March 01, 2009 - providers are advised to use simple and concise language with patients and to apply certain
communication methods
September 07, 2019 - Methods for addressing technology-induced errors: the
current state.
May 01, 2007 - 1950s and 1960s, it had all been about technical
factors: the design of aircraft, the development of procedures … structure, and what seems to be invariable across national boundaries,
organizational systems, and payment methods
January 22, 2014 - The answer is probably not, unless one defines methods to improve patient-provider communication as a … Patients may ask for medications or procedures that could cause them more harm than benefit, and these … Others argue that clinicians hold an obligation to restrict the use of very expensive, low-yield procedures
October 01, 2017 - Reasons why physicians and
advanced practice clinicians work while sick: a mixed-methods analysis.
January 01, 2018 - The work that lies ahead for the field is to develop a sophisticated understanding of the best methods
September 07, 2019 - As a result, most of the standard methods used to measure safety events did not detect these deaths
August 21, 2014 - Alternative methods to vascular access in the emergency
department. Ann Emerg Med. 2011;58:402.
April 28, 2021 - What those two modalities have in common are policies and procedures for safety that assure that the … Is there any real-time monitoring during the dialysis procedure? … Procedure-related serious adverse events among home hemodialysis patients: a quality assurance perspective … ., peritoneal vs. hemodialysis) may also have different risks associated with the complexity of the procedure … August 21, 2024
The Safe Home Care Intervention Study: implementation methods and effectiveness
August 31, 2022 - No antibiotics were administered during the procedure. … and
procedures in medical settings. … When a person states they have a diagnosis of
latex allergy, it is prudent to perform their procedure … in a latex-safe environment and then have an
evaluation performed after the procedure. … Clinical and laboratory-based methods in the diagnosis of
natural rubber latex allergy.
May 28, 2020 - always
trying ensure that we are keeping up with the science and applying efficient and effective methods
November 27, 2023 - In addition to needing to develop valid and reliable assessment methods, there are a number of regulatory … Compare quality improvement methods in the delivery of patient care. … Sarah Mossburg: That seems like a good method to help students understand where they personally are,
November 27, 2023 - In addition to needing to develop valid and reliable assessment methods, there are a number of regulatory … Compare quality improvement methods in the delivery of patient care. … Sarah Mossburg: That seems like a good method to help students understand where they personally are,
August 05, 2009 - January 25, 2012
Methods for assessing the preventability of adverse drug events: a systematic … Response to Injury, a Large-Scale Collaborative Project: patient-oriented research core—standard operating procedures
September 01, 2011 - For measuring the actual
incidence of safety events, other detection methods are more sensitive, including … errors, are currently addressed through morbidity and mortality conferences and
hospital credentialing procedures
August 30, 2021 - benefits of IV insulin drips seen in the ICU,
we believe that we are at equipoise, and thus the two methods … reduces the
incidence of deep sternal wound infection in diabetic patients after cardiac surgical procedures
May 19, 2015 - environmental rounds" within the OR suite to observe the surgical team during the entire CABG surgical procedure … The two methods should be considered complementary: surveillance can detect problems that don't rise … In this case, multiple breaks in procedure by operating room personnel were noted.
March 15, 2016 - greater than that of the untreated condition, the physician then needs to decide if the diagnostic procedure … If diagnostic procedure tolerance and/or treatment tolerance is deemed adequate, then the patient may … Findings from a mixed-methods formative evaluation of the patient safety specialist role in the English
August 11, 2021 - There is usually little criticism for getting an extra test or procedure (in this case, the Medical Director … is especially important to have an honest and informed discussion of risks and benefits before any procedure … pneumonia and clostridium difficile infections Carotid Stenting for asymptomatic stenoses ( 18 ) Procedure … September 23, 2020
A mixed-methods systematic review of interventions to address incivility
October 30, 2019 - Two methods of community detoxification from opiates: an open-label comparison of lofexidine and buprenorphine … Three methods of opioid detoxification in a primary care setting. A randomized trial.