
Total Results: 4,990 records

Showing results for "method".

    January 01, 2019 - Marketplaces & Platforms deliver via - Web services - PaaS, KaaS - Open APIs - Smartphones - Other methods
    January 01, 2006 - Methods: Retrospective cohort of health plan enrollees over the age of 18 years who were continuously … Methods Study Design The study design was a retrospective analysis focusing on the four groups … Clinical Messaging between patients and providers through MyGroupHealth Setting Participants Methods
    April 01, 2009 - Transformation Grants: 2-year, $150M program that grants funds to states for adoption of innovative methods
    September 13, 2013 - definitions and data elements ▪ Develop new tools for data aggregation and integration ▪ Develop methods
    September 13, 2013 - definitions and data elements ▪ Develop new tools for data aggregation and integration ▪ Develop methods
    January 01, 2014 - Methods: This project was implemented in two stages. … Methods This pilot study was designed with two phases, phase 1 and phase 2. Phase 1. … Methods Phase 1. Phase 2. Measures: 5.
  7. 09-0072-Ef (pdf file)
    June 01, 2009 - complexity of available data, studies are needed on the use of different data sources in CDS systems and on methods
    June 01, 2009 - In principle, any type of CDS could utilize any of these underlying computational architectures, methods … have identified the problem of overriding alerts and reminders, but further research is needed on methods … current payment models do not facilitate use of CDS, but rather discourage it, by paying more for proceduresMethods Inf Med 1990 Jan;29(1):1-2. 26. Dexter PR, Perkins SM, Maharry KS, et al. … Methods Inf Med 2006;45(6):586-93. 91. Sittig DF, Ash JS, Zhang J, et al.
    June 01, 2009 - In principle, any type of CDS could utilize any of these underlying computational architectures, methods … have identified the problem of overriding alerts and reminders, but further research is needed on methods … current payment models do not facilitate use of CDS, but rather discourage it, by paying more for proceduresMethods Inf Med 1990 Jan;29(1):1-2. 26. Dexter PR, Perkins SM, Maharry KS, et al. … Methods Inf Med 2006;45(6):586-93. 91. Sittig DF, Ash JS, Zhang J, et al.
    April 13, 2012 - What is the method for enabling secure remote access, if allowed? PROBE: a. … the system six-sigma team to analyze patient encounters and trends for the following rehab diagnoses/procedures … system six-sigma team to analyze patient encounters and trends for the following rehab diagnoses/procedures
    April 26, 2013 - What is the method for enabling secure remote access, if allowed? PROBE: a. … the system six-sigma team to analyze patient encounters and trends for the following rehab diagnoses/procedures … system six-sigma team to analyze patient encounters and trends for the following rehab diagnoses/procedures
  12. Welcome, everybody (pdf file)
    November 02, 2007 - standards with the goal of capturing perspectives from a variety of stakeholders, and we used the mixed method … We actually used a mixture of quantitative and qualitative methods to achieve the research objectives … For physician practices, we used qualitative methods that included focus groups, on-site observation … Our methods really did not work very well, but one thing we were able to do was to quantify ratios of
    January 01, 2008 - Methods: Descriptive and cohort studies were employed. … Methods Study designs, population studied, sample selection, instruments and analytic approach varied … The GEE method with a log link and Poisson errors were repeated adjusting for potentially confounding … 63% reduction in absence from childcare due to illness,25 is partly attributable to protocols and procedures … Children Background on Illness in Child Care and Elementary Schools Nature of the Intervention Methods
    November 17, 2011 - METHODS ............................................................................................. … Clinician Use of Health IT (IQHIT) RFA (HS-07-006) was to support grants that investigate novel methodsMethods Development of Project Summaries John Snow, Inc. … To ensure consistency, JSI followed a standard operating procedure that outlined the steps of content … AWStats has a method for resolving proxy usage and avoids over-reporting of unique visitors.
    April 29, 2009 - ■ Other potential topic: Methods for evaluating costs, revenue, and/or cost- savings associated with
    June 01, 2008 - of the intended user or representative in the design life cycle – Systematic design and evaluation methods
    July 01, 2007 - Determine method for enabling secure remote access if allowed. … Determine method for enabling secure remote access if allowed. … the system six-sigma team to analyze patient encounters and trends for the following rehab diagnoses/procedures … Georgetown University Session 2B: Access and Auditing Access Democracy/ Montgomery CT: Standard Methods
    January 01, 2017 - Methods: A pilot randomized controlled trial was conducted to compare EHR-PACE to usual care. … Methods Study Design: A two-group randomized controlled design was utilized for this pilot study with … All study procedures were approved by the University of Michigan Health Sciences and Behavioral Sciences
    January 01, 2023 - PM CST Churchill B1 Session Code: S62 Between-Visit Symptom Monitoring in Primary Care: A Mixed-Methods
  20. A_ReferenceLibrary (pdf file)
    February 16, 2006 - Linking Health Care Information: Proposed Methods for Improving Care and Protecting Privacy, Markle

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