September 28, 2022 - Providers have excellent ideas, but the MPH training can drive the Community-Oriented Quality Improvement methods … Community-Oriented Quality Improvement to medical students and residents, so that they get those skills and methods … transitions or reporting and follow-up of laboratory and other diagnostic tests; unnecessary tests or procedures … Primary care practices can consider using systems engineering methods or lean workflow redesigns to improve … toxic cascades” of unnecessary tests, reducing exposure to unnecessary risk of harm from unnecessary procedures
May 29, 2024 - Elements include verification and resolution of incorrect counts; a brief summary of the
procedure and … Visual counter uses a white board that includes the patient identifiers and procedure details. … to track surgical items (including sponges, gauze, needles, and instruments throughout the
surgical procedure … After they determined a simple plan for providers to follow in highly complex
procedures, they knew … Auditors review at least 20 operating room procedures per month.
March 31, 2022 - This mixed-methods study included both clinicians and patients at four hospitals and found that the program … This article provides an overview of human error, the theories and methods available to understand, prevent
April 01, 2008 - This potential shortage of neurologists may also provide opportunities for novel methods of care delivery … May 29, 2024
Dissemination of Lean methods to improve Pap testing quality and patient
August 21, 2016 - digitally-supported medication process and potential solutions to increase patient safety in the hospital: a mixed methods … 2024
Reasons why physicians and advanced practice clinicians work while sick: a mixed-methods
May 29, 2024 - Unlike
methods that focus solely on achieving total abstinence, harm reduction strategies prioritize … strategies can be tailored to specific sub-populations in need, as well as
testing the most effective methods
August 30, 2023 - Read More
Support methods for healthcare professionals who are second victims … Review
Support methods for healthcare professionals who are second victims: an
November 16, 2022 - reported development of an observational measure 8 to complement the more typical survey-based assessment methods … psychological safety in healthcare teams: developing an observational measure to complement survey methods
February 01, 2011 - boards, along with medical
societies and others, can facilitate improvement by providing assessment methods … certification boards, and medical societies can assist by creating and providing good
assessment tools and methods
January 21, 2017 - who understand principles of adult education, appreciate the limitations of traditional educational methods … Methods to educate and train future generations of health care professionals must evolve away from
May 16, 2022 - Differences in hospitals' workplace violence incident reporting practices: a mixed methods … reported between 0 and 6 incidents per staffed bed but qualitative analyses revealed variable reporting procedures … patient being transported from the Emergency Department (ED) to other parts of the hospital for tests or procedures … In one case, the wrong patient was identified before undergoing an unnecessary procedure; in the second
August 21, 2007 - model of defibrillators has been recommended to address
these potential problems.(18)
A variety of methods … Case & Commentary: Part 3
This incident prompted a major review of code blue procedures, an inventory … resulted from having multiple devices in one institution and from failing to use a thorough checklist
procedure … sufficient—as in aviation, staff must be educated as to the
crucial need to strictly follow checklist procedures
April 01, 2009 - The analytic methods we have are from a different generation. … Hospitals must have confidence that physicians are qualified to do the procedures and offer
the services … We certainly see examples—fortunately they are uncommon—of
physicians undertaking procedures that they
February 06, 2023 - The Infectious Diseases
Society of America continues to recommend NAATs as the diagnostic method of … oropharyngeal sampling.39,40 A recent systematic
review and meta-analysis examining specimen collection methods … and typically require either a nasal or saliva specimen.46 Early studies have suggested
that some methods
December 01, 2006 - Is everyone familiar with the procedure? Well, here's the operative plan and here's plan B. … By doing that before every procedure, you build an expectation in all the workers' minds that they will … Our assessment method is that you measure things hospital wide, but capture information at the patient
December 01, 2006 - Is everyone familiar with the procedure? Well, here's the operative plan and here's plan B. … By doing that before every procedure, you build an expectation in all the workers' minds that they will … Our assessment method is that you measure things hospital wide, but capture information at the patient
January 31, 2024 - Safety Hazards in Ambulatory Surgery Centers
Additional safety hazards exist for surgeries or procedures … served as the director for the Division of Practice Improvement, where most of our work was exploring methods … 10 years ago, the main focus and investments on quality and safety were on developing strategies and methods … Unnecessary tests and procedures can sometimes harm patients. … Many diagnostic procedures are very uncomfortable, but there’s also a psychological trauma of wondering
May 01, 2019 - Things that have worked are forcing a "time out," where they verify the patient's name and ID, the procedure … are common and may contribute to error in judgment, medication choices and delivery, or in doing a procedure … Medication safety in emergency medical services: approaching an evidence-based method
June 01, 2007 - Hospitals were expected to develop and implement procedures based on the report. … Examples of follow-up may include requesting policies and procedures, reviewing training content and … Surgery performed on the wrong body part
Surgery performed on the wrong patient
Wrong surgical procedure … performed on a patient
Unintended retention of a foreign object in a patient after surgery or other procedure … , clinical work satisfaction, and patient care coordination between primary care providers: a mixed methods
September 07, 2019 - involves two related concepts: first, educating patients about their
illnesses and medications, using methods