July 15, 2011 - For women, mental disorders and trauma-related disorders were third and fourth followed by osteoarthritis … Care Disparities , Health Insurance -- Coverage , Medical Expenditures , Medicare/Medicaid/SCHIP , Mental
July 01, 2004 - � Total annual expenditures
for prescribed drugs re
ported by households to
treat mental health … Mental health disorders $14.3 billion
3. Diabetes $9.5 billion
4. Asthma $9.0 billion
5. … In 1987, prescribed drugs reported as purchased to treat mental heath disorders ranked sixth in total … Comparatively, in 2001, prescribed drugs reported to treat mental health disorders
ranked second in … using data from the 1987 and 2001
Total annual expenditures for prescription drugs reported to treat mental
March 01, 2011 - STATISTICAL BRIEF #319
March 2011
Health Care Expenditures for Adults Ages 18-64 with a Mental … expenditure distributions by type of service and source of payments for adults ages 18–64 with a mental … Definitions
Mental Health or Substance Abuse (MHSA) Condition
This Brief analyzes adults … Trends in Mental Health Services Use and Spending, 1987–1996. … Health Care Expenditures for Adults Ages 18–64 with a Mental Health or Substance Abuse Related
June 01, 2021 - In 2018, an estimated 11.8 percent of adults
aged 65 or older experienced any mental illness in the … experiencing at least one major
depressive episode in the past year and the percentage experiencing serious
mental … The percentage of adults living in middle- or high-income
families experiencing any mental illness in … statistically significant at the 0.05 level unless otherwise noted.
1 Substance Abuse and Mental … Rockville, MD: Center for
Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality, Substance Abuse and Mental Health
June 01, 2021 - In 2018, an estimated 11.8 percent of adults aged 65 or older
experienced any mental illness … depressive episode in the past year and the percentage
experiencing serious mental … The percentage of adults living in
middle- or high-income families experiencing any mental … , Mailstop 07W41A
Rockville, MD 20857
[1] Substance Abuse and
Mental … Rockville, MD: Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and
Quality, Substance Abuse and Mental
January 01, 2005 - The underlying concept is that
overall health is composed of a physical and a mental
component. … The Mental Component Summary (MCS) weights
responses to items 6-9 more heavily. … Age-
related differences in mental health status showed no
clear trend across age. … People aged 55-74 had
significantly higher mental health scores than those
aged 18-24. … Differences in mental health
were not statistically significant.
July 01, 2004 - Total annual expenditures for prescribed drugs reported by households to treat mental health conditions … Mental health disorders
$14.3 billion
3. …
In 1987, prescribed drugs reported as purchased to treat mental heath disorders ranked sixth … Comparatively, in 2001, prescribed drugs reported to treat mental health disorders ranked second in total … Total annual prescription medicine expenditures households reported as purchased for mental health conditions
June 01, 2001 - In 1996, individuals with neither
functional disability nor mental
conditions had lower annual expenses … Residents
with other mental conditions had
the lowest total annual expenses
for both years. … While
annual expenses per resident for
those with no mental conditions
increased by 55% (slightly less … • Residents with no mental
conditions had the lowest annual
nursing home expenses per
resident of any … conditions
than it paid for residents with
dementia or other mental
conditions in either year.
January 01, 2022 - )
New in 2018, this section assesses the impact of any physical illness, injury, or mental … )
New in 2018, this section assesses the impact of any physical illness, injury, or mental … It then identifies specific physical and mental health conditions, accidents, or injuries affecting each … CN – Conditions (CN)
This section collects additional information about physical and mental … The Disability Days section assesses the impact of any physical illness, injury, or mental
January 01, 2022 - )
New in 2018, this section assesses the impact of any physical illness, injury, or mental … )
New in 2018, this section assesses the impact of any physical illness, injury, or mental … It then identifies specific physical and mental health conditions, accidents, or injuries affecting each … CN – Conditions (CN)
This section collects additional information about physical and mental … The Disability Days section assesses the impact of any physical illness, injury, or mental
July 01, 2004 - Total annual expenditures for prescribed drugs reported by households to treat mental health conditions … Mental health disorders
$14.3 billion
3. Diabetes
$9.5 billion
4. … In 1987, prescribed drugs reported as purchased to treat mental heath disorders ranked sixth in total … Comparatively, in 2001, prescribed drugs reported to treat mental health disorders ranked second in total … Total annual prescription medicine expenditures households reported as purchased for mental health conditions
July 01, 2004 - Total annual expenditures for prescribed drugs reported by households to treat mental health conditions … Mental health disorders
$14.3 billion
3. Diabetes
$9.5 billion
4. … In 1987, prescribed drugs reported as purchased to treat mental heath disorders ranked sixth in total … Comparatively, in 2001, prescribed drugs reported to treat mental health disorders ranked second in total … Total annual prescription medicine expenditures households reported as purchased for mental health conditions
March 25, 2019 - Rehabilitation
Research (NCMRR), Health Resources and Services Administration, Substance Abuse and Mental … MEPS asks about difficulties due to an impairment or physical or mental health problem. … We are interested in difficulties due to an impairment or a
physical or mental health problem. … NHIS
Family-style screener question (age 3 and over):
• Because of a physical, mental, or … We are interested in difficulties due to an impairment or a
physical or mental health problem.
December 01, 2021 - Employment status
Insurance coverage
Poverty status
Perceived health status
Perceived mental … Employment status
Insurance coverage
Poverty status
Perceived health status
Perceived mental
A treatment technique for certain forms of mental disorders … MENTAL HEALTH COUNSELOR/MARRIAGE OR FAMILY THERAPIST –
A mental health counselor is a person trained … An ailment is a mild mental or physical disorder. … Health problems may be either physical or mental. … PSYCHOTHERAPY OR MENTAL HEALTH COUNSELING –
A treatment technique for certain forms of mental disorders
A treatment technique for certain forms of mental disorders … MENTAL HEALTH COUNSELOR/MARRIAGE OR FAMILY THERAPIST –
A mental health counselor is a person trained … An ailment is a mild mental or physical disorder. … Health problems may be either physical or mental. … PSYCHOTHERAPY OR MENTAL HEALTH COUNSELING –
A treatment technique for certain forms of mental disorders
November 01, 2021 - Prescription antidepressants are widely prescribed to treat a
variety of mental … an estimated 11.8 percent of elderly adults
aged 65 or older experienced any mental … and 2018, the percentage of middle- or high-income
adults experiencing any mental … depressive episode in the past year and the
percentage experiencing serious mental … [1]
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services
January 01, 2009 - section is the first among these
sections and asks respondents to identify any specific physical or mental … 2,177,129 186,994 47
253 Allergic reactions 8,230,755 427,283 30 6,624,015 365,856 29
650–670 Mental … please include
any time when this occurred because of (PERSON)’s physical illness or injury, or a mental … : Include any time when a half day or more was missed because of a physical illness or injury, or a mental … half day or more of school (or day care) was missed because of a physical illness or
injury, or a mental
December 01, 2000 - Functional and mental health status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . … for residents with dementia but no other mental
disorder ($27,098). … Residents with no
mental disorder had only 36 percent of their annual
expenses paid for by Medicaid, … a smaller portion than
for residents with some type of mental disorder. … Annual expenses of nursing home residents by functional and mental
health status: United States, 1996
November 01, 2021 - Introduction
Prescription antidepressants are widely prescribed to treat a variety of
mental health … In 2018, an
estimated 11.8 percent of elderly adults aged 65 or older experienced any
mental illness … Between 2013 and 2018, the percentage of
middle- or high-income adults experiencing any mental illness … experiencing
at least one major depressive episode in the past year and the percentage
experiencing serious mental … out-of-pocket
expenditures, and third-party expenditures for individuals purchasing at
1 Substance Abuse and Mental