An overview of the data collection
methods for the OneKey and AHA data can be found in the Compendium … When using the linkage file, users should bear in mind a few caveats and
limitations to the current methods … characterization of hospitals and their linkages to systems (for example,
they use different data collection methods … Distinguishable Links Passed Is this link distinguished by a method other than color?
November 02, 2017 - develops a plan for incorporating
implementation strategies for report use into facility policies and procedures
February 01, 2025 - Policy Notices
Policy notices inform applicants about current and changing grant policies and procedures … and Subsequent Flooding Notice Number: NOT-HS-17-021 8/10/17 AHRQ Announces Interest in Innovative Methods
April 01, 2006 - ___
Do: What are the methods … Determine the purpose, goals/objectives, and intended users of the evaluation; the methods to be used
January 01, 2020 - agenda that focuses
on understanding patients' experience of care and how to measure it, and on best methods … Using all of those
potential methods in combination, which are CAHPS scores, then leads you finally
July 01, 2010 - adoption of PBPH will require technological innovations; greater availability of usable data; new
methods … Data collected through open-ended questions
were analyzed using traditional methods of qualitative data … However, since adopting a more
systematic method of monitoring all of her patients, she said “now it … overdue, and ones that will
be due in the subsequent 90 days, allowing clinicians to order tests and procedures … It might be valuable to
conduct a series of case studies to develop a more complete picture of the methods
November 30, 2013 - Does your facility have a written policy and procedure for assessing residents at risk of
hospital … Does your policy and procedure on assessing risk for hospital transfers include the
following items? … What guidelines or evidence-based practice is your policy and procedure based on? … Organizational protocols/policy and procedures
Root Cause Analysis
Tree/Fishbone … develops a plan for incorporating
implementation strategies for report use into facility policies and procedures
November 30, 2013 - Does your facility have a written policy and procedure for assessing residents at risk of
hospital … Does your policy and procedure on assessing risk for hospital transfers include the
following items? … What guidelines or evidence-based practice is your policy and procedure based on? … Organizational protocols/policy and procedures
Root Cause Analysis
Tree/Fishbone … develops a plan for incorporating
implementation strategies for report use into facility policies and procedures
May 01, 2015 - Integration of new protocols and procedures within the electronic health record. … One component of this index, the
Unanticipated Operative Procedure measure, decreased by 51 percent. … uterine rupture during labor,
unplanned maternal admission to ICU, birth trauma, unanticipated operative procedure … The changes to the protocols, procedures, and policies were systematic. … The team reviewed policies and
procedures to streamline and ensure best practices.
July 31, 2018 - METHODS: A population-based, nested, case-control study was conducted using 2007-2010 Minimum Data
Data Sources
The rich longitudinal data from the Medicare and Minimum Data Set (MDS) for 4 … A new method of classifying prognostic comorbidity in longitudinal
studies: development and validation
January 01, 2024 - METHODS: A population-based, nested, case-control study was conducted using 2007-2010 Minimum Data
Data Sources
The rich longitudinal data from the Medicare and Minimum Data Set (MDS) for 4 … A new method of classifying prognostic comorbidity in longitudinal
studies: development and validation
June 01, 2017 - it is important to have this information, however, particularly for serious illnesses or high-risk procedures … Finally, people's interest in a disease- or procedure-specific mortality measure will depend on whether … they care about that disease or procedure. … measures, such as deaths among hip-replacement patients, with deaths from other low-risk surgeries or procedures … Methods to provide feedback or ask questions about the report.
Letters of endorsement.
June 01, 2017 - and how to encourage hospitals to collaborate in the reporting effort, as well as which promotional methods … However, to understand how people respond to and use the Web site, other methods are needed.
June 01, 2010 - and how to encourage hospitals to collaborate in the reporting effort, as well as which
promotional methods … However, to understand how people respond to and use the Web site, other
methods are needed.
May 01, 2017 - External team
processes involve the procedures the team
carried out to put the initiative in action … They
may require the application of new
procedures, training, or data collection
methods; however, … address issues that
require an adaptive solution are implementing
an evidence-based checklist for key
September 01, 2012 - or
improper use of medications or serious medication errors; improper preparation for tests
and procedures … The teaching methods and aids were used effectively 1 2 3 4 5
March 01, 2023 - patient who has been referred, including: name
of patient’s clinician; CR qualifying diagnosis or procedure … o Use a variety of communication methods with patients, including visual and
written materials.
May 01, 2024 - Examples include chart reviewing, use of clinical decision support
tools, methods of documentation, … Although imperfect,
methods for measuring cognitive load do exist. … The subjective workload assessment technique: a scaling procedure for mea-
suring mental workload.