July 01, 2009 - current job to report a limitation in their ability to work because of an impairment or a physical or mental … job to report a limitation in their ability to work at a job because of impairments or physical or mental … more likely to report being limited in their major activities because of impairments or physical or mental … respondent to be limited in any way in the ability to work at a job because of impairments or physical or mental … in the ability to work at a job, do housework, or go to school because of impairments or physical or mental
July 28, 2009 - current job to report a limitation in
their ability to work because of an
impairment or a physical or mental … job to report a limitation in their ability to
work at a job because of impairments or physical or mental … more likely to report being
limited in their major activities because of impairments or physical or mental … respondent to be limited in any way in the ability to work
at a job because of impairments or physical or mental … the
ability to work at a job, do housework, or go to school because of impairments or physical or mental
July 01, 2009 - current job to report a limitation in their ability to work because of an impairment or a physical or mental … job to report a limitation in their ability to work at a job because of impairments or physical or mental … more likely to report being limited in their major activities because of impairments or physical or mental … respondent to be limited in any way in the ability to work at a job because of impairments or physical or mental … in the ability to work at a job, do housework, or go to school because of impairments or physical or mental
July 01, 2011 - For women, mental disorders and trauma-
related disorders were third and fourth followed by osteoarthritis … Trauma-related disorders and
osteoarthritis were third and fourth followed by mental disorders, diabetes … The expenditures for the treatment of mental disorders, asthma, and
osteoarthritis were higher for women … different rank order) were the
same for men and women age
18 years and older—
heart disease, cancer, mental … For mental
disorders, there were nearly twice as many women with related expenses as men (21.4 million
January 01, 2009 - section is the first among these
sections and asks respondents to identify any specific physical or mental … 242
Allergic reactions
Mental … 253
Allergic reactions
Mental … please include any time when this occurred because of (PERSON)s
physical illness or injury, or a mental … Include any
time when a half day or more was missed because of a physical illness or
injury, or a mental
September 30, 1997 - SHOW
MENTAL DISABILITIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . … . . . . . 1
DISABILITIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . … . . . . . . . . 2
DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES . . . . . . . . . . . … Disabilities
Children with Physical/Mental Disabilities
Persons with Mental Retardation or Developmental … Disabilities
Children with Physical/Mental Disabilities
Persons with Mental Retardation or Developmental
March 01, 2005 - were much more likely than those in the bottom half of the distribution to report their physical or mental … Similarly, 21 percent of persons in the top 5 percent of the expenditure distribution were in fair or poor mental … Perceived health status, 2002
Physical - Fair/Poor Physical - Good/Very Good/Excellent Mental - … Fair/Poor Mental - Good/Very Good/Excellent
Top 5% 45% 55% 21% 79%
Bottom 50% 4% 96% 3%
March 01, 2005 - were much more likely than those in the bottom half of the distribution to report their physical or mental … Similarly, 21 percent of persons in the top 5 percent of the expenditure distribution were in fair or poor mental … Perceived health status, 2002
Physical - Fair/Poor Physical - Good/Very Good/Excellent Mental - … Fair/Poor Mental - Good/Very Good/Excellent
Top 5% 45% 55% 21% 79%
Bottom 50% 4% 96% 3%
August 01, 1999 - , 41.2 percent of
children in fair or poor general health and 43.9 percent
of those in fair or poor mental … The same was true for mental health (11.5
percent versus 28.2 percent). … • To be in fair or poor mental health (22.8 percent vs.
11.4 percent).
• To need ADL or IADL … Data for 1996 show that people
in poor general or mental health and people with
limitations or in need … A similar question is asked
about mental health status.
March 01, 2005 - were much more likely than those in the bottom half of the distribution to report their physical or mental … Similarly, 21 percent of persons in the top 5 percent of the expenditure distribution were in fair or poor mental … Physical - Fair/Poor
Physical - Good/Very Good/Excellent
Mental … - Fair/Poor
Mental - Good/Very Good/Excellent
Top 5%
August 01, 2015 - Census Bureau, Data on Veterans: http://www.census.gov/hhes/veterans/data/
For more information about mental … health disorders, see the following:
CDC Mental Health FastStats: http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/ … mental-health.htm
Suggested Citation
Robinson-Haley, P. and Zibman, C. … publications/mr22/mr22.pdf
March 01, 2011 - Trauma
was by far the most common first-listed condition among ER visits (27 percent) while mental disorders … among types of conditions reported for OB visits, with the five most common
conditions (hypertension, mental … Reported in Different Settings (among visits with conditions), 2008
Hypertension (8.5%) Mental … Disorders (14.7%) Trauma (27.2%)
Mental Disorders (6.8%) Cancer (13.2%) COPD, Asthma (7.5%)
March 01, 2011 - Trauma was by far the most common first-listed condition among ER visits (27 percent) while mental disorders … among types of conditions reported for OB visits, with the five most common conditions (hypertension, mental … Different Settings (among visits with conditions), 2008
Hypertension (8.5%)
Mental … Disorders (14.7%)
Trauma (27.2%)
Mental Disorders (6.8%)
Cancer (13.2%)
COPD, Asthma (7.5%
March 01, 2011 - Trauma was by far the most common first-listed condition among ER visits (27 percent) while mental disorders … among types of conditions reported for OB visits, with the five most common conditions (hypertension, mental … Different Settings (among visits with conditions), 2008
Hypertension (8.5%)
Mental … Disorders (14.7%)
Trauma (27.2%)
Mental Disorders (6.8%)
Cancer (13.2%)
COPD, Asthma (7.5%
August 01, 1999 - is enrolled in Medicaid
is associated with the state of both the child's general and mental … of children in fair or poor general health
and 43.9 percent of those in fair or poor mental … nearly six times as likely as
the total population this age to be in poor mental … Data for 1996 show that people in poor general or mental
health and people with … A similar question
is asked about mental health status.
February 01, 2008 - ).
or injury right away, for needing and getting specialty care, and the physical and mental … : Table 3
Two measures of health status were examined; a self-assessment of general physical and mental … Reported general mental health status, however, was quite similar. … Health status: Table 3
English-proficient Hispanic adults reported similar general health and mental … The self-assessment
measures of general physical health status and of general mental health status are
February 01, 2008 - : Table 3
Two measures of health status were examined; a self-assessment of general physical and mental … Reported general mental health status, however, was quite similar. … The physical and mental health component mean scores were close to each other and to the national average … Health status: Table 3
English-proficient Hispanic adults reported similar general health and mental … The self-assessment measures of general physical health status and of general mental health status are
February 01, 2008 - : Table 3
Two measures of health status were examined; a self-assessment of general physical and mental … Reported general mental health status, however, was quite similar. … The physical and mental health component mean scores were close to each other and to the national average … Health status: Table 3
English-proficient Hispanic adults reported similar general health and mental … The self-assessment measures of general physical health status and of general mental health status are
April 16, 2014 - exams and prescription glasses or contact lenses
Counseling and other care from psychologists or mental
September 01, 2012 - Prescribed drugs are commonly used to treat mental health disorders; and the Affordable Care Act will … expand mental health insurance coverage. … Statistical Briefs, #357 and #358, present estimates of expenditures for prescribed medicines to treat mental