August 30, 2023 - 35% of participants reported disrupted access to care (e.g., cancelled or postponed appointments or procedures … Factors influencing the perception of feeling safe in pre-hospital emergency care: a mixed-methods … deprived near the end of a 48-hour call shift (during which they only slept for 3 hours), performed the procedure
November 08, 2013 - February 5, 2020
Aviation Safety Methods: Quickly … WebM&M Cases
Complications of Vascular Access Procedures
August 15, 2018 - and management of hypertension in pregnancy, including mechanisms to improve education, training, and methods … They should also include procedures for regularly monitoring both adherence to protocols and quality
March 27, 2024 - Artificial intelligence can be regulated using current patient safety procedures … This report introduces existing methods for using AI to scale patient-centered clinical decision support … Commentary
Artificial intelligence can be regulated using current patient safety procedures
August 30, 2023 - they were able to find issues and to catch potential problems, such as labs, medication errors, or procedures … It’s an internal technology, consisting of a monitor on the wall, camera, and method of calling.
August 30, 2023 - they were able to find issues and to catch potential problems, such as labs, medication errors, or procedures … It’s an internal technology, consisting of a monitor on the wall, camera, and method of calling.
May 25, 2016 - July 2, 2014
10-State project to study methods to reduce central line-associated bloodstream
May 23, 2007 - April 1, 2009
10-State project to study methods to reduce central line-associated bloodstream
October 18, 2006 - April 1, 2009
10-State project to study methods to reduce central line-associated bloodstream
October 18, 2006 - April 1, 2009
10-State project to study methods to reduce central line-associated bloodstream
October 18, 2006 - April 21, 2005
10-State project to study methods to reduce central line-associated bloodstream
April 25, 2018 - March 6, 2005
10-State project to study methods to reduce central line-associated bloodstream
July 25, 2023 - July 2, 2014
10-State project to study methods to reduce central line-associated bloodstream
August 19, 2020 - November 16, 2022
Medication adverse events in the ambulatory setting: a mixed-methods
January 24, 2024 - February 21, 2007
Improving Patient Safety with Human Factors Methods.
July 01, 2006 - is the methodology for making changes, which includes reliable design, the rapid cycle improvement methods … from the IHI, and the other methods such as Six Sigma and Toyota Lean. … process from a physician writing an order to the delivering of a medication to a patient coming in for a procedure
July 01, 2006 - is the methodology for making changes, which includes reliable design, the rapid cycle improvement methods … from the IHI, and the other methods such as Six Sigma and Toyota Lean. … process from a physician writing an order to the delivering of a medication to a patient coming in for a procedure
December 14, 2022 - RIS
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Resilient healthcare applies resilient engineering methods … As healthcare delivery grows more complex, resilient healthcare methods can be applied to support patient … An emergency need for a surgical procedure could throw off the entire clinic schedule.
December 14, 2022 - An emergency need for a surgical procedure could throw off the entire clinic schedule. … Safety-II Frameworks
December 14, 2022
Resilient healthcare applies resilient engineering methods … As healthcare delivery grows more complex, resilient healthcare methods can be applied to support patient
October 12, 2012 - The patient reconfirmed his desire to avoid resuscitation and heroic procedures, expressing anger that … October 14, 2020
Comparison of military and civilian methods for determining potentially