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    November 28, 2006 - MEPS S M L XL   Publication Details Title:    New Estimates of the Demand for Physical and Mental … We seek to provide more current estimates of the demand for both mental and physical health treatment … We find that the price responsiveness of ambulatory mental health visits has decreased substantially … However, the demand for both mental health and non-mental prescription drugs is substantially more price
    January 01, 2003 - consideration (16-24, 25-54, 55-64), the percentage reporting work loss days due to illness, injury, or mental … uninsured experienced a decline in the percentage reporting work loss days due to illness, injury, or mental … Sex A greater percentage of employed females reported work loss days due to illness, injury, or mental … uninsured experienced a decline in the percentage reporting work loss days due to illness, injury, or mental … Note: The percentage of employed individuals reporting work loss days due to illness, injury, or mental
    January 01, 2003 - consideration (16-24, 25-54, 55-64), the percentage reporting work loss days due to illness, injury, or mental … uninsured experienced a decline in the percentage reporting work loss days due to illness, injury, or mental … Sex A greater percentage of employed females reported work loss days due to illness, injury, or mental … uninsured experienced a decline in the percentage reporting work loss days due to illness, injury, or mental … Note: The percentage of employed individuals reporting work loss days due to illness, injury, or mental
    April 01, 2015 - The biggest increase in number of people with expenditures was for mental disorders (31.1 million to … Highlights The same five medical conditions—heart conditions, cancer, trauma-related disorders, mental … The number of people with expenses for mental disorders increased from 31 million in 2002 to 45 million … The percentage of out-of- pocket expenses was highest for the treatment of mental disorders in both 2002 … The percentage of expenses paid out of pocket (OOP) was highest for the treatment of mental disorders
    November 17, 2024 - Those in fair or poor physical health (15.1%) or mental health (17.8%) were more likely than those in … excellent physical health (3.7%) or mental health (3.5%) to lack reliable transportation … General health and mental health status (figure 3) Adults in fair or poor health were much more likely … Adults with fair or poor mental health were much more likely (17.8%) and those with good mental … (RTHLTH31) Perceived mental health status The MEPS respondent was asked to rate the mental health
    April 01, 2015 - The number of people with expenses for mental disorders increased from 31 million in 2002 to 45 million … The percentage of out-of-pocket expenses was highest for the treatment of mental disorders in both 2002 … During this period, the largest increase in expenditures was for mental disorders. … The biggest increase in number of people with expenditures was for mental disorders (31.1 million to … The percentage of expenses paid out of pocket (OOP) was highest for the treatment of mental disorders
    May 01, 2016 - These conditions (see “Definitions” section for more detail) include hypertension, hyperlipidemia, mental … The next most commonly treated conditions were mental disorders (39.2 million adults; 16.2 percent), … population in 2013, the five most prevalently treated conditions were hypertension, hyperlipidemia, mental … The three conditions with the highest out-of-pocket percentages were mental disorders (15.9 percent), … Treatment of mental disorders had the highest proportion of expenditures paid by Medicaid (23.3 percent
    May 01, 2016 - population in 2013, the five most prevalently treated conditions were hypertension, hyperlipidemia, mental … These conditions (see “Definitions” section for more detail) include hypertension, hyperlipidemia, mental … The next most commonly treated conditions were mental disorders (39.2 million adults; 16.2 percent), … The three conditions with the highest out-of-pocket percentages were mental disorders (15.9 percent), … Treatment of mental disorders had the highest proportion of expenditures paid by Medicaid (23.3 percent
    November 01, 2001 - In terms of health status, the report shows perceived health, mental health, and the presence … The pattern is repeated with perceived mental health. … The same is true for perceived mental health status. … Physical and mental health status 2. … and refer to mental health status during the first half of 1996.
    October 01, 2014 - conditions in terms of health care expenditures were heart disease, trauma-related disorders, cancer, mental … , and ranged from 40 to 60 percent of total expenditures for treatment of trauma-related disorders, mental … individuals had a lower portion of health expenses tied to prescribed medicines for the treatment of mental … In addition, expenses for the treatment of mental disorders totaled $83.6 billion with an annual mean … Of these individuals, 36.4 percent had expenses for the treatment of mental disorders relative to only
    October 01, 2014 - In addition, expenses for the treatment of mental disorders totaled $83.6 billion with an annual mean … This subset of the population also spent $34.3 billion for the treatment of mental disorders, accounting … for 41.0 percent of the overall spending on mental disorders, with an annual mean expenditure of $6,003 … Of these individuals, 36.4 percent had expenses for the treatment of mental disorders relative to only … disorders  top 5 percent COPD/asthma  top 5 percent Mental disorders  overall population 33.5
    February 01, 2012 - of health care expenditures were for treatment of heart disease, trauma-related disorders, cancer, mental … heart disease and cancer, and half of total expenditures for treatment of trauma-related disorders, mental … A lower percentage of health care expenditures associated with care for trauma-related disorders, mental … In addition, expenses for the treatment of mental disorders totaled $79.8 billion with an annual mean … Of these individuals, 37.1 percent had expenses for the treatment of mental disorders relative to only
    February 01, 2012 - of health care expenditures were for treatment of heart disease, trauma-related disorders, cancer, mental … heart disease and cancer, and half of total expenditures for treatment of trauma-related disorders, mental … A lower percentage of health care expenditures associated with care for trauma-related disorders, mental … In addition, expenses for the treatment of mental disorders totaled $79.8 billion with an annual mean … Of these individuals, 37.1 percent had expenses for the treatment of mental disorders relative to only
    February 01, 2012 - health care expenditures were for treatment of heart disease, trauma-related disorders, cancer, mental … of health care expenditures were for treatment of heart disease, trauma-related disorders, cancer, mental … In addition, expenses for the treatment of mental disorders totaled $79.8 billion with an annual mean … Of these individuals, 37.1 percent had expenses for the treatment of mental disorders relative to only … disorders − top 5 percent COPD/asthma − top 5 percent Mental disorders − overall population 27.7
    November 01, 2001 - Over three-quarters (77.1 percent) of women ages 18-29 had excellent or very good mental health. … The pattern is repeated with perceived mental health. … The same is true for perceived mental health status. … These patterns did not necessarily hold for women in fair or poor mental health. … Perceived Health and Mental Health Status The respondent was asked to rate the health and mental health
    January 01, 1999 - consideration (16-24, 25-54, 55-64), the percentage reporting work loss days due to illness, injury, or mental … percentage of employed females reported work loss days over the five-year period due to illness, injury, or mental … uninsured experienced a decline in the percentage reporting work loss days due to illness, injury, or mental … consideration (16-24, 25-54, 55-64), the percentage reporting work loss days due to illness, injury, or mental
    A greater percentage of employed females reported work loss days due to illness, injury, or mental
    January 01, 2007 - types of office-based health care visits--general checkup, diagnosis or treatment, and psychotherapy or mental … lower in the Northeast than in the Midwest, South, or West; and the mean out-of pocket expense for a mental … A visit related to diagnosis or treatment of a medical condition was $155.28, and a mental health visit …

    There were no significant differences by region in the average total expense of a mental

    The mean out-of pocket expense for a mental health visit was lower in the Midwest than the
    April 01, 2015 - Highlights The same five medical conditions—heart conditions, cancer, trauma-related disorders, mental … The number of people with expenses for mental disorders increased from 31 million in 2002 to 45 million … The percentage of out-of-pocket expenses was highest for the treatment of mental disorders in both 2002 … The biggest increase in number of people with expenditures was for mental disorders (31.1 million to … The percentage of expenses paid out of pocket (OOP) was highest for the treatment of mental disorders
    June 11, 2014 - Size:   Search MEPS S M L XL   Publication Details Title:    Expenditures for Treatment of Mental … percent of U.S. children ages 5–17 (about 5.0 million children) received some type(s) of treatment for mental … Quality Source:    Web Only MEPS Topics:    Children's Health , Health Insurance -- Coverage , Mental
    March 25, 2011 - M L XL   Publication Details Title:    Health Care Expenditures for Adults Ages 18-64 with a Mental … approximately 23.9 million adults ages 18 to 64 in the U.S. civilian noninstitutionalized population with a mental … Topics:    Health Care Costs/Expenditures , Health Insurance -- Coverage , Medical Expenditures , Mental

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