January 01, 2019 - Methods: We engaged stakeholders, users, and experts throughout the study in planning and design. … METHODS
Aim 1. Develop a model process for HIE supported ED–PCC collaboration. … Agile Methods and User-Centered Design: How These Two
Methodologies Are Being Successfully Integrated … Exchange of Poisoning Information
June 04, 2010 - Quinn, MBA ( PDF , 195 KB)
Track 4 (Training and Education): Session 4.3 - Qualitative Research Methods
January 01, 2014 - Implementing ICD-10
ICD-10 Training
CMS Reimbursement Methods
June 05, 2006 - We understand the importance of more personal methods
of communication and continue to use the
January 01, 2008 - Methods: Sentinel health events were detected using a standards-based clinical decision support
tool … The impact of the three notification methods on emergency care utilization,
hospitalizations and care … economic data, special needs, and care management plans); 3) clinical data (encounters,
problems/procedures … encounters (e.g. home visits); 63,285 missed appointments; 4,573,767
billing diagnoses; 4,781,099 billing procedures … occurred if one of the
following conditions hold: (1) patient had an evaluation and
management CPT procedure
September 17, 2007 - Having analyzed the five pilot site findings and the context of their characteristics
and testing methods … So here’s an overview of all of the standards that we evaluated and the really panoply of methods that … Just to give you a little bit more about the other aspects or the methods that I’ll be showing you for … So there are two methods that you can use this afternoon to ask questions. … The other method would be to type into the chat box your questions.
August 09, 2013 - Healthcare Needs Through Health IT
(MCP) (FOA HS-08-002) supported projects that
investigated novel methods … cases, however, creative, new
strategies such as the development of matching algo-
rithms and new procedures … Several of the PCC
researchers used focus groups or other qualitative
methods to gather input from … The types of information exchanged include diagno-
ses, procedures, the identities of clinicians on the … Several used focus groups, user testing, and
other qualitative research methods to design interven-
August 09, 2013 - Healthcare Needs Through Health IT
(MCP) (FOA HS-08-002) supported projects that
investigated novel methods … cases, however, creative, new
strategies such as the development of matching algo-
rithms and new procedures … Several of the PCC
researchers used focus groups or other qualitative
methods to gather input from … The types of information exchanged include diagno-
ses, procedures, the identities of clinicians on the … Several used focus groups, user testing, and
other qualitative research methods to design interven-
October 01, 2009 - conducted to
improve our understanding of clinical information needs and explore proven and effective
methods … groups' adoption of electronic health records and Development of methods for usability evaluations of … Methods Inf Med
Press; 2006. p. 213. 2003;42(4):376-84.
33. Few S. … Cognitive engineering
features of graphs in health risk communication: a methods as usability evaluation
January 01, 2008 - Methods: We conducted 9 group randomized controlled trials at 15 pediatric practices. … Methods
This study took advantage of a natural experiment occurring within the network of Partners … experience with administrative and survey data,
and the expertise that went into developing and testing our methods … Health Care Information Technology
Final Report
January 01, 2019 - make patient visits more efficient and results-focused
5 Documentation templates for visits and
procedures … management
components (6) and the patient’s surgery
preparation and questions (13) before the
procedure … After the procedure, the surgeon orders for the
patient an opioid during the hospital stay by
using … Artifacts include metadata for all supporting citations.
5.5 Artifacts include evidence about its method … opportunities resulting in
collaboration with EBSCO on a U18
proposal to test making a CDS
Hooks/CQL method
August 15, 2012 - • Develop standard methods for web-services calls for CDS
• Define common taxonomy and functional
January 01, 2008 - evaluation, how they planned and are implementing their evaluation programs, what evaluation goals, methods
May 02, 2014 -
AHRQ PUBlIcAtIon no. 12-0071-ef • JUlX 2012 5
Since receipt of a procedure … totalcholesterol, LDLcholesterol, HDLcholesterol, and triglycerides), improvements in one actual clinical
procedure … Qualitative methods were used to determine the barriers and facilitators to the adoption of and ability
January 01, 2019 - Methods: This study employed retrospective, cross-sectional and panel design to study these
relationships … METHODS
Study Design
The study employed a retrospective, cross-sectional design to examine the associations … These data include patient demographics,
diagnosis and procedure codes, and mortality information. … logistic regression models
adjusted for hospital characteristics (size, teaching status, high-technology procedure … METHODS
Study Design
Data Sources
Study Population
Data Analysis
1) EHR adoption
January 01, 2009 - concerning exception reporting in physician performance
measurement to develop refined principles and methods
January 01, 2007 - The most common methods
that HIE initiatives are using to engage clinicians is outreach through hospital
January 01, 2009 - concerning exception reporting in physician performance measurement to develop refined principles and methods
January 01, 2008 - The study team spent time with study providers who needed assistance learning these methods.
January 01, 2011 - Methods: 242 patients with BP≥150/90 mmHg were recruited from two medical centers and
randomized to … Methods
Study Design
We are interested in reducing cardiovascular risk in underserved communities … Scope
Increased Risk for Hypertension and CVD in African-Americans
In Summary