August 21, 2016 - Due to his persistently altered mental status, ultrafast magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain … patients often present with non-specific symptoms such as vomiting, abnormal movements, changes in mental
February 01, 2023 - or hypo-glycemia are more difficult to detect in the context of ongoing pain, sedation, or altered mental … prolonged surgical procedures, diabetic ketoacidosis or hyperosmolar hyperglycemic syndrome, altered mental
October 30, 2024 - mass index of 45 crashed while riding a motorcycle
and was brought to a trauma center with altered mental … extremity
exam changes: he was morbidly obese and mechanically ventilated for a prolonged period; had mental
August 17, 2017 - On hospital day 3, her hypoxemia worsened, as did her mental status. A head CT was ordered. … Other risk factors, such as altered mental status, morbid obesity, and use of sedative agents and/or
November 27, 2019 - Altered mental status can be a defining feature of hypovolemic shock. 1 The patient in this case arrived … Empiric MTP based on the patient’s hypotension, active bleeding from her leg wound, and altered mental
November 16, 2022 - action and interventions required to promote organization-wide psychological safety with a focus on mental … these interventions and surrounding structure for establishing psychological safety were developed with mental
May 01, 2019 - So you understand something about
their ability to do the activities of daily living and their mental … Sometimes
that's their primary care physician's office, sometimes it's a mental health facility.
December 01, 2009 - It may include coaching or a
comprehensive mental health evaluation for the professional. … Some reorganize their practices, add capacity, obtain coaching, or receive comprehensive
mental health
December 01, 2009 - Patient Situations
Patients who are homeless and uninsured and who also have substance abuse problems, mental … 9072-2
Against Medical Advice (AMA)
Discharges AMA not uncommon; 1.44% rate
For patients with mental … The prevalence of mental disorders among the homeless in western countries: systematic review and meta-regression … options
Capacity particularly important to assess in homeless patients because they have higher risk of mental … The prevalence of mental disorders among the homeless in western countries: systematic review and meta-regression
October 22, 2014 - January 12, 2011
Towards understanding and improving medication safety for patients with mental … unDerstandIng the cauSes of mediCation errOrs and adVerse drug evEnts for patients with mental … February 28, 2024
Understanding the medication safety challenges for patients with mental
December 18, 2017 - the Same Author(s)
Frequency and nature of medication errors and adverse drug events in mental … 18, 2017
Prevalence, nature, severity and preventability of adverse drug events in mental … health settings: findings from the MedicAtion relateD harm in mEntal health hospitals (MADE) study.
March 02, 2011 - The patient’s mental status deteriorated rapidly after admission: she tossed about on her bed and had … She was able to return to a regular medical floor 1 day later, and her mental status improved without … The limited mental status data provided in the case summary made the need for rapid and deep sedation … Was it correct to discharge this patient without any antipsychotic treatment after her mental status … There is too little information to draw firm conclusions about the basis for the mental changes that
July 01, 2009 - June 17, 2014
With Safety in Mind: Mental Health Services and Patient Safety. … November 30, 2023
Safer Services: A Toolkit for Specialist Mental Health Services and
October 25, 2013 - April 14, 2021
A qualitative exploration of mental health service user and carer perspectives … on safety issues in UK mental health services.
November 01, 2003 - The patient’s mental status deteriorated rapidly after admission: she tossed about on her bed and had … She was able to return to a regular medical floor 1 day later, and
her mental status improved without … Was it correct to discharge this patient without any antipsychotic treatment after her mental status … There is too little information to draw firm conclusions about the basis for the
mental changes that … Take-Home Points
Obtain a detailed history of the type and temporal course of mental status changes
May 01, 2009 - Altered Mental Status
in Hospitalized Patients
All patients should be screened for cognitive impairment … The prevalence and documentation of impaired mental status in elderly emergency department patients. … Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th ed, text revision. … MMSE = Mini Mental State Examination; APACHE = Acute physiology, age, and chronic health evaluation; … cognition and attention, is common, morbid, and costly
In the inpatient setting, all new changes in mental
October 03, 2017 - August 4, 2021
Prevalence, nature, severity and preventability of adverse drug events in mental … health settings: findings from the MedicAtion relateD harm in mEntal health hospitals (MADE) study.
June 12, 2013 - February 8, 2011
With Safety in Mind: Mental Health Services and Patient Safety. … September 2, 2020
Keeping Children and Young People with Mental Health Needs Safe: the
February 01, 2017 - refused-medication-error
The Case
A 59-year-old man was admitted to the hospital with acute renal failure and mental … With treatment, both his mental status and his creatinine improved. … The
nurse alerted the primary care team of the patient's declining mental status and their concern about … After being transferred to the ICU, the patient's mental status further deteriorated, and he became … Additionally, the patient's laboratory results and mental status updates were documented.
May 22, 2013 - She seemed trapped in a downward mental health spiral. The real cause was a profound shock. … April 29, 2020
How common mental shortcuts can cause major physician errors.