March 01, 2007 - PhD
Five medical conditions--heart disease, cancer, trauma-related disorders, mental … The biggest increase in the number of people accounting for expenses was for mental disorders. … Cancer, pulmonary conditions, and mental disorders were comparable at 6.9 percent, 6.4 percent, and 6.1 … The biggest increase in people accounting for expenditures was for mental disorders (23.9 million and … Medicare payments were lowest for mental health disorders (13.5 percent).
March 01, 2007 - PhD
Five medical conditions--heart disease, cancer, trauma-related disorders, mental … The biggest increase in the number of people accounting for expenses was for mental disorders. … Cancer, pulmonary conditions, and mental disorders were comparable at 6.9 percent, 6.4 percent, and 6.1 … The biggest increase in people accounting for expenditures was for mental disorders (23.9 million and … Medicare payments were lowest for mental health disorders (13.5 percent).
April 01, 2015 - During this period, the largest increase in expenditures was for mental
disorders. … The expenditures for mental disorders rose from $58.6 billion in 2002
(in 2012 dollars) to $83.6 billion … The biggest increase
in number of people with expenditures was for mental disorders (31.1 million to … The number of people with
expenses for mental
disorders increased from
31 million in 2002 to 45
million … The percentage of expenses paid out of pocket (OOP) was highest for the treatment of mental disorders
March 01, 2013 - The most
commonly treated conditions of this group included mental disorders,
asthma/chronic obstructive … Findings
The most common medical conditions among women ages 18–39 in
2009 included mental disorders, … Among women ages 18–39, 6.4 million had expenses for mental
disorders (figure 1). … The next highest
average expense was for mental disorders at $1,911. … The
next highest was for mental disorders at $12.1 billion.
April 01, 2015 - The highest total expense ($13.9 billion) was for the treatment of mental disorders. … The highest average per child expense was for the treatment of mental disorders ($2,195). … The five most costly conditions among children (mental disorders, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease … The highest expenditures among children were for the treatment of mental disorders (figure 1). … A total of $13.9 billion was spent to treat mental disorders among those ages 0–17.
December 01, 2011 - The total expenditures for treating children's mental disorders were $12.2 billion, with an average of … About 4.9 million children were treated for mental disorders, the fifth most common condition. … Although it was the least common among the top five treated conditions, the average expenditure on mental … Of these top five, total expenditures were highest for mental disorders at $12.2 billion, followed by … About one-third of the expenses for treatment of mental disorders was for prescription medications (33.6
December 01, 2011 - The total expenditures for treating children's mental disorders were $12.2 billion, with an average of … About 4.9 million children were treated for mental disorders, the fifth most common condition. … Although it was the least common among the top five treated conditions, the average expenditure on mental … Of these top five, total expenditures were highest for mental disorders at $12.2 billion, followed by … About one-third of the expenses for treatment of mental disorders was for prescription medications (33.6
July 01, 2004 - The pattern was similar for perceived mental health status. … Percent with workdays lost due to illness, injury, or mental or emotional problems
2. … Mean workdays lost due to illness, injury, or mental or emotional problems
3. … Percent with schooldays lost due to illness, injury, or mental or emotional problems
6. … A similar question
is asked about mental health status.
December 01, 2011 - five most
common conditions (acute bronchitis*, asthma*, trauma-related disorders,
otitis media, and mental … About 4.9
million children were treated for mental disorders, the fifth most common
condition. … Of these top five, total expenditures were
highest for mental disorders at $12.2 billion, followed by … ● The total expenditures for
treating children's mental
disorders were $12.2 billion, … About one-third of the expenses for treatment
of mental disorders was for prescription medications (
February 01, 2024 - Young adults with fair or poor physical or mental health reported ever having used an
electronic … The estimates are presented by age, sex, race/ethnicity, perceived physical and mental
health … General health and mental health status (figure 4)
Young adults in fair or poor general health were … Young adults in worse mental health were
more likely to report having used an electronic nicotine … Perceived mental health status
The MEPS respondent was asked to rate the mental health of each person
July 01, 2004 - The pattern was similar for perceived mental health status. … Percent with workdays lost due to illness, injury, or mental or emotional problems
2. … Mean workdays lost due to illness, injury, or mental or emotional problems
3. … Percent with schooldays lost due to illness, injury, or mental or emotional problems
6. … A similar question
is asked about mental health status.
July 01, 2004 - The pattern was similar for perceived mental health status. … Percent with workdays lost due to illness, injury, or mental or emotional problems
2. … Mean workdays lost due to illness, injury, or mental or emotional problems
3. … Percent with schooldays lost due to illness, injury, or mental or emotional problems
6. … A similar question
is asked about mental health status.
July 01, 2004 - The pattern was similar for perceived mental health status. … Percent with workdays lost due to illness, injury, or mental or emotional problems
2. … Mean workdays lost due to illness, injury, or mental or emotional problems
3. … Percent with schooldays lost due to illness, injury, or mental or emotional problems
6. … A similar question
is asked about mental health status.
July 01, 2004 - The pattern was similar for perceived mental health status. … Percent with workdays lost due to illness, injury, or mental or emotional problems
2. … Mean workdays lost due to illness, injury, or mental or emotional problems
3. … Percent with schooldays lost due to illness, injury, or mental or emotional problems
6. … A similar question
is asked about mental health status.
August 01, 2012 - The five most commonly treated conditions—hypertension, hyperlipidemia, osteoarthritis, mental disorders … About 17.4 million people in this age group were treated for osteoarthritis, 16.6 million for mental … Of these five, total expenditures were higher for osteoarthritis ($29.5 billion), mental disorders ($27.4 … The share paid out-of-pocket was higher for hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and mental disorders than for … For this Statistical Brief, the following CCS codes were used: hyperlipidemia 053; mental disorders 650
August 01, 2012 - The five most
commonly treated conditions—hypertension, hyperlipidemia, osteoarthritis, mental disorders … About 17.4 million people in this age group
were treated for osteoarthritis, 16.6 million for mental … Of these five, total
expenditures were higher for osteoarthritis ($29.5 billion), mental disorders ( … The share paid out-of-pocket was higher for hypertension,
hyperlipidemia, and mental disorders than … For this Statistical
Brief, the following CCS codes were used: hyperlipidemia 053; mental disorders
March 01, 2007 - These top five conditions—heart
disease, cancer, trauma-related disorders, mental disorders, and
pulmonary … Cancer, pulmonary conditions, and mental disord
comparable at 6.9 percent, 6.4 percent, and 6.1 percent … The biggest increase in people accounting for expenditures was for mental
disorders (23.9 million and … Medicare payments were lowest for mental health disorders (13.5 percent). … Of these top five most costly conditions, private insurance paid the lowest for treatment of mental
July 01, 2004 - proportion of the population (ages 16-64) with
workdays lost due to physical illness, injury, or a mental … percent of females and 34.6
percent of males had workdays lost due to physical
illness, injury, or a mental … Percent with workdays lost due to illness, injury, or mental or emotional problems. . . . . . . . . . … The pattern was similar for
perceived mental health status. … A similar question is asked about mental health
October 01, 2022 - total
health care spending in 2019 was highest for heart disease and
lowest for hyperlipidemia and mental … Out-of-pocket payments as a share of annual treatment expenses
were higher for mental disorders than … pain and back pain), (d) nervous
system disorders, (e) heart disease, (f) diabetes, (g) cancer, (h) mental … Finally, home healthcare accounted for the
largest share of spending on treatment for mental disorders … Out-of-pocket
payments were highest for mental disorders (19.1 percent) followed by
nervous system
October 01, 2022 - 2019 was highest for
heart disease and lowest for hyperlipidemia and mental … In addition, the total annual spending for
treating mental disorders, one … healthcare accounted for the largest
share of spending on treatment for mental … In comparison, the private insurance share
ranged from 8.3 percent for mental … Out-of-pocket payments were highest for mental disorders (19.1