January 01, 2011 - (Ongoing)
• Using mixed methods, triangulate the results of the quantitative and qualitative analyses
January 01, 2010 - This observation indicates EHR-based trigger methods are potentially useful to detect potential delays
January 01, 2011 - managing physician and resident-patient panels in a group practice and utilized systems engineering methods
January 01, 2010 - Delphi participant recruitment was achieved using various methods, including in-person at conferences
January 01, 2005 - Methods: The study was conducted in 11 US Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Centers.
January 01, 2023 - Methods and Findings: A primary-care clinic in an integrated safety net institution was the setting
January 01, 2006 - Methods: Based on videotapes of 3 Israeli primary care physicians and 30 of their patients, the extent
April 01, 2008 - Methods: Each standard was evaluated through one or more of the following methods: workflow
modeling … version of this standard is a HIPAA-named transaction that was originally designed for service
or procedure … Methods
Each of the six proposed Initial Standards for e-prescribing was evaluated using a set of … Methods for each research question in the RFA; methods used to evaluate each standard
Research Questions … October, 2006, Horizon faxed a letter to sampled prescribers introducing the study and explaining
its procedures
August 31, 2008 - of health information to communities, but also shed light on the unique contributions of different methods
December 31, 2007 - not every hospital in the world will want to share our PACS," Coleman said, "So we are now looking at methods
January 01, 2011 - This difference caused the project team to review the methods used in the original queries to ensure
January 01, 2023 - The whole implementation process was followed closely, using a combination of different methods for data
January 01, 2011 - regular seminars, and mentoring in the fields of clinical informatics, decision modeling, epidemiologic methods
January 01, 2020 - The team used a mixed methods approach, including focus groups, interviews, observations, and electronic
January 01, 2019 - Methods
We designed and built a wristband that collects objective health behavior data on PA, sleep … METHODS (Study Design, Data Sources, Interventions, Measures, Limitations)
Study Design
Phase 2 … Mobile Application and EMA: Since it was not possible to create an automated method
for measuring the … METHODS
Study Design
Data Sources
Wearable Sensor:
Calculation and Identification of Behaviors
January 01, 2022 - Methods: We assessed program effectiveness through change in PIMs proportion (number of PIM
prescriptions … A mixed-methods analysis of provider surveys,
implementation team interviews and focus groups, meeting … METHODS
Study Design: Prospective evaluation of the EQUIPPED medication safety program implemented at … The evaluation team analyzed agendas and minutes using qualitative methods to identify
planning steps … The
standard errors were calculated based on the Newey-West method to account for the autocorrelation
January 01, 2015 - Quality through Clinician Use of Health IT (IQHIT) RFA (HS-07-006):
Designed to investigate novel methods … Electronic Data Methods (EDM) Forum for Comparative Effectiveness Research
(U13) (RFA-HS-10-006): This … This mixed
methods study found that beliefs embedded in clinicians’ social networks are positively … Bringing Communities and Technology Together for Healthy Aging RFA-HS-10-016
Electronic Data Methods … Forum for ComparativeEffectiveness Research RFA-HS-10-006
Electronic Data Methods Forum: Second Phase
June 01, 2010 - .............................................................................................. 1
Methods … Methods
To identify the articles for this review, two separate Medline searches were conducted on the … One article is a systematic review, while
the other nine use various accepted research methods ranging … The second article describes a method to use
existing data to look at risk factors for myocardial infarction … HANDS: A
Revitalized technology supported care planning
method to improve nursing handoffs.
January 01, 2007 - medical orders electronically in inpatient and ambulatory settings, replacing the more traditional order methods … to electronically enter medication orders as well as laboratory, admission, radiology, referral, and procedure … conducting separate studies in the United States, the Netherlands, and Australia, using similar qualitative methods
June 01, 2011 - The system permitted addition of records, a method to enroll participants, edit
forms, delete forms, … The MOP describes how each procedure or measurement was conducted and
details additional information … This portion of the MOP provides approaches
for avoiding errors, a method for documenting errors, informing … study personnel, and methods to
account for the errors in interpreting results. … What would be your preferred method of receiving BP reports?