December 01, 2017 - Design and Methods of the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey Household Component . … Estimation Procedures for the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey Household Component . … Design, Methods, and Field Results of the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey Medical Provider Component
December 01, 2017 - Design and Methods of the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey Household Component . … Estimation Procedures for the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey Household Component . … Design, Methods, and Field Results of the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey Medical Provider Component
February 01, 2005 - estimates with statistically significant differences from the national average using a multiple comparison procedure … References
For a detailed description of the MEPS-HC survey design, sample design, and methods used … Design and Methods of the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey Household Component .
December 01, 2006 - those estimates with statistically significant differences from the national average usin
comparison procedure … References
or a detailed description of the MEPS survey design, sample design, and methods used to … Design and Methods of the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey Household Component. MEPS
ohen, S.
February 01, 2005 - estimates with statistically significant differences from the national average using a multiple comparison procedure … References
For a detailed description of the MEPS-HC survey design, sample design, and methods used … Design and Methods of the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey Household Component .
December 01, 2007 - estimates with statistically significant differences from the national average using a multiple comparison procedure … References
For a detailed description of the MEPS-HC survey design, sample design, and methods used … Design and Methods of the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey Household Component .
December 01, 2007 - estimates with statistically significant differences from the national average using a multiple comparison procedure … References
For a detailed description of the MEPS-HC survey design, sample design, and methods used … Design and Methods of the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey Household Component .
December 01, 2007 - estimates with statistically significant differences from the national average using a multiple comparison procedure … References
For a detailed description of the MEPS-HC survey design, sample design, and methods used … Design and Methods of the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey Household Component .
December 01, 2005 - estimates with statistically significant differences from the
national average using a multiple comparison procedure … References
For a detailed description of the MEPS survey design, sample design, and methods used to … Design and Methods of the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey Household Component.
January 01, 1999 - Design and methods of the 1996
Medical Expenditure Panel Survey Nursing Home Component … ^top
Sources and Methods of Estimation
… Tables
of Variables
Data Sources and Methods … on estimates of standard errors derived using the Taylor series
linearization method
June 01, 2012 - Physician procedure codes classified by CPT-4
(Current Procedural Terminology, Version 4). … Methods
The MEPS-HC collects data from a nationally representative
sample of households through an … This method insured that the expenditures
related to separate pregnancies by the same mother were accounted
December 01, 1998 - at
For a detailed description of the MEPS survey
design, sample design, and methods … Design and methods of the Medical
Expenditure Panel Survey Household
March 01, 2005 - References
For a detailed description of the MEPS-HC survey design, sample design, and methods used … Design and Methods of the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey Household Component.
March 01, 2005 - References
For a detailed description of the MEPS-HC survey design, sample design, and methods … Design and Methods of the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey Household Component.
May 01, 1999 - http://www.ahcpr.gov/
For a detailed description of the MEPS survey design, sample design, and methods … Design and methods of the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey Household Component.
August 01, 1999 - http://www.meps.ahcpr.gov/
For a detailed description of the MEPS
survey design, sample design, and methods … Design and methods of the Medical
Expenditure Panel Survey Household Component.
January 01, 2003 - For a detailed description of the MEPS survey design, sample design, and methods used to minimize sources … Design and methods of the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey Household Component.
January 01, 1997 - For a detailed description of the MEPS survey design, sample design, and methods used to minimize sources … Design and methods of the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey Household Component.
January 01, 2004 - For a detailed description of the MEPS-HC survey design, sample design, and methods used to minimize … Design and Methods of the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey Household Component.
September 01, 2004 - References
For a detailed description of the MEPS survey design, sample design, and methods … Design and Methods of the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey Household Component.