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    July 01, 2009 - The number of people accounting for expenses for mental disorders almost doubled from 19.3 million to … During this period, the largest increase in expenditures was for mental disorders and trauma-related … The expenditures for mental disorders rose from $35.2 billion in 1996 (in 2006 dollars) to 57.5 billion … Of these five conditions, out-of-pocket payments were highest for the treatment of mental disorders in … of mental disorders in 2006 were also used in calculations for 1996 mental disorders.
    July 01, 2009 - The number of people accounting for expenses for mental disorders almost doubled from 19.3 million to … During this period, the largest increase in expenditures was for mental disorders and trauma-related … The expenditures for mental disorders rose from $35.2 billion in 1996 (in 2006 dollars) to 57.5 billion … Of these five conditions, out-of-pocket payments were highest for the treatment of mental disorders in … of mental disorders in 2006 were also used in calculations for 1996 mental disorders.
    April 01, 2009 - The five most costly conditions for  children (mental disorders, asthma*, trauma­related disorders, … The highest expenditures were for care and treatment of mental disorders. … Total expenditures to treat mental disorders were $8.9 billion. … The number of children treated for mental disorders and infectious diseases totaled 4.6 million and … � The highest expense was  reported to treat mental disorders ($8.9 billion).
    April 01, 2014 - These conditions (mental disorders; asthma/chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD); trauma-related … The highest expenditure total was for care and treatment of mental disorders in children. … Total expenditures to treat mental disorders were $13.8 billion (figure 1). … There were 5.6 million children who were treated for mental disorders (figure 2). … Mean expenditures per child with expenses were highest for mental disorders ($2,465) (figure 3).
    April 01, 2014 - Of the five most costly conditions for children, mental disorders affected the fewest children but had … The highest expenditure total was for care and treatment of mental disorders in children. … Total expenditures to treat mental disorders were $13.8 billion (figure 1). … There were 5.6 million children who were treated for mental disorders (figure 2). … Mean expenditures per child with expenses were highest for mental disorders ($2,465) (figure 3).
    April 01, 2006 - Details Title:    Screening for Depression Using the PHQ-2: Changes over Time in Conjunction with Mental … This study examined changes in the PHQ-2 over time, stratifying by receipt of mental health treatment … Purchase of antidepressant medication and receipt of ambulatory mental health care were assessed for … Results: At each time point, 83 percent scored below PHQ-2 depression threshold and had no mental health … treatment; 8 percent scored below the threshold and reported some mental health treatment; 6% were above
    April 01, 2009 - The highest expense was reported to treat mental disorders ($8.9 billion). … Medicaid paid for more than one third of the expenditures for mental disorders (35.2 percent) and asthma … The highest expenditures were for care and treatment of mental disorders. … Total expenditures to treat mental disorders were $8.9 billion. … In terms of mean expenditures per child with expenses, the mean expenditures were highest for mental
    April 01, 2009 - The highest expense was reported to treat mental disorders ($8.9 billion). … Medicaid paid for more than one third of the expenditures for mental disorders (35.2 percent) and asthma … The highest expenditures were for care and treatment of mental disorders. … Total expenditures to treat mental disorders were $8.9 billion. … In terms of mean expenditures per child with expenses, the mean expenditures were highest for mental
    April 01, 2009 - The highest expense was reported to treat mental disorders ($8.9 billion). … Medicaid paid for more than one third of the expenditures for mental disorders (35.2 percent) and asthma … The highest expenditures were for care and treatment of mental disorders. … Total expenditures to treat mental disorders were $8.9 billion. … In terms of mean expenditures per child with expenses, the mean expenditures were highest for mental
    September 01, 2012 - The five most commonly treated conditions—trauma, asthma, mental disorders, acute bronchitis, and skin … Asthma and mental disorders were the next most common conditions with estimates of 3.7 and 3.6 million … The average expenditure per person with expenses for mental disorders ($3,006) was higher than for asthma … Medicaid paid for about one-third of expenses for mental disorders (32.8 percent) but ranged from only … For this Statistical Brief, the following CCS codes were used: mental disorders, 651–652, 654–655, 657
    September 01, 2012 - The five most commonly treated conditions—trauma, asthma, mental disorders, acute bronchitis, and skin … commonly treated conditions among men ages 18–39 in 2009 included trauma- related disorders, asthma*, mental … Asthma and mental disorders were the next most common conditions with estimates of 3.7 and 3.6 million … Of these five, total expenditures were higher for mental disorders ($10.8 billion) and trauma ($8.6 … Medicaid paid for about one-third of expenses for mental disorders (32.8 percent) but ranged from only
    September 01, 2012 - The five most commonly treated conditions—trauma, asthma, mental disorders, acute bronchitis, and skin … Asthma and mental disorders were the next most common conditions with estimates of 3.7 and 3.6 million … The average expenditure per person with expenses for mental disorders ($3,006) was higher than for asthma … Medicaid paid for about one-third of expenses for mental disorders (32.8 percent) but ranged from only … For this Statistical Brief, the following CCS codes were used: mental disorders, 651–652, 654–655, 657
    February 01, 2024 - The estimates are presented by age, sex, race/ethnicity, perceived physical and mental health status … ■ Young adults with fair or poor physical or mental health reported ever having used an electronic … General health and mental health status (figure 4) Young adults in fair or poor general health were … product compared to 25.1 percent of those reporting excellent mental health. … Perceived mental health status The MEPS respondent was asked to rate the mental health of each person
    May 01, 2005 - Rhoades, PhD Highlights Five medical conditions--heart conditions, cancer, trauma, mental … Medical expenditures (in 2002 dollars) increased the most for mental disorders ($11.3 billion) and pulmonary … These five conditions--heart conditions, cancer, trauma, mental disorders, and pulmonary conditions-- … During this period, medical expenditures (in 2002 dollars) increased the most for mental disorders ($11.3 … The largest percentage increase during this period was for mental disorders (55.0 percent, 20.1 to 31.2
    May 01, 2005 - Rhoades, PhD Highlights Five medical conditions--heart conditions, cancer, trauma, mental … Medical expenditures (in 2002 dollars) increased the most for mental disorders ($11.3 billion) and pulmonary … These five conditions--heart conditions, cancer, trauma, mental disorders, and pulmonary conditions-- … During this period, medical expenditures (in 2002 dollars) increased the most for mental disorders ($11.3 … The largest percentage increase during this period was for mental disorders (55.0 percent, 20.1 to 31.2
    May 01, 2005 - Rhoades, PhD Highlights Five medical conditions--heart conditions, cancer, trauma, mental … Medical expenditures (in 2002 dollars) increased the most for mental disorders ($11.3 billion) and pulmonary … These five conditions--heart conditions, cancer, trauma, mental disorders, and pulmonary conditions-- … During this period, medical expenditures (in 2002 dollars) increased the most for mental disorders ($11.3 … The largest percentage increase during this period was for mental disorders (55.0 percent, 20.1 to 31.2
    May 01, 2005 - These five conditions— heart conditions, cancer, trauma, mental disorders, and pulmonary conditions—were … affecting the U.S. community population in 1997 and 2002 included heart conditions, cancer, trauma, mental … During this period, medical expenditures (in 2002 dollars) increased the most for mental disorders … Average Highlights � Five medical conditions —heart conditions, cancer, trauma, mental disorders … � Medical expenditures (in 2002 dollars) increased the most for mental disorders ($11.3 billion
    March 01, 2013 - Findings The most common medical conditions among women ages 18–39 in 2009 included mental disorders … Among women ages 18–39, 6.4 million had expenses for mental disorders (figure 1). … The next highest average expense was for mental disorders at $1,911. … The next highest was for mental disorders at $12.1 billion. … The greatest portions of expenditures for mental disorders went to prescription medicines, ambulatory
    January 01, 1999 - consideration (16–24, 25–54, 55–64), the percentage reporting work loss days due to illness, injury, or mental … uninsured experienced a decline in the percentage reporting work loss days due to illness, injury, or mental … consideration (16–24, 25–54, 55–64), the percentage reporting work loss days due to illness, injury, or mental … Sex A greater percentage of employed females reported work loss days due to illness, injury, or mental … Note: The percentage of employed individuals reporting work loss days due to illness, injury, or mental
    March 01, 2007 - Highlights Five medical conditions--heart disease, cancer, trauma-related disorders, mental … The biggest increase in the number of people accounting for expenses was for mental disorders. … Cancer, pulmonary conditions, and mental disorders were comparable at 6.9 percent, 6.4 percent, and 6.1 … The biggest increase in people accounting for expenditures was for mental disorders (23.9 million and … Medicare payments were lowest for mental health disorders (13.5 percent).

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